Friday, January 23, 2009

Cleaning Up Your Vibrational Signature Part 2: Change the Channel

Hello Everyone,

Wow, what a week, eh? I FEEL GOOD!

This President is the epitome of focus, clarity, and alignment with Self. Study this man, he's worth studying.

Today I want to continue with methods and techniques for cleaning up your emotional signature: your vibrational content.

1. Identify WHEN something doesn't feel Good. Is it when you are saying something, or listening or seeing or just thinking. Once you acknowledge that something isn't right, stop. Ask yourself, exactly what isn't right here? What is the information for me? Where is my thinking, focus, speech, action NOT in alignment with Who I Really Am?

Ever hear yourself telling the same old story? Every wish you'd change the channel? That would be it. Stop telling the same old tired stories about yourself. If you're sick of hearing them, I can promise you others are, too. Have you ever said about someone else, "Does he/she even listen to what he/she is saying?" That comment is You telling you to shut up, already.

2. Determine for yourself what your congruent (with yourSELF) story would be, whether or not it is factually true or not. For example: your old line when someone says, "How are you?" - You say, "I'm ok." "I'm gettin' by." Or you spout off some clever but vibrationally lifeless comment.

Now your new line is something congruent with Who You Really Are: "I'm happy; or I'm focused or I'm delighted or I'm jazzed or I'm eager or I'm excited. Now you can elaborate on that with a short follow up. I'm happy, because I feel really good today. I'm focused; I'm creating a new ....; I'm delighted; my dog actually sat up today on command. We've been going to school. I'm jazzed; I got a part in the town play. I'm eager; I'm looking forward to trying a new recipe for dinner tonight. I'm excited; I thought of a way to add html to my website.

Can you feel the difference? You are looking for Real to respond Really. You are out of your human mind hypnotic state and into aware, alert and authentic communication from Self. Take a moment to listen to James Brown and feel GOOD.

Now, apply this to each and every moment of your day. Find the feeling; if it ain't good, find a Good one and speak that! Change the channel!!!!

Thanks for reading!


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