Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Nation of Cowards - Hmmm

Good Morning Everyone!

Well, our new Attorney General of the United States, Eric Holder, has pronounced that America is a nation of cowards when it comes to discussing matters related to race. While Mr. Holder may not win any awards for diplomacy, sometimes it is a good thing to say something that shocks. On this point, I applaud him for shocking us.

The good part about this is that it causes us to really think and consider the veracity of his statement. Are we afraid?

I'd say we are. I'd say we are afraid of many things, and it is our fear that holds us back from all the Good Stuff.

Yesterday I listened to an interview - for a very short time - of Howard Davidowitz, described as a retail analyst. Ok. I'll bite. The interview was a fearful and inflammatory tirade of how dire things are and how bad they are still going to get. Well, that's nice, Howard. And what Good do you suppose is going to come from that bit of rhetoric?

I mention this to bring to light that Mr. Davidowitz mirrors to us our fears. YEECH! And no one likes to acknowledge the fearful places in our minds, now do we? Of course not.

But the unmitigated truth is that unless we acknowledge that we are afraid, we can't make the next decision, which is to be unafraid. And that, dear reader, is wherein all our power lies - in making a new decision.

A friend and I were discussing the economic stimulus package last night. She felt that at least someone was attempting to try new ideas, and for this we should all get in line and support the plan. I agree. I really don't think we can make a wrong decision, but what makes something "not work" is our divided focus for and against it. Once we line up with a decision, the results are quickly assessed, and we can make new choices from there. But harken to the old line thinkers who have to assert their doom and gloom. For pity sake, you didn't have anything better to offer. So either contribute a new idea or bloody get out of the energetic way. This to the news media, as well.

I'm all for free speech, and certainly Mr Davidowitz has the right to his opinion, but he is only one person whose opinion is no more or no less valid than any other. So why doesn't abc news find someone to point to the Good News, as well? What good news? Well for starters, I know right here in Medina, Ohio two new businesses that opened their doors this month. The Country Baker and Zeppe's Pizza both on Medina Road, Rte 18. These are folks who march to their own drummer, expanding, whilst others are running around like Chicken Little yelling that the sky is falling.

If the stats say there's 8% unemployment, doesn't it follow that it means that 92% are still employed? And who are they measuring?

We are not a nation of cowards, not by a long shot. We are, however, unsure as to how to proceed. And like every other human on the planet, we are paused at times by our fears. This is sometimes a very wise pause, because before we can strike out in a new direction, isn't is a good thing to want to know where we want to be heading. The fear tells us we are separated in our mind from our Good. Lost. To acknowledge this is to gain footing back into Well Being. At the moment I can declare to myself that I am afraid of ________; I immediately know what I do want. I want to feel Good, and I want the fullness of that Good.

Now I have a reorientation towards my Good. I can ask for new ideas, new perspectives, new ways and allow the path to my Good to unfold to me.

So, if we have been afraid of discussing matters of race, and now we know we want to feel confidant and love in discussing matters of race, it will be so. We have pointed our intentions fully in that direction, and that is where we will end up.

Let's just decide to acknowledge that we have been a bit stuck on many issues, but that is what change is all about. No longer are we like deer caught in the headlights of a truck. We acknowledge our fears; we name them; and now we point our intentions for freedom from fear and alignment with the fullness of all our Good. New friends of any color, new wealth, new ideas and new, better adventures in Remembering Who We Really Are.

All humans, separated from Source are cowards; but we are divine Godchips having this amazing human adventure on earth in the physical. Fearless.

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