Thursday, May 14, 2009

Creating by Default: Pictures of Torture

Good Morning Everyone!

Most of us create by default. We notice whatever passes by our awareness and fixate on that. That's what the news is; an opportunity to choose what we choose to give our attention to.

This morning in the McClatchy News is an article about the public viewing of pictures of torture.

Why anyone would want to see them is quite beyond my ken. Then again, I'm always wondering why people have to gawk at a car wreck or see horror films of blood and gore.

We are powerful focusers of Source Energy - Life Force. This is the energy that creates worlds and universes. What we focus on, we make bigger and get more of.
Do we want more bloodshed and torture? Do we really want more war?

All of war is hideous. Every single bit of it. To think that when we go to war for some "noble" cause that some parts of it can be legislated as legal and ok and other parts of it not legal, and therefore, not ok is insanity. You can't support war in part.

We are being called to a higher level of consciousness, and therefore a higher level of operating. There is another way, and as our consciousness of God increases and penetrates our human mind, we will see there are infinite other ways to create our reality on Earth.

Perhaps if you see these pictures of torture you will be so repulsed that you will desire a new way, a better way for resolving conflicts here on Earth. Perhaps that is the "good" in viewing such a thing.

For my part, I choose not to see them or anything like it. I choose to go through my day seeing the Life in all things and the God in all people.

We are directed in Matthew 5:44 "But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you."

How many of us actually pray for our enemies? Or bless those that trouble us? Or do Good to those who are hateful to us? This is applied spirituality in action. It is not moving in the ways of human mind and human understanding. Doing that results in more of the same. To see the change we want to see in this world, we have to BE the change that we want to see. You can't be that change for Good whilst filling your mind and consciousness with things that are not of Good.

Today, look for and see the Good and the God in all things, people and situations. If you can't immediately, then allow that you may not see it now but you will, because God (Good) is everywhere. Be willing to see with New Eyes, then you will see a New View.

Thanks for reading!


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