Trickle Up: The Econmics of New Thought
Spirituality is all about economics here on earth. When we notice a pinch, immediately we know what we don't want and therefore immediately know what we do want more of.
Think about this, this is critical.
You notice that you get less quality for your money at the cash register. Everything is watered down. The quality of the food is less and costs more. You go home with a half a bag of groceries for $60.00. What the heck? So, now you know what you do want: higher quality, lower costs. You immediately start looking for that, focusing your Source Energy to find that. You have sent out a powerful request that is immediately being fulfilled.
Your part is that you are now allowing the clues to come into your awareness so that you can follow the trail to what is wanted. You keep looking and noticing, finding and acknowledging it.
Everything is about economics.
Right now the Congress is debating the stimulus package. Today I heard a man in Elkhart, Indiana site of the Town Meeting refer to the trickle up. This man is genius. He knows that we have the power, the people, you and me, to stimulate everything from the ground up.
Congress can vote this enormous stimulus package, and jump start things, certainly. But we hold the ace card. We with the opportunities this bill will bring to the nation, with out ingenuity and desires for more, for ease, for abundance, for plenty can create new ideas to use this stimulus package. We cannot sit back and wait for "father government" to feed our bellies with dole outs of monies. This is only a limited resource, vast though it is. It is seed money for our own creativity and imaginations.
We have been trained as employees, but we now need to think as change agents, entrepreneurs, and innovators. So your whole family for generations has been employed by the car industry, does this have to be the way it continues? Do you like where it is brought you? What do you imagine? What would you like?
It's time to retool, yourself. Perhaps you have unemployment insurance, a bit of time and support. Take time right now to rethink your next step. Where would you LOVE to go. What would you like to create for yourself, your family, this nation. You are not a beggar at the feed trough of the government, you are masterful creator with an unprecedented opportunity. Seize the day, this very moment and create your own "job".
Everyone is frozen in fear. A bit of money is now being hoarded, saved, for what....
It is time to do just the opposite. Expand. Think big. Dream. Ask. Following the clues and create, create, create!
This is truly the time for Trickle Up. Lead upward. This change is from the ground up, from us.
Let's get going. Dream, imagine, and follow the steps that the Universe answers you with. You are the powerful creator, be it. This is applied spirituality. Apply yours. It's entirely your call, free will and sovereignty.
Thanks for reading!
Labels: create anew, expansion, tricle up economics
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