Thursday, October 30, 2008

Never, Ever, Quit America. Anything Is Possible

Hello Everyone,

Recently an amazing Light Being came into my awareness. Mr. Nick Vujicic.

I am in love with this guy. Now, what do you suppose were his intentions before he incarnated to planet Earth? To inspire. To uplift. To encourage. To make us think outside the box? Just to name a few.

Your assignment: Given your life circumstances, now what do you think you were thinking before you came in....

That, dear reader, is your purpose for being here. That is your raison d'etre. Your reason for being. It is LIFE.

Hop on over to my website and sign up for the Applied Spirituality Journals.

We'll give you plenty to think about. We'll change your mind, which will change your attitude, which will change your life.

What have you got to loose? Do it.

Thanks for reading.


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Saturday, October 25, 2008

Election 2008: The Consciousness Vote

Hello Everyone,

I'm going to depart from my practical "Well Being" messages today and talk about the election.

I imagine that for most of you, you've been pretty much bombarded with campaign rhetoric via television, radio, and other media. I don't have television, so I've pretty much missed all the muck-raking. However, this week I was at a friend's house and saw two ads, one for each candidate and that reminded me of what I have been "missing". Also this week I turned on the radio. Don't ask me why, but I did and, of course, heard a few ads there.

For the most part I have tried to remain neutral and weigh up the candidates and the issues on our American table.

This week it occurred to me that this race is all about consciousness. Entirely.

Well, I suppose every race has been about consciousness, but never quite like this. In 1968 we were in the midst of a great consciousness shift in America. At that time I think I can speak for everyone who was of age during that time; most of us experienced it as chaos and couldn't quite figure out what the heck was going on.

We are in another consciousness shift, now. America is in the middle of a consciousness shift. It is the process of conscious evolution. Now what the heck does that mean?

Consciousness includes a lot of ideas: awareness of your environment, yourself, and especially, God consciousness or Source awareness in your everyday human thinking and life application.

What is happening in this consciousness shift is the evolution of mankind, in consciousness, into a higher level of consciousness - including more Source (God) into your human-mind thinking. This is huge. It is "scheduled". It is supported by Source, or all of heaven and the Universe, however you would like to think of it. We are in the Cosmic Tractor Beam and we are being raised up into Light and Life, or the Christed Consciousness. This is understood to be the realization of Oneness with no separation from Source. Christed Consciousness is that Oneness with Source. It is not a person. It is that consciousness that Jesus achieved (as well as others), while in the physical body. Guess what? We are doing it, now.

In short, we are being called to become spiritually mature. This is hard work for humans who have been in limited human-mind thinking for a very, very long time. And, some of us are kicking and screaming the whole way.

New ideas and new thoughts posed are scary to the status quo. What has always been the way, is up for review and improvement with "new" thinking.

When I speak about "new thinking", I am speaking about Inspired Thoughts and Ideas with more God (Source) included in the thought. These are the inspirations that come in response to asking for inspiration and guidance. We ask because our experience in the physical is less than what we want. And when we ask, isn't it because we want things to change? And when change comes, why are we so afraid to move and grow?

This Election 2008 is all about the evolution of human consciousness into our Realization of Oneness. I just don't think I've ever seen it so clearly before.

Senator McCain is a lovely man, who has served his nation for a long time. I admire him and his contributions to the planet and to America. Senator McCain also represents the old thought, the stepping stones and launch pad from which we can and will create anew. There is nothing about Senator McCain that I would attack, belittle or malign, because he has always been doing his very best to serve his country and people. I honor him and thank him profoundly for his beingness.

Senator Obama is a lovely man as well, who has been serving his country and people for a shorter time. However, Senator Obama embraces the new thought and is more expansive. Senator Obama represents a bridge from the old thought to the new. He, too, is a sincere man. Actually, I think it is quite wonderful to have the choice in this election between two honorable men. However, the consciousness of Senator Obama incorporates more expanded Source thought, that includes rather than excludes. He is centered and seems to have a limitless capacity to be even tempered, unafraid of input and ideas, and willing to explore possibilities. To me this is the quality that America requires for her rebirth and Renaissance.

This is a consciousness revolution, folks. The only way to know is to feel your way though it, not listen to worldly issue debates, which degenerate into pettiness. Both men are of excellent character with honorable and good intentions. The question is: which will lead us forward, include our inspired ideas, and help us to reform this great experiment in freedom that we call America.

My vote, which was mailed in a week ago, was for Senator Obama. And I am eternally grateful for each and every person and step that has brought us all to this now moment where we get to choose, once again. Wow. We get to choose.

Genesis 19:26 (New International Version)

26 But Lot's wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt.

Luke 17:31-33 (New International Version)

31On that day no one who is on the roof of his house, with his goods inside, should go down to get them. Likewise, no one in the field should go back for anything. 32Remember Lot's wife! 33Whoever tries to keep his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life will preserve it.

Let's look forward and upward; let go of the past and get on with creating anew in Oneness.

Thanks for reading!


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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Staying In Well Being - #3

Hello Everyone,

This is the third blog in a series devoted to helping your keep your eyes and therefore your internal state in Well Being.

Obviously this is going to require a bit of discipline on your part. You cannot be slipping in those talk shows, reality shows and daily infusions of CNN until you have become a selective sifter, and that doesn't happen overnight.

These blogs are designed to help you in the short run from falling off the cliff into the abyss of anxiety and despair. Please, we don't want you jumping, for heaven's sake. But sometimes it can be all you can manage just to peel your eyes and ears away from the train wreck.

I wonder about that. Why is it that we cannot pass a car accident on the freeway or road kill without having to look at it? It's the same thing. You read a headline of bad news and then continue on to read the whole article - let's have more poison!

Ok. This week your assignment is to pull your eyes and ears away from anything and everything that causes you fear, anxiety, distress, heart palpitations, whatever awful feeling.
You cannot dwell there. You have to remove your focus within 5 seconds of realizing this is not good for you. Actually, I dare you to not look.

Lots of folks are going to say this is the head-in-the-sand approach to life. Let them. For now, when you're a beginner at Well Being, you have to take drastic measures. And the first thing is to get yourself back into balance and feeling centered in Self and strong. You can't do that when you're thinking you've just lost your kid's college fund or your retirement.

Here's the deal. Does it do any good to go there? Is there anything you can do about it right now? Ok. So once you've looked, you've got the information, you've got 5 seconds to change the channel. And change the channel you must. Here's your process:

1. Take in the information and feel your reaction.
2. If negative in anyway, you have 5 seconds to change the channel. This may literally be changing the channel on the car radio or on the TV. You might even consider turning it OFF.
3. Breathe. Sit with it and breathe while you're having your worst thought. Keep bloody well breathing as deeply as possible.
4. Now, as quickly as possible, find another thought that makes you feel a bit better. It might be, "There's nothing to be done about this right now." or "The way will come to me." or "Wow."
or maybe do a Scarlett O'Hara and say, "I'll think about this tomorrow."

What is most important for you to get is that you do not have to dwell on any subject that doesn't feel good to you. In fact, it is wise to shift your thought focus just as quickly as your human mind will let you. And remember, you have free will. You get to choose where, when and for how long you're going to keep yourself miserable.

I think I can hear some of you saying, "What? I need to DO something!" Well, maybe you do, LATER. But you never, ever want to DO anything when you're feeling less than connected, which is feeling Good and Strong. Anything you might do from a place of disconnection with Source will only lead to more of the same. It's the spiral downward.

This is probably the place where you're going to spend the most amount of time, right here.
Arguing with yourself. Your human mind is going to be shouting "DO SOMETHING!" Your Godchip is going to be whispering, "BE STILL AND LISTEN."

This is where you really have to hook up your free will and tell your human mind to sit down and shut up, you'll give it directions just as soon as you've Connected with your Godchip and feel that Well Being and direction.

Practice, apply, in the moment right now. This is where you are either Applying your Spirituality or you are cutting it off. Why not use it when you need it most, which is now.

Thanks for Reading!


Monday, October 13, 2008

Becoming A Selective Sifter of Information

Good Day Everyone,

Today is part 2 in becoming the master of your own reality. Today we're going to talk about becoming a selective sifter of all the information that comes your way.

How do you know what to pay attention to and what to let fall through the sifter. Good question and very good to master.

First of all, the most important thing is to be tuned in to your internal guidance system. This is otherwise experienced by you as your gut. When you are taking in information from any source, friend, family, CNN, the newspaper, your IGS will be monitoring it for its relevance to you. Specifically, it will be monitoring your focus for things that are for your GOOD. That is its job. It is constantly telling you by how you feel if what you are focused on is on the path for your GOOD.

This is because your IGS is your Godchip and is always in Well Being and living out the results of your desires - It is actually enjoying your dreams already. So there's your IGS skipity doo dahing in your dreams and fantasies, having a really GOOD time.

Now, let's say say your fantasy dream is that you want to be wealthy, prosperous, and financial stable. Your IGS is already experiencing the FEELING of that success, your very dream come true. You, however, are glued to the financial news on CNN watching the Dow plummet, you're reading everything you can about the banks failures and who's to blame. You FEEL your stomach turn sour, your neck is tight, a migraine is coming on. Those FEELINGS are your IGS NOT joining you in those thoughts. In other words, you are feeling the pain of that gap between your human mind focus/thoughts and your Godchip, which is in complete and utter fulfillment of your desire. That gap, the absence of GOOD (your Godchip), does not feel good to you.

Now, let's say you have that same desire for wealth, prosperity, and financial stability. You now focus yourself on stories of people that have achieved financial prosperity, their methods and strategies, or you simply imagine how wonderful it would feel to be there. The longer your focus is on the success of what you are desiring, the better you feel. New ideas join these thoughts, as you feel that success more and more. That you feel GOOD is telling you that you are closing that gap between your human mind and your Godchip who is living that success and its fulfillment.

Ok. Now it's every day life, you're going about your day and you have the radio on. The news comes on and it's about some doom story. What do you do? You change the channel. You find something that feels GOOD to you. Try on some up beat music and sing along or find a talk show that FEELS good to you, or better still, turn it off and CHOOSE some thought that raise your vibration.

Now let's say you've paid for a seminar and the lecturer goes off on a tangent describing to you all manner of traumatic failures, because these people just didn't follow his advice. What do you do? You have several choices: 1.) you can go to the bathroom and come back when he starts talking about positive stuff; 2.) you can tune out, write a letter to your sweetheart and tune back in when he gets to the GOOD stuff; 3.) you can listen and simultaneously edit saying things to yourself like, "This is only true for someone who places his authority in you, buddy, not me. I know about the Law of Attraction and I know that I control my vibration."

In absolutely everything in every minute of your day you have to be aware of how you are feeling. If someone in the break room is talking about how miserable he/she is or how sick someone is, or whatever misery is being hashed out, you get to LEAVE. You have the freedom, the right and the responsibility to change your mind and not be available for vibrations that do not FEEL GOOD to you.

It is very simple: garbage in yields garbage out. You don't have to voice anything to anybody; that is not your job. Your job is your vibration and your control is over your focus. Have some standard comments ready such as, "You know what, I just remembered, I have to make a call. If you'll excuse me." Or "I'll be back...." The point is you have made a choice FOR yourself, not against them, so you have no judgment about what they are talking about, all you know is, it's not for you.

My personal favorite, "Gotta Go!"

These are dramatic times that offer the perfect opportunity to become a very selective sifter of the data that comes in to you. These times are perfect for becoming the master of your focus and teaching yourself that you are, indeed, in complete control of how you FEEL. Master this, and you've pretty much mastered your life.

Next week we'll talk about what to focus on.

Remember, apply, apply, apply. It doesn't work if you don't use it.

Thanks for reading!


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Monday, October 6, 2008

8 Steps to Changing Your Focus

Good Morning Everyone,

We're going to work on deliberate focus today and perhaps for a few weeks to come.

I know, the news is really competing for your focus and attention, big time. You almost can't avoid it, unless you put yourself into a cave. But we're not advocating that. What we're going to be doing over the next few weeks is showing you how to be the one to choose your own focus and therefore your own vibration and how to be a selective sifter of the information that you are viewing. We're NOT going to let the time and tides dictate your vibration. You get to choose.

This is going to take application and practice on your part for it to be effective in your life. The point of this, is to feel good, keep feeling good and optimistic, and to keep moving forward in the goals and projects you have in process and or to help you choose your new direction and focus and stay consistently and deliberately focused on what you choose.

So let's get started.

Let's begin with the headlines of any news media. Today for example, on Yahoo, it is all about the
Dow. And they give you just enough information to set your teeth on edge. Thanks, right?

Ok. What can you do with that information? Here's what I recommend:

1. You can simply bless the information. A sort of "thanks for sharing" type of thing. This is not getting yourself involved in it or reading any further; yet it probably still rankles and causes you some level of concern. You feel some dis-ease. What we want to do is change that dis-ease, into something that feels better to you right then and there.

2. So you feel that knot in your stomach and acknowledge it as fear. You might say to yourself, "This is scary." "I'm worried." or anything similar. What is important is to truly feel that feeling and acknowledge it. "Yep, I'm scared about this economic thing. I'm worried about what this could mean for my family, my job, etc." Be specific. Be clear. Be Truthful with yourself.

3. Now. Breathe deeply. Do it again. Breathe deeply. Again, if you need to to calm, even a tad.

4. Now you're going to reach for some better feeling thoughts about this. You might say things like, "In the past, things have gone up and down, and they always work out." or "There are lots of ways for money to come to me, my job is only one way, out of an infinite number of ways."
or "Isn't this interesting. I'm wondering if now just might be the time for me to follow that hunch I had the other day with respect to..." or "I know that my good is at play." You keep reaching for thoughts that ease that knot in your stomach. When you find it, and you can viscerally and literally feel the ease and relief, you've just changed your vibration on that subject.

5. Now you stabilize yourself there. Breathe in deeply. Relax into the new, better feeling place.

6. Now count your blessings. Let's tally up all the "haves" in your life. And I mean ALL of your "haves". You have your health, you have access to Internet, you have .....and keep on going. Do this every single day without repeating anything twice.

7. Now feeling better, choose deliberately to turn your focus of attention - your nuclear Source Energy - to what feels correct and right and fun for you to proceed with today, and give it your Full Focus. Is it your new book? Is it a new customer? You know where your good is, so follow it. Don't be tempted to look at the ick. It has nothing to do with you, unless you make it so.

8. Don't look back. Remember the story of Lot's wife who was turned into a pillar of salt when she looked back? Well, don't do it. Keep looking forward and upward. Keep working on that thought until it has become really positive and you have no fear about the subject of this economic turmoil.

These are the times when we are challenged to NOT look at all the icky stuff, but rather keep our eyes focused on what we desire to create, not what is. This is applied spirituality in action.

Next blog...being a selective sifter.

Thanks for reading!


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