Monday, September 14, 2009

The Prayer of Appreciation

Good Day Everyone!

The single most effective prayer is the prayer of appreciation.

What is a prayer of appreciation?

Anytime you are focused on something and appreciating some aspect of it. It is the opposite of criticism. For all practical purposes, prayer is an internal attitude which you are emanating outward as your vibrational countenance, which by the Law of Attraction, Source is matching.

The very best "object" of your appreciation which is in closest alignment with Source, or God, is appreciation of yourSelf. In short, loving and appreciation who you are is the closest vibrational match to God there is.

Imagine that?

Try this for a few weeks. Your intention each morning is to go throughout your day looking for things, people, ideas - anything - that you can appreciate. You intend each day to be the sleuth of those thinks that you like, that put a smile on your face, that make you twinkle back!

After making this a habit, you'll see a marked difference in the things that are coming into your life. They get better and better. Do this long enough and your life choices go from where you began to good, to great, to wonderful, to stupendous, to fabulous...

And this folks, is very simply how you change your life. It's entirely up to you and your choice of focus.

Shall we start? Now.

Thanks for reading,


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