Dreams Made Manifest: Following Your Internal Guidance
Quite recently a dream of mine has come true and become manifest.
My book, The Earthling's Quick Start Guide: Master Operating Your Unit on Earth (A Short Refresher Course in Applied Spirituality) was published and launched with a complete online course.

This dream, which has many facets, has had a long genesis, perhaps even a lifetime or lifetimes...
As I was speaking yesterday at my book signing party to a small group who had come to help me celebrate this extraordinary, ordinary event, I was struck by how 30 years of study and contemplation could be embraced in one tiny 3.5" x 5.5" book.
The answers is that Truth is simple. The years involved in getting to the Truth were the work of unlayering the beliefs and prejudices of a human mind until at last reaching Pure Mind, unconditioned Mind, or Godmind.
The journey has been exciting and full of earthly adventures in the quest to uncover God in all Earthly events as experienced by me in my life. "I know there's a Pony in here somewhere!"
My assumption is that if It is operating in every event in my life, then it is so in everyone else's life, as well.
Indeed, there is always God, Truth, Life, Source in every physical form, event, manifestation if we are looking through the eyes of Godmind, not our conditioned human mind which judges everything in terms of 'good' or 'bad'.
I dreamed a dream long ago to understand the Truth of Being: my beingness and yours. I have variously followed the promptings of my Internal Guidance which has led me unerringly through every human experience common to each and every one of us and then some. My intention long ago was to understand the Truth of Being and to know God aright: that was and is the Map.
Along the way I have only ever been derailed by moments of "peer group pressure" to conform my life to the expected views and take the road most commonly traveled. However, perhaps my own Spirit, supported by my parents' teaching me as a child to "think for myself" eventually and inevitably caused me to course correct and regain the path of my dream.
It is a wondrous thing to behold a dream come true. I mean a big personal dream, not just a wish for new shoes or a parking space. Rather, to look in hindsight over the journey and to witness the perfection of the Guidance that led you to this culmination point of fulfillment. It's a WOW.
I am especially in awe of the elegance of each and every step of the journey, although in those moments, I didn't understand but could only hold the space in my human mind that it was perfect and I would understand eventually. Some might say this was faith; I call it holding the space of Well Being and watching, beholding your life in its moments, as pure genius always on the path of your Good and letting go, constantly and continuously letting go...
Of course, the Dream has many parts and there is more unfolding as my adventure continues. But I wanted to share with you today a reflection point. It is as if I have been climbing a vast mountain, one moment at a time, and at last I have reached one of the landing stations. The view from here is unparalleled and one that I couldn't possibly have imagined. I am thrilled; I am humbled; and I am contented - and reaching for More on my infinite and eternal journey.
But for today, I have stopped to Enjoy the View and Appreciate It.
Thanks for reading!
Labels: appreciation, Book publication, dream, Earthling's Quick Start Guide, Godmind, individual journey, manifestations, online course, truth, unconditioned mind
Hi, Kath. I am new to your site and your writings are interesting.
I have some questions: If everyone follows their own truth within themselves, as you do, conflict is inevitable. What if my truth collides with your truth? How does your view of the universe resolve that tension and friction? Where does the friction come from?
Hi Anonymous,
Thank you for your question and a good one it is.
This Universe is Infinite. It has the ability to answer everyone's desire at the same time. The operative word in the Universe is "AND". It's inclusive and there's way more than enough for everyone. So as you ask, it is answered just as when I ask, it is answered. It's a difficult concept for the human mind in its limited thinking to wrap around. However, the elegance is that the Law of Attraction says that my Truth can't interfere with your Truth unless I'm pushing against or otherwise paying attention to your truth. Then, if it's in my vibrational countenance, I'll attract that to me. Friction occurs when we resist, because we believe something is being asserted into our experience unwillingly. This is the false belief. The only way your Truth can come into my experience is if I'm in some way giving it my attention: i.e. either I agree with it or I don't agree with it and am "pushing" against it or resisting it, or I'm afraid of it.
Staying in Well Being where All exists, is the place of rest and the peace that passes all human understanding. If you'll consider the "yin" and "yang" symbol, the dark and the light, are all contained within that circle - nothing is outside of Source. It's only when we get our nose into someone else's business - pushing against it, rejecting it, refusing it as valid, that we have "war". The Big U is more than capable of meeting everyone's desires at the same time. Kinda like books on the library shelf. They all co-exist without anyone pushing against the other...until we choose to "make it our business". Hope this helps a bit. It's huge and this is the point where we most need to have complete understanding and mastery of how we create the whole of our own reality. Kath
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