Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Staying In Well Being - #3

Hello Everyone,

This is the third blog in a series devoted to helping your keep your eyes and therefore your internal state in Well Being.

Obviously this is going to require a bit of discipline on your part. You cannot be slipping in those talk shows, reality shows and daily infusions of CNN until you have become a selective sifter, and that doesn't happen overnight.

These blogs are designed to help you in the short run from falling off the cliff into the abyss of anxiety and despair. Please, we don't want you jumping, for heaven's sake. But sometimes it can be all you can manage just to peel your eyes and ears away from the train wreck.

I wonder about that. Why is it that we cannot pass a car accident on the freeway or road kill without having to look at it? It's the same thing. You read a headline of bad news and then continue on to read the whole article - let's have more poison!

Ok. This week your assignment is to pull your eyes and ears away from anything and everything that causes you fear, anxiety, distress, heart palpitations, whatever awful feeling.
You cannot dwell there. You have to remove your focus within 5 seconds of realizing this is not good for you. Actually, I dare you to not look.

Lots of folks are going to say this is the head-in-the-sand approach to life. Let them. For now, when you're a beginner at Well Being, you have to take drastic measures. And the first thing is to get yourself back into balance and feeling centered in Self and strong. You can't do that when you're thinking you've just lost your kid's college fund or your retirement.

Here's the deal. Does it do any good to go there? Is there anything you can do about it right now? Ok. So once you've looked, you've got the information, you've got 5 seconds to change the channel. And change the channel you must. Here's your process:

1. Take in the information and feel your reaction.
2. If negative in anyway, you have 5 seconds to change the channel. This may literally be changing the channel on the car radio or on the TV. You might even consider turning it OFF.
3. Breathe. Sit with it and breathe while you're having your worst thought. Keep bloody well breathing as deeply as possible.
4. Now, as quickly as possible, find another thought that makes you feel a bit better. It might be, "There's nothing to be done about this right now." or "The way will come to me." or "Wow."
or maybe do a Scarlett O'Hara and say, "I'll think about this tomorrow."

What is most important for you to get is that you do not have to dwell on any subject that doesn't feel good to you. In fact, it is wise to shift your thought focus just as quickly as your human mind will let you. And remember, you have free will. You get to choose where, when and for how long you're going to keep yourself miserable.

I think I can hear some of you saying, "What? I need to DO something!" Well, maybe you do, LATER. But you never, ever want to DO anything when you're feeling less than connected, which is feeling Good and Strong. Anything you might do from a place of disconnection with Source will only lead to more of the same. It's the spiral downward.

This is probably the place where you're going to spend the most amount of time, right here.
Arguing with yourself. Your human mind is going to be shouting "DO SOMETHING!" Your Godchip is going to be whispering, "BE STILL AND LISTEN."

This is where you really have to hook up your free will and tell your human mind to sit down and shut up, you'll give it directions just as soon as you've Connected with your Godchip and feel that Well Being and direction.

Practice, apply, in the moment right now. This is where you are either Applying your Spirituality or you are cutting it off. Why not use it when you need it most, which is now.

Thanks for Reading!



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