Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Forgiveness: Who Are WE Really Forgiving?

Good Morning Everyone,

Recently I've been brought to my wee knees in a realization that first rocked me, then relieved me. I want to share it with you.

Over the past few weeks, I've been vexed by several different situations.

One involved a dear friend, whose personal situation really made me mad. Her situation didn't affect me in anyway, shape or form, but that she found herself in her situation really angered me.

Another involved two dear friends of mine, married for a very long time, whose personal dynamic between themsevles angered me.

Then, two situations involving me, where people failed to live up to their agreements, but also failed to realize how much value I had put into the situation, ignored that, and then, demanded even more of me as if I'd given nothing.

I tell you these things, because I know that I am just like you. I walk through my days endeavoring to do my very best, to be more Godlike, to bring more love into the world and then, bam! Like Wylie Coyote, I find myself a puddle at the base of a wall wondering what the heck happened here.

The "wall" was my inability to forgive. Everyday across America we pray: "forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us." All of us know these words, and pray them, but today I understand them. This is what I want to share with you today.

Joel Goldsmith in his book, The Thunder of Silence, addresses forgiveness by saying that it is fundamental to forgivesomething that someone has perpetrated upon us by praying for our enemies. This is important and utterly essential if we want to see a changed world. However, the spiritual journey is about liberty and freedom. Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.

So the real spiritual journey is not about becoming good humans, but rather to realize our freedom. We need nothing from anyone. We release everyone from their obligations, when we realize our Oneness with Source, where everything is complete, fulfilled and whole. No one need to be or do something for our happiness.

My big Ah-Ha! this morning was that any block in consciousness is an impediment to the realization of Oneness,not just hatred or anger. The obvious blocks are :he did this to me, but I choose to forgive and turn my cheek. But that's just the beginning of the True meaning.

The rest of it is that any "judgment" on someone else: he/she didn't try hard enough, therefore didn't meet my expectations, do enough and so fell short in someway - these are seeing something other than God. This is buying into the belief of two powers, not One. This is the "lead me not into temptation, but deliver me from evil" part. The temptation to believe that there is anything other than God, Source, Oneness.

Now, for the explosive kicker. By the Law of Attraction, these people, situations and dramas came into my personal experience one after the other, increasing the emotion of anger within me. By last night if I could have left myself, I would have. Instead, I went for a swim in the light of the full moon and asked for illumination, which I received this morning.

These people, these circumstances came to me by the Law of Attraction. Like attracting like thoughts. These people, these circumstances are my mirror: they reflect back to me what I am thinking, believing Holy smokes.

Only once before can I recall feeling this conviction so clearly. All at once I know it is True ;and it doesn't feel good to realize that which I perceive is me. I mean, UGH!

But I pressed on this morning, because I want released from this prison of 'ugh 'that I've been feeling. I have kept myself in bondage; but the key to the prison door was in the realization that I hold these self same judgments, which I have transposed on to my friends, on myself. Oh, double ARG! And then, double Ah-HA! Relief.

So it is not just forgiving others my perception of their shortcomings after all. In Truth I am to forgive myself - releasing myself from my own judgments and condemnations of my shortcomings and failings.

Forgive me for failing to see that my human self is not, after all, Who I REally Am.

So, miraculously once I got that big twig out of my own eye, I am able to see that the human self that others show me (my own human self) is not Who They Really Are and is certainly not Who I Really Am. That I was tempted to see something other than God, in them, showed me that I am seeing something other than God in myself. It is I who have bought into the human belief of duality - something other than Source.

"Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us." Forgive me for failing to see my own Oneness, Who I Really Am; and forgive those who fail to see the God in me.

This is why we pray for our enemies: they are a gift to us. They are our mirror to show us our own consciousness blocks which block our own Realization of Oneness and block our liberty.

Such Perfection for which I am grateful...and now I am relieved and feel Good once again.

Thanks for reading!


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