Monday, July 30, 2007

Iraq Is in JOY

Good Day Everyone!

I am coming to love Yahoo News every day. They actually print happy news. Today they were covering Iraq's soccer win over Saudi Arabia.

Why do I think this is news worthy? Because every one's natural state is joyful well being. And if any people have had cause to ask, ask, ask for joy, it is the Iraqi people. And here is their soccer team showing them how to refocus on something that gives them joy. Bless sports. Bless Well Being and Bless this mechanism of the human being who has the choice to focus where it will.

“This is the happiest moment,” said Ali Hassan, 52, a Baghdad fan dancing in Paradise Square “The Iraqi people are thirsty to have moments of enjoyment.”

These days following the victory of their soccer team will give the people of Iraq time to focus on something that gives them joy. In these days of focus on something fun and good, their collective good is flowing into them.

In a companion piece (see link)
The Iraqi Parliament has gone into summer recess. Well, good for them. If you're stuck then you need to back off, go play and get a new perspective with fresh ideas in order to plow on.

What I really love is to see Iraq expressing it's innate well being. It even may be in juxtaposition to what others might want them to do, but what I feel is a new life coming into them with its own momentum, direction, solutions and joy. We are all connected to that same Source.

Iraq will find its way, uniquely theirs. Like each of us, one step at a time, one day at a time, whilst reaching for feeling better and better, it will come to them faster and faster.

Be Well Iraq. Find a way to live in joy for all of you, and drop the labels. See each other as fellow countrymen with room and plenty for all. I, for one, am wishing you all pure joy.

thanks for reading! Kath

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Saturday, July 28, 2007

Black + White = ?????

Happy Saturday All!

Saturday's are delicious, aren't they? There's so much choice about what to do. A walk on the beach, a hike in the mountains, shopping and a coffee and Starbucks, a movie, a bbq with friends, reading a delicious book on the hammock....laying bricks. Yike.

Last evening I was reading Yahoo news and came across this article
reporting that blacks in South Carolina aren't sure whether America is ready for a black President. see link

I'm so confused.

What difference does it make if America is ready for a black president - to them? If they believe in the man, should they not just get behind him and vote their hearts' desire?

And would someone clarify something that I've wondered since I was a child? If someone has one black parent and one white parent, why are they "labeled" black. I mean, when you are mixing colors on the color palette, black + white = gray. Ok, then brown + white = tan or mocha or....but it's no longer either white or black/brown, now is it?

I am so tired of the racial thing. Can it be that blacks are racially biased as well against their own? Could it be that because Mr. Obama is half white, he's, well..."not black enough?" How much more absurd could anything be?

For pity sake, America, we are eating ourselves alive with labels and fear and thinking there's not enough, there's no slice of the pie for me. When the truth is the exact opposite. There is infinite supply for all of us. No one can claim your good or your piece of the pie. It's yours if you will stop believing it's not and simply know that it is.

Me, I'm on board for Senator Obama. He's honest. He's Real. He's sincere. He's creative. He's Connected. He's listening within to his hard-wired Godself all the time. He KNOWS there's another way. And most importantly, he believes in Us. He believes we can help ourselves; that we can become Who We Really Are.

The question to each of you is, do you believe in YOU.

Do you believe you can become Who You Really ARE? Or do you still think you need a favorable President to give you what you think you're entitled to? Believe me, you don't need entitlement programs or anyone to see your point of view. You only need Ask and believe, and allow it to come to you. That's good old fashioned Faith. What stops it, is you and your doubt, your hate, your lack of belief in You and your stubborn and unrelenting belief in lack and evil.

You are God having a physical experience. Begin to today. Right now.
Feel that delighted joy and free being within you and follow It's prompts. It's Really You. What Senator Obama represents is that Light Being who is You, too.

As Jesus said, "Lazarus, pick up thy bed and walk!" He didn't say, "Here, let me get that for you."

Thanks for reading! Kath

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Friday, July 27, 2007

good night, and good luck.....

Good Day Everyone,

Yesterday I stopped at the Descanso branch of the San Diego County Library casting about for a movie. I found a jewel. It is called, good night, and good luck. (see link)

The story is about an American hero, Mr. Edward R Murrow, a CBS newscaster during WWII who broadcast the Battle of Britain and then went on to do news casts for CBS into the 1950's. (see link)

The story cleared up some things for me that I hadn't realized before now. The movie centers around Mr. Murrow and his news team taking on Senator Joe McCarthy during the witch hunt for Communists during the 1950's. Specifically it's focus is on Mr. Milo Radulovich, of Serbian nationality, who was unceremoniously dismissed from the US Air Force as being a "security risk" without due process. Well, I'm Serbian 100%. So this caught my attention specifically.

As I watched I began to understand why in the 6th grade some kid called me a "commie". Of course I had no idea what he was talking about. My Dad was a B-17 pilot in WWII. He flew the Battle of the Bulge, he dropped food rations to the starving Dutch. ( And then there was my Dad's boss who told him to his face that "no goddam foreigner would promote if he had anything to say about it." All at once I began to understand where this fear and bigotry had come from. You see I was too young to know the history that had come before and from what platform these people were speaking.

I could and I think I will say here that no one escapes bigotry whilst on this planet. It's all that labeling we do. We call people names. Well, I was taught "NO NAME CALLING." That was simply a matter of good manners.
So I never think of people in terms of a tag. I think of them in terms of a human being. There are no women's rights, there are no men's rights, no black rights, no gay rights. There are only HUMAN RIGHTS. And when viewed through the lens of Applied Spirituality, we have a God-unit in human form whose inalienable rights - essential selves are freedom, joy and expansion. No exceptions.

There is another theme that the movie, good night and good luck, brings to the forefront; and that is the theme of television being a tool to distract people from the important and meaningful things of life. My Mom always said, "You can use anything for good or bad, it's up to you." And that goes for television, as well.
The beauty of this system here on planet Earth is that it's all about choice from an unlimited smorgasbord of selections on any topic. And that is the beauty of America and the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. We are an experiment in freedom that allows all thought. We're learning how to have no fear. We each get to choose what ideas we want to think and to pursue. All exist and coexist here. All, no exceptions with no censure. There is no idea to be afraid of, as we each command our own vibrations, which dictate what we get. No one can assert into our experience unless we allow it by our own vibrational countenance. If you are afraid of something, you will attract it. If you fear something, you will make it bigger in your experience.

I have a dear friend on the other side who tells me repeatedly that "You all have nothing to fear; and nothing to worry about. You are all loved beyond measure."

This foray into a film follows on yesterday's theme to "think for yourself" and determine your own future.
"They" don't know anymore than you do. So thank to Edward R Murrow for blowing the "fear whistle" in 1953.
Can I say I'm blowing the "fear whistle" right now in 2007. We have nothing to fear.

Thanks for reading! Kath

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Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Dump the Slump

Good Day Everyone!

It's trying to rain up here in the Cuyamaca's. I love this time of year because I know I can create rain. I imagine it falling and how plump everything is after it rains. And oh the smell of ozone in the air and worms!

Today I feel compelled to address the "housing slump". It cracks me up how knee-jerk Wall Street is to the latest word and who says what. What craziness to be constantly reacting to what is, when it's so much simpler to create your own state of well being and stay there.

I have had my California Real Estate license since 1979. And if any of you can remember those days we saw 22% interest rates. And still houses were bought and sold. Who cares? There is always a way through. Personally I look around and see a whole lot of pent up demand. People want to buy and people want to sell. So what stops them? Only what they see on the news and what they hear. They hear it's slow, so it is slow. They hear it's bad, so then it's bad. But what if we all simply paid no attention to what they were saying and simply continued with our dreams, seeing them happen, imagining the perfect conditions, the perfect buyer, the perfect property, the perfect loan, the perfect and magical serendipity of events that sees it complete and done with ease and joy.

America, I'm telling you to stop listening to what "they" have to say about anything! And continue finding your own well being. This Source that flows to each and everyone of us is totally and completely directed by YOU. You ask. It's answered. You allow. It manifests. Stop giving your power over to "them". For heaven sake take a look! If "they" really understood anything do you imagine it would look the way it looks? "They" don't have the answers. "They" don't know anything more than you do.

Today start creating your own reality and forget about "what is". "What is" is the platform from which you launch your desire to create the next "what is". You create the changes. You focus that Source Energy. You are the creator. So stop listening to "them" on the outside and start listening to "IT" on the inside.


Start today to Apply Your Spirituality.

Dump you slump.

Thanks for Reading! Kath

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Saturday, July 21, 2007


Good Saturday to you all!

I like to read the NY Times online. Also the BBC and others. Today in the Times there's a wonderful article about why North Dakota is trying to get permission to legalize the growing of hemp. It's economic. Of course.

I love economics. It moves the world, truly it does. And it causes people to think about things in a new way. For years the whole brouhaha around hemp, to me, has been ridiculous. It's a marvelous plant with wonderful properties. Clothing, rope, all kinds of products for hair and skin care. It's natural, it's full of's from Source. Yet, some hysterical thinking and pompous righteousness has precluded it's growth here in the US for way too long. The people of North Dakota are to be commended for "thinking outside the box." They want to grow and expand.
And I particularly love what will happen next....they will be interacting with people they never would have had dealings with before. Like my neighbor, Albert. Albert sells hemp products at He and his wife Lydia are the most wonderful folks. They built an awesome eco-friendly home here in the mountains. They are forward thinking and broad-minded loving people. I love the idea of Albert and Lydia dealing with Republicans in North Dakota. Their love with overwhelm them.

Mostly, though, I think I love that the stereotypes are going to fall apart, the labels will disappear and hearts will deal with hearts because of an economic asking.

Ask and it is granted. You have to hear the answer. Kudos to the folks in North Dakota that could hear the answer even though their minds might not have wanted to even consider it as an option. I can hear the Rastafarian music in the pubs of the Dakotas now.

Life's good. Change is. There is always a way and always plenty.

Thanks for reading! Kath

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Good Saturday to you all!

I like to read the NY Times online. Also the BBC and others. Today in the Times there's a wonderful article about why North Dakota is trying to get permission to legalize the growing of hemp. It's economic. Of course.

I love economics. It moves the world, truly it does. And it causes people to think about things in a new way. For years the whole brouhaha around hemp, to me, has been ridiculous. It's a marvelous plant with wonderful properties. Clothing, rope, all kinds of products for hair and skin care. It's natural, it's full of's from Source. Yet, some hysterical thinking and pompous righteousness has precluded it's growth here in the US for way too long. The people of North Dakota are to be commended for "thinking outside the box." They want to grow and expand.
And I particularly love what will happen next....they will be interacting with people they never would have had dealings with before. Like my neighbor, Albert. Albert sells hemp products at He and his wife Lydia are the most wonderful folks. They built an awesome eco-friendly home here in the mountains. They are forward thinking and broad-minded loving people. I love the idea of Albert and Lydia dealing with Republicans in North Dakota. Their love with overwhelm them.

Mostly, though, I think I love that the stereotypes are going to fall apart, the labels will disappear and hearts will deal with hearts because of an economic asking.

Ask and it is granted. You have to hear the answer. Kudos to the folks in North Dakota that could hear the answer even though their minds might not have wanted to even consider it as an option. I can hear the Rastafarian music in the pubs of the Dakotas now.

Life's good. Change is. There is always a way and always plenty.

Thanks for reading! Kath

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

I Have, I Have, I Have

Good Day Everyone!

Things are never what they appear. Take for example the desert in Darfur (see link).

First off what strikes me as funny is the description of this as an ancient lake. Well, the earth is very, very old. And yet, new lakes are forming all the time. Perhaps as the result of the most recent earthquake in Japan, new lakes, new rivers, water is being released in new directions.
What makes this item newsworthy from the viewpoint of Applied Spirituality is that there is always enough, no, more than enough. The appearance of "lack" is always just that, simply an appearance. Can you look through the appearance to see the fullness. Someone did over there in Darfur. Someone(s) asked for water in the midst of the most desolate of circumstances. And they believed it. Believed beyond what they were looking at. Believed beyond what is. And felt the coolness of the water, saw it flowing, saw things green, saw what they wanted.

Voila! Better said, "Eureka!" It is manifest. It becomes the what is.

I really can't think of a better example to use than finding water in the desert. What appears is dire lack. What really is, is the fullness. So it is with every "appearance" of lack on earth, in each life. The hard part is to stop looking at what is and start seeing what you want, the fullness.

The truth of Who We Really Are is God having this physical experience. We see or hear and we feel in response to those stimuli. We don't feel good when there's not enough money, or water, or health, or love. You know why? Because that is not Who We Really ARE. We are the fullness of everything. And the lack of fullness is painful. The lack of love is painful. When we are full we are realizing our Self in this physical setting.

So, what are you challenged with thinking and being mesmerized by the "lack" of it? It's an illusion, a mirage. Change your focus away from what is and start focusing on what feels good and full. Use your imagination, feel it's presence, why it's so lovely. And stay there. This my friends is how we manipulate our energy, our environment, and create our own reality. Thought by thought. Feeling by feeling.

Believing is Seeing.

Thanks for Reading!


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Monday, July 16, 2007

I Want, I Want, I Want

Good Morning Everyone!

A glorious day, again, here in the mountains of San Diego County. I hope you are enjoying summer, as well.

This morning I was reading the NY Times online ( The lead story is about Economic Populism. In short, that the middle class are not fairing as well in the new global economy. I watch politics and economics closely. What I see is that we are being asked to adjust, shift, and recreate ourselves again and again. Naturally if you are trying to cling to a job out of safety, you're going to find this "go with the flow" method pretty upsetting.

My Dad worked for one company for over 35 years. I truly believe this era is over. But still, I see that he is still moving fluidly even into his 80's. Whilst he was working we moved 5 times as he promoted. Being fluid, being willing to change and grow and expand. At 80 he decided to take on the computer and the internet. Being fluid, willing to change, grow and expand.

My Dad is a study in Applied Spirituality, although he wouldn't say so. But even as I write this he is spear-heading a new move for he and my Mom, to an independent living residence giving up their home for....more freedom. Yep. More freedom, more joy, more quality time together.

In the beginning I first joined the Republican Party because they stood for less government, more individual responsibility and more government at the state and local levels. In my translation it was that we were capable of governing ourselves. The Democrats stood for "taking care" of the people, which pretty much translated into more taxes, more public programs and "helping those who couldn't help themselves."

I am now an Independent, and loathe to talk politics because it becomes all about manipulation and not about "true" movement. So right here I will depart from a political discussion.

We each are creating 100% of our own experience 100% of the time. Not many people want to hear that, because it's pretty scary to think we create the bad stuff, too. But when you begin to get a glimmer of how this Universe works, how we are each one and integral part complete with our own "godkit", then the question becomes one of how do I understand how to influence and change my world? Ah, now you've got the question and hopefully the bug to know more, seek more....

If you came to planet earth for safety, you came to the wrong place. This is a place of infinite choice, myriad opportunities, and each step is made by how it feels. If not having enough money doesn't feel good, we launch a desire to all of heaven for support to "show me the way". Now having launched that question, you're going to get an answer....change jobs, study for the promotion, maybe launch that idea of yours into a new business. None of those choices includes safety and all of them include the willingness to be fluid, change, create, grow and expand.

It is the nature of this Universe, this Earth, and you as an integral part of it and made of the same stuff to grow and expand. If you resist, deny, put on the old mule routine...I won't, I won't, I won't....well then, it's gonna hurt. It's going to hurt your physicality and biology, it's going to hurt mentally and emotionally and most of all your GodSelf is going to head north into fun and plenty whilst you remain in lack and lament.

Frank Capra was the most illuminated film maker of the last century. Mr. Deeds Goes to Town, A Beautiful Life, Mr. Smith Goes to Washinton. Dig them out, order them, watch them, understand what his point was in every movie. The common ordinary man, you and me, John and Jane Doe are each God here having a physical experience. Once you personally understand the fullness of that statement - we are each God here having a physical experience - well then, now what the heck do you need Congress for?

When men search for God, they are searching for everything. When they find God, they have found everything. [The Urantia Book, p. 1289, par. 2]

And when you find God within YOU, you lack nothing, you are FULL. Now all you have to do is release it out from within into your experience. For the consciousness you have, is the consciousness you are currently experiencing. Don't like what you have? Check it out, it's your consciousness reflecting to you where you are. Raise that consciousness and watch the external your will. Because you were....willing to grow, expand and change.

Thanks for Reading! Kath

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Thursday, July 12, 2007

Immigration - Aren't We All

Good Day Everyone,

It's a fine day up here in the Cuyamaca Mountains! At last the heat has yielded to a fair 80 degrees. I can only think this is why the terrorists are so cranky....they're HOT. Why not put a bill through Congress that we air condition the middle east. Then maybe they'll more feel like talking.

Not to get side tracked but today I wanted to talk about Immigration. The trouble with this issue these days is it is clouded with the issue of terrorists. I can tell you from living here very, very close to the Mexican Boarder that I have seen many folks crossing and trying to come to America for a better life. And every time I can only be so utterly grateful that my ancestors were allowed to come through Ellis Island in the early 1900's and that they had the gumption to do so.

Well these people do have the gumption to do so. They risk their lives to do it. (follow the link). Does that speak anything to you of how much they WANT to be here? What would you risk your life to be, do or have?

This, however, is not an immigration issue, it is an economic issue which should be taken up with the Mexican Government. I personally would like to see the boarder opened up completely. This would allow Americans to flow south and for Mexicans to flow north and find a new equilibrium and probably a new economy. The river north would slow as the river south increased.

But without an economic incentive for the Mexican people to stay there, why would they NOT want to come here. I would. If I lived on that side of the boarder, my entire job would be crossing the boarder until I had achieved it.

Go to Mexico sometime. And don't do the tourist routes, either. Go and walk around the cities. The last time I went to Tijuana I found myself walking away from the Mercado and to the back streets. I found myself looking at this opulent Catholic Church all gilded with gold and on the steps were the most pathetic creatures, including a mother nursing her child whilst her feet rest in the gutter of filth. You would too, try to get here. I promise you.

As for putting up a fence and doubling or even tripling the forces - it doesn't work now and it's an utter waste of more money. And fences is not what America is about. "Give me you huddled masses urning to be free...." I think that's what's on the Lady in New York Harbor. We represent hope. So let's turn our imaginations to possible solutions that would honor the idea of hope and allow these people to find it.

Let's start talking to the Mexican government. Let's find ways to help Mexico's people to become rich. They have a magnificent country. And they are a kind and most gentle people worthy of much better. They are our friends and our neighbors. Come on, America. Think!

Let's ask the Presidential hopefuls to come up with something innovative and creative. Or better still.....let's come up with something that is loving, compassionate, and a win-win for us all. Applied Spirituality is all about win-win by utilizing Source to answer a request and receiving the answer. There is nothing we cannot be, do, have or know....if we ask the right question.

Thanks for Reading! Kath

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Thursday, July 5, 2007

Part of the Solution

Hello Everyone,

I've been gone awhile, I see. Whew! Busy living life so I can write about it.
Recently I was in a home where I saw Bill O'Reilly's show. I don't have commercial television, so it's always like an alien visiting the planet when I get to see television. On this particular day his show was about Paris Hilton. Now, l knew little about Paris Hilton but his show was ostensibly about the slime that had released a website reviewing her sexual life and how low they were to do such a thing. Then, he goes on to show the website with the videos and publishes the website on national television. Now he's the "good" guy because he's calling out the "liberal press" for doing such a horrible thing. How, I ask myself, can people watch this and be sucked into the idea that he's a good guy. He simply pours gasoline on the fire.

America, can you not think for yourself? Can you not feel when you're watching something like this that your stomach tightens up in a knot, your respirations increase, you feel agitated? Why are you watching it? That knot in your stomach is your Godchip saying, "We're not connected with you at this moment!" Because the absence of love is pain felt. Simply said. Simply recognized.

To the contrary, listen to someone like Barrack Obama and check in how it feels to hear words of inspired hope, ideas of sound solution, of compassion and Real, Genuine Interest.

When you go contrary to how it feels to you, you are now becoming part of the problem, not part of the solution. Go where it feels good. Follow that trail.....

and be a part of the solution. Apply your Spirit. Use it! It's telling you all the time whether you're connected (feels good) or not (feel bad).

Thanks for reading! Kath
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