Monday, May 25, 2009

When There's No Need For Memorial Day

Good Morning Everyone!

In America today is Memorial Day. We commemorate and honor our war dead. In my personal experience there are those who served in Vietnam and every war since.

Most recently is just this past week when a Seahawk helicopter went down off Coronado Island in San Diego. This has personal significance to me in that my oldest son is a helicopter pilot stationed at NAS North Island. Sometimes we think that unless they are on deployment, they are safe, But war maneuvers and trainings and preparations are the full time duty of anyone serving in the military. Five crew members were lost just last week, right here at home.

I dream of a day when there will be no more need for a war-ready nation. Fanciful, you might think, but I see it in my dreams as real. I see a world at peace with each other, co-existing in harmony and full and complete acceptance of each other - not threatened by one another. I see a world where everyone understands how we get what we get: by paying attention to what's desired.

I see a world where we know that there's plenty for everyone, and therefore we don't need to "take" what someone else is enjoying. We understand that seeing what someone else is enjoying spurs our personal desires, we dream it, we focus on it, and we create it for ourselves at no expense to anyone else.

I see a world where everyone understand that they are masterful creators of their own existence - every bit of it.

I see a world where stories of armies are old folklore and we can hardly believe that once people killed each other for land, oil, and over religious beliefs, because we understand our Oneness - we know fully who we are. We are a race of people who have evolved into the Godmind, on earth.

I see a world where we have realized Heaven on Earth. Won't you join me in this dream and create a world of plenty, joy, fulfillment for everyone? Dream it; and it is so.

Thanks for reading!


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