Saturday, March 14, 2009

Conservatism: A New View

Good Day Good People!

I just ran across this Youtube clip of young Jonathan Krohn as he addressed the Conservative Political Action Conference 2009. Please watch the clip first, then read on.

Wow, right? I love watching this young man. He's full of Life and passion; he's intelligent and most of all - he's thoughtful.

I remember being his age. I remember listening to the world's version of things and then chewing them over within my own mind. I would turn over phrases and search out meanings, then synthesize them into a new, higher reality. I'm still doing it; it's my favorite thing to do.

Johnathan is a purist. He has touched the heart of conservatism with his words, because they ring True. As I listened to him, I too, recalled why I first joined the Republican party. Johnathan talks about Conservatism being principled-based. Actually he speaks of 4 principles: 1.) respect for the constitution; 2.) respect for life; 3.) less government; and 4.) personal responsibility (my favorite).

I think he's absolutely correct in his ideal assessment of Conservatism. Wouldn't it be wonderful if the Republican Party actually reflected those principles? I think it can, but more to the point, if everyone espoused these principles personally, there wouldn't be a need for any political party. These principles are written in every heart, conservatives, liberals, and every other party.

Johnathan's careful thoughts about the perfection of Conservatism show me a Light Being who is attempting to lead the party back to Truth.

Who doesn't respect the Constitution? Who doesn't respect Life? Who wouldn't like to see less government? And here's the big one - who isn't FOR personal responsibility? Let's see. Most of our laws are based on someone else's responsibility for our troubles. Lawyers make their life profession getting others to shoulder the blame for co-creative events. Insurance companies trade in tragedy.

Somehow when the human mind starts interpreting these principles, we get farther and farther away from Truth.

A raising of our consciousness into a higher Truth is what is required for not just the conservatives, but all Americans in order to change the face of America as we know it today.

Once the human mind, based in fear and lack, and separated from Source (Godmind), begins its machinations in everyday events, the politics return, the greed abounds, and self interest reigns.

Self responsibility means the government stays out of my personal life decisions. I get to decide if I want an abortion or what church, if any, I want to attend; and I get to experience for myself the consequences of my choices; because then, and only then, can I feel my way to my next desire.

Respect for life means I see Life in all things, I nurture it. I don't dump toxic wastes into the oceans or allow chemicals into the food and water supplies because it makes for a better bottom line on the balance sheet lest I disappoint the investors. Respect for Life means I don't go to war to solve the nation's problems, but I find another way. And I certainly don't espouse the death penalty if I respect Life.

If I respect the Constitution, I don't suspend civil liberties because of the acts of a few. And if I believe in less government, I don't create the Department of Homeland Security and hope they will "protect" me from evil.

Applied Spirituality is knowing Who You Really Are. You are Source. You are sovereign. You, by your focus, direct and create every incident in your life without exception. This is the ultimate understanding of self responsibility.

The gap between what Johnathan Krohn knows in his heart and the practice in the world is what a higher consciousness closes. When I was a girl and would say things from my young, wise and knowing heart, the world would say to me, "You're a dreamer, an idealist."

Thank Heaven idealist and dreamers are still coming up in the ranks to take our place to keep Truth alive. It thrills this heart to see that Truth is alive and bursting within this young man.

Stay the course Johnathan. Don't let them ever talk you out of your knowing.

Thanks for reading!


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