Thursday, January 31, 2008

Truth or truth; Fact or Fiction; Real or real

Greetings Everyone,

In March last year I signed up for a course in marketing. I found it on the internet in response to my deep internal desire to know how to market. I can't even tell you the search words I put into Google, but there it was, the contact information form, and I knew it was exactly what I needed. (

When I say I knew, I am clearly saying that I felt the correctness of the decision to take it. This was not an intellectual decision nor a rational decision that involved my conscious, intellectual, rational mind.

My knowing guided my intellect to take the action. This is applied spirituality in perfect action.
My Godchip, knowing my needs, wants and desires, issued forth the green light by the way it felt to me. It felt good, right, correct, relief. It felt YES! I made the decision within my internal response. My internal response informed my intellect.

In this marketing course we have some really awesome teachers. This week one of the instructors, Kraig Ward, was hosting a discussion about the process of becoming a successful marketer and how does one know the Real McCoy from the scams.

I hear this all the time in life. People are confused about making decisions, and rightly so, God love them, they are ernestly always trying to move correctly, righteously, consciously. We are all of us doing the best we can all of the time.

Have mercy is what I want to offer to all of us right now. We here in Western society have been literally talked OUT of our knowing since day one. It began the day you were born and cried for more food, but Dr. Spock or some other "authority" had determined you only needed to eat every four hours. It happened every time you said, "I'm full," and your mother made you sit there and eat every bite. Add in your own zillion examples of being talked out of your own knowing. Then you go to school and you know you would rather be drawing pictures or walking in the woods, but someone else has decided you have to be in math class. So, please, have mercy on yourselves, because the conditioning to give away your authority and power to "others" has been huge, thorough, and complete.

One thing to say is that "they" were doing what they thought was correct; they knew no better, as they had had the same conditioning.

Awakening and consciously choosing the "right" course or the "right" decisions for yourself is a process in which you must have to have patience with yourself, infinite mercy on yourself and extend to yourself GRACE.

Then you really have to prove to yourself that your "human mind" or your "conditioned mind" will always talk you out of your knowing. It has to, it has been trained by other humans.

Your Knowing, the voice of your Godchip, or your RealSelf has never been mezmerized by the human stuff. It has been for all the years "holding the space of You." It joins you when you hit on doing, or thinking or being Who You Really Are. You will feel It join you as you feel delight, joy, enthusiasm, exuberance, fun, delight, peace, relief, wellness, calm, clarity. That is You fully enjoined with you with no separation. That's the internal state of oneness.That internal state of oneness is your natural state and you last visited it on a regular basis when you were a kidlet, before they humanized you, before the human mind got in the way.

Now we struggle to regain that Oneness individually and collectively. So much authority has been given to the intellect, psychology, rational mind and virtually none to our knowing. But when you begin growing and wanting so much to take back your own power, to know correctly for yourself, by yourself, what is so and what is not so, then a powerful desire rises up and issues forth to KNOW your Self aright, again for reunion.

This is the process of conscious awakening, reuniting with yourSelf and operating here on planet earth in full union with your Godchip, your RealSelf. Together. (For I will never leave you nor forsake you)

In my marketing course they talk about always testing to see if the campaign parts are working.
You test the script, you test the presentation, you test the copy, you test, you test, you test.
In consciousness work, you test all the time, because what you are seeking to do is "unlearn" all that the humans taught you about living, decision making and happiness and return to your innate capacity to just know for and by yourSelf, that this course if right for me. Your knowing informs and instructs your intellectual mind to execute the decision on the planet.

The human mind is a tool like a hand is a tool. It has not the capacity to know anything more than the human experience has taught it. In short, it is functional only in the ways of "human mind". So however your human mind has been conditioned, that is the entire extent to which it can give you back good information. But your Godchip, your Knowing, is infinite intelligence.
It can guide you to places that your human mind cannot imagine, because it has never experienced it. How can you imagine better that what you have been exposed to? You can't. It's not in the data banks. So guided imagery is good only so far if you use it to deliberately take your mind away from a negative idea or thought or picture and replace it with something that is good, uplifting and soothing. This is definitely a good move, a good thing to do; but it will not take you beyond the idea of "good" that you currently possess. Only your Godchip can do that by "inspiring" a new thought which you will get if you are open and allowing it.

I've talked in previous blogs about my contraption called the "Love Angstrom Meter" or the "Truth Angstrom Meter." In future I am certain, someone will come up with a gizmo that will be a part of your TV screen or your computer screen. There will be even portable ones for your Blackberry or your cell phone. What they will do is measure the amount of Truth, Real, or Love in things, words, ideas, etc. It will be like a Geiger counter for Truth, Real, or Love. Then people will believe that there is actually a vibrational countenance to everything that can be measured.

But we already have that Love-Truth Angstrom Meter within. It's that part of us that is Source Itself. It is operating at the purist, highest, fastest, positive frequency with NO human mind. Only the mind of God, only the mind of Tao. It tells us constantly the veracity of something with respect to what we need, want or desire for our lives 24/7. You only have to acknowledge this part of you IS, and that you are willing to pay attention to how it FEELS when it is speaking to you.

This Godchip is a soft voice. It's delight. It's relief. It's a sigh. It's exuberance and fun. It's LIFE.
It ALWAYS feels GOOD (good is a noun).

When you feel enlivened by what you are thinking or beholding, It has joined you and you can take it to the bank that this (whatever this is) is good, for you.

Kraig was speaking in the discussion group about an occasion last year where he and his wife opened their home to someone who was building a relationship with them in order to do some investing. In the end it was a scam. But the key words in Kraig's narrative were that when it came time to sign the contract, he felt the hesitation, the pause. He knew.

There's the good news, his proof that he can actually go back and remember the exact point of knowing when his Godchip said, "nope....I'm not joining you in this." It happened in his experience. He now knows that his Internal Guidance Systems - his Truth Angstrom Meter is fully operative as it is in every single one of us.

This is why there are no victims. We are either listening for the internal response and noticing it, then allowing it to inform our human mind of what the execution of this decision will be - or we are not. We are aligned and unified with Self - or not.

The human mind will immediately come in and loudly talk you out of your knowing. So if you are intent on reuniting with Self, you will have to test.

Years ago when I was first starting to take my own power back, I was lost about the process. But I had huge "clues" because I'd been making some pretty bad decisions (for me), one upon the other using "their" method. Thinking things through. My human mind could only give me it's data, limited data. But when I started hooking up with my 6th Sense, my Godchip, my Common Sense, I started getting much better outcomes.

Now when I feel something to be "incorrect" or "off" or "not congruent" or simply put, lacking the love or truth vibration, I leave it and move on no matter how much my mind wants to argue the point. "But, but, but..." it will intone. But no buts about it anymore.

I don't have to stay in the bank any longer to see that the guy who just walked in, who felt icky, is going to rob the bank. I just get out of the bank. I don't have to stay in a relationship to prove to myself that it's not good for me once I've felt the "lack" of it.

But when something feels good, like Dream Team, the marketing course I "found" online, I just KNOW it's good for me, or it's on the path to my good, because my internal response feels good.

We know what's good for us. We always have and we always will. The course work is applying your spirit to this human, earthly life. Testing the feelings. We've so been talked OUT of our feelings, we are rusty. And that mind, that human mind, wags the dog. It talks louder that our Godchip.

This, folks, is our free will, our ultimate choice point: to listen within or without. Human mind, even though you hear it inside your head, is all external voice being replayed back to you. Knowing (how it feels) is the original You, the authentic You, the Real You.

So there's the simplified version of the course work in applied spirituality. Start testing. Watch yourself throughout the course of your day when you're having a big feeling., then graduate to the subtle ones. What's your response? Do you stuff it? Do you take something to "calm down"? Do you pause. Are you even paying any attention?

Notice what feels good. Notice what feels less than good. Notice all the things you do even though it doesn't feel good. Notice all the things you do because it feels good. Notice. Pay Attention. Test.

And above all have mercy.

I know I have been a long, hard sell for mySelf, who is all the while enjoying my experience here in the physical, while I test, test, test until I can and do....believe It. It has no other agenda than my happiness and well being. My human mind, though, has another agenda.

Thanks for reading!


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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

What Is Stress?

Good Day Everyone!

After all the news today about the economy, I thought I might talk about stress as a timely issue.
Then this evening I saw this article about how stress in the work place can do nasty things for you.

Stress is when we tense up. We hold our breath. We resist what we are seeing, hearing, perceiving. I think Jesus taught us to "resist not" evil? Hmmm

The key factor here is our internal response. It is always a fear response. We name it many things: overwhelm, panic, worry, indecision, but it is always a fear. We do this instantaneously as an automatic response to our operating beliefs. (I think Jesus also said, "Fear Not"?)

We believe we cannot rise to the situation. We may believe that there is not enough: time, money, love, opportunity, or we are not enough. We may believe that what we are seeing or hearing is "bad" news. The doctor delivers a diagnosis. The judge returns a verdict. The boss delivers a deadline or ultimatum. The bank account says we can't afford it. You child's teacher calls. You child doesn't call. Ad infinitum.

Obviously the work place is not the only place we have experiences that we respond to with stress: again, tensing up, shallow breathing, resistance, as a result of a fearful, lackful response. It happens to us many times within a day.

When I was in Hawaii learning Huna, the Ancient Hawaiian Religion, I was told this story:

When the first explorers found the Hawaiian Islands, they didn't know where they were geographically. That is to say, they had no idea the name of these islands. So they went from island to island asking this question of the natives, "Where do you live?" The native Hawaiians all responded with the same answer, "Hawaii". So the explorers assumed that the name of the islands was Hawaii. However, the Hawaiin language is an encoded language. Each syllable means an entire phrase. What the Hawaiians were really saying was, "I live on the Life Force that is carried on my breath." "Ha" meaning breath. So it follows that when the white man established himself on the Hawaiian Island, they became known to the natives as "hale", which means, "he without breath". Even back then, we weren't breathing much.

You see the Hawaiians performed deep "haka" breathing before they did anything. They breathed before play, before fishing, before making love. If you have every watched rugby, you can see a form of haka breathing done by the New Zealand rugby team, the All Blacks. It's amazing. ( The Hawaiians could so summon their Life Force that they could flow the tides. (I have seen it done.)

Now depending on who you talk to, they are raising their adrenalin levels, they are focusing their energy, they are getting centered. And all would be correct. This is where applied spirituality is literally demonstrated. They are deliberately focusing their Life Force. By breathing IN and opening their internal state, they laser focus their Spirit, their Energy, their Godchips. The All Blacks win a lot.

The point is that they breathe, they do not stop breathing. The relax, not tense up. They do all this deliberately.

A tensing reaction to anything causes you to shallow your breathing. This restricts the flow of Life Force, the vital energies that define you as alive. Like in any situation of "restriction," friction is the result, and when friction takes place, heat is created (oxidation) and inflammation results. This is why we are being told the benefits of antioxidants, to counteract the damage of free radicals which is sort of like rust, the free radicals are the result of all this tensing up. All this, because we are automatically afraid because we believe we are not enough, not able to meet the demand. We believe, we are alone and separated from our Good.

During the past 6 years Americans have been fed a steady diet of fear via the medial and news makers. We are now told many times a day all the things we have to be afraid of: terrorism, oil shortages, the economy; global warming, even my stupid weather alerts are of a tone that makes me think I should have put in a storm cellar. We are always on red alert for something. The food we eat. The people we date. The air we breathe. The love we have or don't have. Ahoogah! Dive! Dive!

What to do?


Why breathe? Because as the ancient Hawaiians knew, we LIVE on the Life Force that's carried on our breath. This is the vehicle that carries us back Home to Well Being (our natural state) when we've stepped out of the flow of Life.

The news makers and tellers would have us believe the ultimate worst at any given time. It's hype. It's the tone. It's dire. It's only to sell today's paper. Tomorrow it will be something else.

Haven't we learned by now that "this too shall pass"? The idea is to not get "hooked" on it as it's passing. I used to do some white water rafting when I lived in Montana. My friend would point out to me huge logs or trees that were downed in the river by beavers (who by the way are always in well being). These were called sweepers. Sweepers hook a lot of debris as it floats down the river and are very dangerous. We were to avoid sweepers at all costs.

Avoid the sweepers. They are logs in the Flow of Life. They are temptations to get pulled off your course of Well Being and into chaos and fear. There are infinite number of sweepers waiting to hook you. Jesus, it is said, spent 40 days in the desert confronting all manner of temptations. This is exactly what this "human mind stuff" is. Just that. Temptation to derail you from your focused path of Well Being , which is joyously creating.

"Look over here, here's a problem". When you refocus onto "that problem" you are no longer focusing on your creation. And sorry folks, we are single focus beings, despite what they tell you about multi-tasking. If we truly want to create, we need to be in the Zone with pure positive focus.

Ok. So back to your ordinary day. You have a plan. You have a focus. And then - TEMPTATION STRIKES. A troubling story, a bad boss, a lousy thought. You could go there, which most of us do, and do the whole "stress" response.

Or - you could say to yourself, "That feels rotten. I'm going to breathe. I'm refocusing on what I chose to focus on, and that which makes me feel good." It's free will. That's where it's practiced; right in that very moment. Right Now.

You can choose "human mind" fearful, lackful, distracting thoughts - or - you can breathe IN, connect to your Godchip and get back to creating.....or co-creating...

Practice. Practice. Practice.

It takes being aware of how you are feeling at any given moment. This is self mastery.
This is, simply put, what Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, and Mohammad achieved while in the body, and so can you, as well.

You'll feel better. You'll function better. You'll enjoy the day more. And best of all, you'll be creating your own reality and good health as well. Happiness is your birthright. Wellness is your natural state. The only thing separating you from all your Good (that being a noun) is your choice to be sidetracked by the temptation out of well being.

by William E Henley

"I AM the master of my fate. I AM the captain of my soul."

(check out the I AM.....)

Thanks for reading!


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Sunday, January 20, 2008

Intuiting the Mystery of Food

Hello Everyone!

I'm always on the look out for people who are just being "applied spirituality" in action. What does that look like?

Well, recently I've found Michael Pollan, author extraordinaire. The book of his that I am currently reading is In Defense of Food. Michael is a journalist by profession and a light being by birth. His area of focus is food, nutrition, and health. His Knowing is that something is very wrong in the US as he observes how sick we still are, what poor quality our food is, and his intuition regarding what's going on.

I felt an affinity for Pollan's writing as I listened in my car. He was voicing things that I have "felt" over the last 30 years. Couple Pollan's writing with Barbara Kingsolver's latest book, Animal, Vegetable Miracle.

I grew up in Ohio and Pennsylvania. While living in Ohio, my Dad always kept a garden. It was a significant garden of 1/4 acre at the back of our property in Brecksville, Ohio. I have clear memories of his working out there, shirt off and hoeing under the weeds. I got a penny for each Japanese beetle that I picked off the plants. My first lesson in organic farming. I remember the huge earth worms, the smell of the dark, rich soil and the bounty. The harvests were brought into Mom and Gram who either blanched to freeze or canned for the winter months. As time went on and my Dad was promoted and transferred, in each new home our first job (as I tagged along) was to put a fruit cellar into the basement.

While Dad was gardening or golfing, Mom and Gram took us on excursions into various rural areas of Cleveland. One such was to purchase maple syrup where they were tapping the trees.
When peaches came into season I can recall discussions on the amount to purchase: a bushel, a peck, three bushels. Peaches, apples, cherries, strawberries, corn, all these came from local farms and with never a thought that they were not pure, safe or wholesome, as in those days no local farmer used synthetic chemicals but the manure from his sheep or goats or cows. I can clearly recall when we moved to Canton, Ohio our property was across the road from the Fierstos farm. And in March and April, Mr. Fierstos would spread his sheep manure onto his fields. The odor was disgusting for about a week. But the vegetables he grew were delicious and nutritious.

It was such a good time, those days. For we rightly were able to trust our food. And more importantly, our food contained all the nutrition we required. We never were at war with our food. My Grandmother spend the better part of every afternoon cooking dinner which was eaten around the dining room table with linen. It was a gathering. The food was full of thought and love, made from scratch. Such delights as stuffed cabbage, home made breads and strudel, fresh vegetables or frozen from the garden.

It was a big deal when Canton got its first McDonald's up on Lincoln Way. Even then I think that the quality of McDonald's food had to have been better than it is today. Then one by one the fast food restaurants opened: Arby's and Carl's Junior. And over the years I noticed how the quality there increasingly diminished. I didn't question why this was so, I just stopped eating at them, because the food didn't feel good to me. That's it. It just didn't satisfy.

For awhile that was OK, because you could still find real food in the stores or go to a nicer restaurant and find good, real food. But eventually even that became scarce. Pollan has noticed the deeper cause: that industrialization of the food supply, itself, is the problem.

My inquiry has been running a parallel course. I began noticing my friends getting sick with weird auto-immune deficiencies. And then one day I was ill, as well. Until finally one day I stood at my refrigerator and couldn't see a single thing that I wanted to eat. I felt it the worst dilemma that I had ever experienced. Finally going to the pantry my eyes alighted on the one thing my stomach agreed to: organic chicken broth. This was serious.

What the heck was going on? My Godchip, my Self was warning me off the food. It took awhile for my human brain to catch on. I have always been an equal opportunity eater. An adventurous eater. I will try and enjoy all kinds of foods from sushi to steak tartar. But suddenly (or maybe not so suddenly) but cumulatively the things I would raise to my mouth, my inner Self would turn It's head away and say, "NO!" It was like I had an inner 2 year old with arms folded over my chest and threatening to spit out anything I dared put in. Serious business, to be sure.

Around this time I got my garden going again. Not large, but a few heirloom tomato plants, some eggplant, garlic and lettuces and spinach plus my ever present herbs. Thank heaven, for this is what I could notice not only that I could eat, but I was delighted with the taste. That first tomato was a culinary orgasm. And then my human mind caught up with my Godchip. It was the toxicity of the food in the stores and the lack of nutrition in the food It was alerting me to.

Then came the question of where to buy Real food and what would I eat. Meanwhile, of course, for my physical complaints, I had been going to my chiropractor who faithfully muscle tested me for this lacking nutrition and that lacking mineral. So there I was taking all these supplements. Double YEECK!!! And this is "nutritionism" as defined by Michael Pollan. I hated taking these supplements. It just - again - felt wrong. Why would I have to take all these nutritional supplements when it should be available in my food. What is wrong with this picture?

As we know, however, ask and it is answered. So the information for my human mind/reason and intellect started coming to me from authors such as Kingsolver and Pollan. I was relieved to know my Godchip was and is working perfectly guiding me towards those things good for me and revolted by those things not good for me. I think I was most stunned that a whole nation had walked off the food cliff. Is it not just good common sense to eat whole and to grow whole and natural?

When did this happen, but more importantly, HOW could this happen?

This happened because we individually and then collectively defer our authority to someone else.And how it happend was one incremental choice at a time to defer our Inner Authority to something external.

Pollan and Kingsolver allude to who and why these manipulations have come about; but WE FOLLOWED. I can recall when eggs were pronouced BAD, then butter, and wine. I watched while the lemmings first ran this way, then that way with each "scientific" decree. I thought then that was rubbish. And margarine over butter? How could something synthetic ever be better for you that the Real thing? I departed from science as authority, but I never thought I would be scant for choices in the market.

These are the outcomes when we individually and then collectively separate from our Godchip, our knowing, our Guidance Systems. How far we have separated from our Source, from Who We Really Are. Our Godmind for our Human Mind. Common Sense is what we know from our Godchip. For the whole of the industrial revolution we have been systematically talked out of Common Sense (God Mind) for the Human Mind and its flights and fancies.

We are as a species, the human species, a natural, organic part of this natural organic world. We are part and parcel of it. Our separation from this Knowing is at the root of this rupture. The human mind is our license for free will. We can and do create anything we can imagine. That's part of the fun here on planet Earth. The results of our creations are the information: does it feel good? Is it good? Do we want more of it or less? Choose again.

With respect to food, it is definitely time to choose again for the Health of it. And for the JOY of it. We don't even enjoy our food. How very, very, sad. This is quintessentially why the French are healthier and eat whatever they want. At least in this area, they are more "aligned" with Source (JOY) and out of their human minds. Good for them!

There is the mystery as to why whole foods organically grown feed and nourish our bodies in whole and complete ways as nutritional supplements cannot. It is LIFE. It is Source. And we haven't decoded that mystery, but it is just so. And we, thank Heaven, are part and parcel of that mystery. (

As more of us awaken to Who We Really Are and make new choices, several things will radically change: politics, economics and our inherent pleasure.

Thanks for reading!


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Monday, January 14, 2008

Ancient Wisdom for Now

Good Evening Everyone!

Santa Ana winds are blowing again up here in the Cuyamaca Mountains of San Diego. They are tiresome. Yet, they blow and the wind has its way. Sometimes gentle, sometimes sudden and gusty, startling. Woody the cat finds shelter under the bed.

I decided it was time for basics in my blog; that I hadn't yet touched on the topic of mystery.

Mystery is the fabric of spirituality; it is the ground cloth. It begins blank at the start of one's journey and as wisdom is gained, a thread gets woven into the fabric as an understanding. So we each make our own tapestry over the course of a lifetime. I take a thread here, a thread there and weave a picture that is known to me as Truth. Each of us does this, consciously or not. These are not beliefs of the human mind, rather are simply known as Truth without proof because they are threads of the Mind of God.

When the wind is blowing like this, dry and long, hard and without mercy, the mystery is opening as the skin on the back of your neck prickles and raises your hackles. It stirs up the soul restless to be heard, felt and known. The wind helps sweep away the mental constructs of human mind that constrict the soul which speaks only God Mind.

Often in these types of things I like to consult the I Ching. For a few years I studied the I Ching nearly daily, endeavoring to decipher the poetry, the - haiku? Sorry. Could not think of another word.

After several years I came to one thing that I felt the ancients had got spot on: that we live in two minds: the human mind and the Mind of God.

We call these many things here in the West.

We talk of psychology and the psyche, the rational mind, or the intellect. All these are human mind that we have learned since landing here on the planet.

Then, there is the Mind of God, or the Mind of Tao. The silence. It strives not, but Is. The Ground Cloth.

In all teachings there is reference to prayer of some sort. Western prayer is about asking, beseeching and even begging. It is always about talking in some way to God. The best side of Western prayer is giving thanks, giving praise, or blessing....but always, always talking, sending out yet another message.

But in Easter prayer there is silence. There is breath. There is being. There is the mystery of contact with It. There is receiving and allowing.

So when the wind is blowing like this, I feel the mystery calling me to quiet my human mind(s). And be still. Listen to the Sounds of Silence. Allow the mystery to enter me.

It's like it's knocking at my soul reminding me to reach upward, inward and receive the message, the wordless fullness.

There is so much noise.

It is a lifetime of practice to remove yourself from the daily fray to enter the mystery and fill up; to go back to the world and your many tasks now full, refreshed and inspired.

So today I turned to the I Ching and the chapter on Mystery. And here I share it with you:

14. Mystery

Looked at but cannot be seen - it is beneath form;
Listened to but cannot be heard - it is beneath sound;
Held but cannot be touched - it is beneath feeling;
These depthless things evade definition,
And blend into a single mystery.

In its rising there is no light,
In its falling there is no darkness,
A continuous thread beyond description,
Lining what can not occur;
Its form formless,
Its image nothing,
Its name silence;
Follow it, it has no back,
Meet it, it has no face.

Attend the present to deal with the past;
Thus you grasp the continuity of the Way,
Which is its essence

14. Mystery

Looked at but cannot be seen - it is beneath form;
Listened to but cannot be heard - it is beneath sound;
Held but cannot be touched - it is beneath feeling;
These depthless things evade definition,
And blend into a single mystery.

In its rising there is no light,
In its falling there is no darkness,
A continuous thread beyond description,
Lining what can not occur;
Its form formless,
Its image nothing,
Its name silence;
Follow it, it has no back,
Meet it, it has no face.

Attend the present to deal with the past;
Thus you grasp the continuity of the Way,
Which is its essence


Even a two way radio has "send" and "receive"buttons. Both cannot function at the same time.
We "send" messages all day, all night long.

Time to receive the Mystery.

Thanks for reading!


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Friday, January 11, 2008

Happiness Weight Lifting

Greetings Everyone!

This morning on Yahoo News it is reported that consumer confidence levels have dropped to 59% an all time low. So, as doom and gloom are reported in the news, the question is: are you going to let this affect you?

I hope I'm hearing a resounding, "NOT ME!" (Are you reading this Wall Street? Mortgage Lending?)

You see, this is where the rubber meets the road. You have free will, and that translates into choosing for yourself where you will focus your attention, therefore your energy. You can buy into "their reality" or create your own.

No, this is not pie in the sky, this is fact. And finally today, also on Yahoo News, there is scientific evidence. (see link:

Dr. Richard Davidson, PhD from Harvard and Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at the University of Wisconsin has released results of a study that proves that when you meditate for even a few minutes a day you produce lasting changes in your brain (your physiology). It's like weight lifting for the mind/psyche/soul.

News flash: this is how you change your experience of life. You choose.

Imagine if you spent just 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes in the evening in contemplation of joy, or perfect health, or love, or gratitude....over time you change your vibrational countenance to attract more of the same. And gradually, folks, life improves. You start feeling better, the quality of your meetings increases, the level of joy found in a moment goes up. "Magic" starts to happen.

Want to enhance that meditation time? Write out on a neon colored 3x5 card your intention for the day: for example, "I intend to notice the little happy things everywhere today." Put that card on your bathroom mirror. Make another for your wallet. Still another on your desktop.
changing your own reality.

Bill Wier of ABC News reported this story and concluded that all happiness is "social". That is to say, you can only find happiness in relationship to another individual. I disagree. Go outside and notice the nature around you. Find the amazement in the snow, the sun came up, the huge earthworms in the soil, the amazing night sky, your cat, your dog, the colors in a rock......

This is becoming a master of focus and knowing that what you intend to see and experience is what you will ultimately see and experience.

This is applied spirituality. The core of you is God: joy, perfection, goodness, abundance, well, in short - fulfilled, complete and replete.

You want to make a profound change in your life in 2008? Here's the assignment:

Be quiet for at least 10 minutes am and pm. Take mini quiet breaks throughout the day. My suggestion is you have to go to the bathroom, sit there and be still for 5 minutes. Breathe. Find a peaceful thought. Then resume your day.

Make those 3x5 cards for your own intentions. And apply them. It's a change, and it takes practice. I use the cards because it reminds me that I'm thinking something different today. This, I choose, is where I am going.....inside.

The change has to happen inside you first, and then, by the Universal Laws of Attraction, which is physics, those changes are reflected in your daily encounters in life.

Have a particular nasty thought that keeps possessing you? OK. Who doesn't?

Make another 3x5 card that has alternate thoughts on it. A thought that feels just a wee bit better than that nasty one. Just a bit, something you can "believe". Have that card ready when that nasty shows up. Look at the card, remind yourself of the better thought. Sit with it awhile, breathe it in. Next day, make a new wee bit better thought, and use that one. Continue with this method until you've turned a nasty thought into a good one.

It's all up to you.

Now, if you thought we were all nuts thinking this positive stuff, you naysayers can read the scientific study for yourself.

Turn off the news. Turn off the talk radio. Practice happiness weightlifting until you feel you can listen to anything out there and be a "selective sifter", which is to say it will not take you off your center.

It takes awhile. Be merciful to yourself. Keep trying. Your intention to change your outlook, and therefore your biology is like the scope on a gun; where you point it is where the bullet will land its bulls eye. Take aim. Aim high, aim happy, aim well. It's all possible. It becomes probably when you practice your happiness weightlifting.

Thanks for reading!


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Friday, January 4, 2008

Good News: Anything is Possible

"If you are a believer in miracles, this would be one."
DR. PHILIP S. BARIE, on the recuperation of Alcides Moreno, a window washer who plunged 47 stories last month.
“They said this country was too divided, too disillusioned to ever come together around a common purpose,” Mr. Obama said. “But on this January night, at this defining moment in history, you have done what the cynics said we couldn’t do.” Barack Obama

Hello Everyone,

I wake up this morning to find miracles in the news! Let me say here that miracles are the order of the day in Applied Spirituality when you see with new eyes. But to actually see them in the news is wonderful.
The first article is about a young man, Alcides Moreno, who fell 47 stories in December, who by all human standards, ought to be dead. Far from it, he'll be walking again soon. Why? Intention. Belief. Trust. In what? WELL BEING. GOOD. I love it when doctors call something a miracle, because they cannot explain the preponderance of Well Being.

The preponderance of Well being is further illustrated when looking at the event of 9/11. On any given day there were reportedly 45-55,000 people in the twin towers. On that day how, is it that less than 3000 people were killed? How many over slept their alarms? Had a flat tire? Missed the subway? Made love to their spouse and decided to go in late? Well Being Abounds.

The second story is about Barack Obama winning the Iowa Caucus!

Applied Spirituality is not, I repeat NOT, a political forum. So this is not about my endorsing any single candidate.

But what this candidate has been able to achieve is the impossible. At least the cynics said it couldn't be done. Iowa is a white state. Ha! It's not about labels any more, it's about how someone "feels" to the people. And this win illustrates an even wider miracle: that the people are awakening to Who They Really Are. The people will determine this election this year, not pollsters, not pundits, not spin.

The individual is coming awake to feel the veracity of what is being said and what is actually so. This feeling of the truth is the Godchip in each person. And what is exciting to me is that the individual is beginning to LISTEN within. Mr. Obama listens to the people, as well. His success is in large part due to his reaching out to the common, ordinary person and donations to his campaign reflect lots of $25.00 contributions.

Frank Capra made a few but very memorable and classic movies because they were all based on the one singular theme: the human spirit, which is divine (your Godchip) and it's invincibility. Watch them all if you can and you will see what's happening in America today. Meet John Doe; It's a Wonderful Life; Mr. Smith Goes to Washington; Mr. Deeds Goes to Town.

It's an exciting time to be alive! Watch. Hope. Trust.
Well Being Abounds and All IS Well.

Thanks for reading!


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