Monday, October 6, 2008

8 Steps to Changing Your Focus

Good Morning Everyone,

We're going to work on deliberate focus today and perhaps for a few weeks to come.

I know, the news is really competing for your focus and attention, big time. You almost can't avoid it, unless you put yourself into a cave. But we're not advocating that. What we're going to be doing over the next few weeks is showing you how to be the one to choose your own focus and therefore your own vibration and how to be a selective sifter of the information that you are viewing. We're NOT going to let the time and tides dictate your vibration. You get to choose.

This is going to take application and practice on your part for it to be effective in your life. The point of this, is to feel good, keep feeling good and optimistic, and to keep moving forward in the goals and projects you have in process and or to help you choose your new direction and focus and stay consistently and deliberately focused on what you choose.

So let's get started.

Let's begin with the headlines of any news media. Today for example, on Yahoo, it is all about the
Dow. And they give you just enough information to set your teeth on edge. Thanks, right?

Ok. What can you do with that information? Here's what I recommend:

1. You can simply bless the information. A sort of "thanks for sharing" type of thing. This is not getting yourself involved in it or reading any further; yet it probably still rankles and causes you some level of concern. You feel some dis-ease. What we want to do is change that dis-ease, into something that feels better to you right then and there.

2. So you feel that knot in your stomach and acknowledge it as fear. You might say to yourself, "This is scary." "I'm worried." or anything similar. What is important is to truly feel that feeling and acknowledge it. "Yep, I'm scared about this economic thing. I'm worried about what this could mean for my family, my job, etc." Be specific. Be clear. Be Truthful with yourself.

3. Now. Breathe deeply. Do it again. Breathe deeply. Again, if you need to to calm, even a tad.

4. Now you're going to reach for some better feeling thoughts about this. You might say things like, "In the past, things have gone up and down, and they always work out." or "There are lots of ways for money to come to me, my job is only one way, out of an infinite number of ways."
or "Isn't this interesting. I'm wondering if now just might be the time for me to follow that hunch I had the other day with respect to..." or "I know that my good is at play." You keep reaching for thoughts that ease that knot in your stomach. When you find it, and you can viscerally and literally feel the ease and relief, you've just changed your vibration on that subject.

5. Now you stabilize yourself there. Breathe in deeply. Relax into the new, better feeling place.

6. Now count your blessings. Let's tally up all the "haves" in your life. And I mean ALL of your "haves". You have your health, you have access to Internet, you have .....and keep on going. Do this every single day without repeating anything twice.

7. Now feeling better, choose deliberately to turn your focus of attention - your nuclear Source Energy - to what feels correct and right and fun for you to proceed with today, and give it your Full Focus. Is it your new book? Is it a new customer? You know where your good is, so follow it. Don't be tempted to look at the ick. It has nothing to do with you, unless you make it so.

8. Don't look back. Remember the story of Lot's wife who was turned into a pillar of salt when she looked back? Well, don't do it. Keep looking forward and upward. Keep working on that thought until it has become really positive and you have no fear about the subject of this economic turmoil.

These are the times when we are challenged to NOT look at all the icky stuff, but rather keep our eyes focused on what we desire to create, not what is. This is applied spirituality in action.

Next blog...being a selective sifter.

Thanks for reading!


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting a constructive how to feel better advice post it is important to keep this information out there & repeated. it is far to easy to slip back into the old negative patterns of thinking when you are new to deliberate creation. posts like yours are a timely reminder that is it actually easy, as easy as we choose to make it for ourselves to deliberately intend to "feel" better feeling feelings, & thus feel better.

October 12, 2008 at 5:39 PM  
Blogger Kath said...

Thanks for your feedback, Helen. Applying the steps is where the magic is. Stay tuned more to come. These are fun and exciting times to become the master that you already are. Kath

October 12, 2008 at 7:23 PM  

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