Saturday, October 25, 2008

Election 2008: The Consciousness Vote

Hello Everyone,

I'm going to depart from my practical "Well Being" messages today and talk about the election.

I imagine that for most of you, you've been pretty much bombarded with campaign rhetoric via television, radio, and other media. I don't have television, so I've pretty much missed all the muck-raking. However, this week I was at a friend's house and saw two ads, one for each candidate and that reminded me of what I have been "missing". Also this week I turned on the radio. Don't ask me why, but I did and, of course, heard a few ads there.

For the most part I have tried to remain neutral and weigh up the candidates and the issues on our American table.

This week it occurred to me that this race is all about consciousness. Entirely.

Well, I suppose every race has been about consciousness, but never quite like this. In 1968 we were in the midst of a great consciousness shift in America. At that time I think I can speak for everyone who was of age during that time; most of us experienced it as chaos and couldn't quite figure out what the heck was going on.

We are in another consciousness shift, now. America is in the middle of a consciousness shift. It is the process of conscious evolution. Now what the heck does that mean?

Consciousness includes a lot of ideas: awareness of your environment, yourself, and especially, God consciousness or Source awareness in your everyday human thinking and life application.

What is happening in this consciousness shift is the evolution of mankind, in consciousness, into a higher level of consciousness - including more Source (God) into your human-mind thinking. This is huge. It is "scheduled". It is supported by Source, or all of heaven and the Universe, however you would like to think of it. We are in the Cosmic Tractor Beam and we are being raised up into Light and Life, or the Christed Consciousness. This is understood to be the realization of Oneness with no separation from Source. Christed Consciousness is that Oneness with Source. It is not a person. It is that consciousness that Jesus achieved (as well as others), while in the physical body. Guess what? We are doing it, now.

In short, we are being called to become spiritually mature. This is hard work for humans who have been in limited human-mind thinking for a very, very long time. And, some of us are kicking and screaming the whole way.

New ideas and new thoughts posed are scary to the status quo. What has always been the way, is up for review and improvement with "new" thinking.

When I speak about "new thinking", I am speaking about Inspired Thoughts and Ideas with more God (Source) included in the thought. These are the inspirations that come in response to asking for inspiration and guidance. We ask because our experience in the physical is less than what we want. And when we ask, isn't it because we want things to change? And when change comes, why are we so afraid to move and grow?

This Election 2008 is all about the evolution of human consciousness into our Realization of Oneness. I just don't think I've ever seen it so clearly before.

Senator McCain is a lovely man, who has served his nation for a long time. I admire him and his contributions to the planet and to America. Senator McCain also represents the old thought, the stepping stones and launch pad from which we can and will create anew. There is nothing about Senator McCain that I would attack, belittle or malign, because he has always been doing his very best to serve his country and people. I honor him and thank him profoundly for his beingness.

Senator Obama is a lovely man as well, who has been serving his country and people for a shorter time. However, Senator Obama embraces the new thought and is more expansive. Senator Obama represents a bridge from the old thought to the new. He, too, is a sincere man. Actually, I think it is quite wonderful to have the choice in this election between two honorable men. However, the consciousness of Senator Obama incorporates more expanded Source thought, that includes rather than excludes. He is centered and seems to have a limitless capacity to be even tempered, unafraid of input and ideas, and willing to explore possibilities. To me this is the quality that America requires for her rebirth and Renaissance.

This is a consciousness revolution, folks. The only way to know is to feel your way though it, not listen to worldly issue debates, which degenerate into pettiness. Both men are of excellent character with honorable and good intentions. The question is: which will lead us forward, include our inspired ideas, and help us to reform this great experiment in freedom that we call America.

My vote, which was mailed in a week ago, was for Senator Obama. And I am eternally grateful for each and every person and step that has brought us all to this now moment where we get to choose, once again. Wow. We get to choose.

Genesis 19:26 (New International Version)

26 But Lot's wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt.

Luke 17:31-33 (New International Version)

31On that day no one who is on the roof of his house, with his goods inside, should go down to get them. Likewise, no one in the field should go back for anything. 32Remember Lot's wife! 33Whoever tries to keep his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life will preserve it.

Let's look forward and upward; let go of the past and get on with creating anew in Oneness.

Thanks for reading!


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