Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Sky is Falling!!!

Good Day All!

There's a wondrous event happening in the wee hours of September 1. (see link)

Living here in the mountains, the night sky is what I think of as our greatest benefit. A few years back there was a meteor shower, and we all made a party of it inviting friends and family to come in the middle of the night to watch the show.

It started around 2 am amid cloudy skies, but we persevered, looking first North, then South or wherever the clouds were not. I lay on the ground bundled in a blanket sipping hot tea. I lost count of the shooting starts at 275. It was amazing. This is when I truly pity the folks that live in cities.

There is another event coming around 4am PST the Aurigid Meteor Shower. Providing my alarm clock works and I read the article correctly, I'll be up attempting to catch the first photo with my wee camera. Who knows?

They say these are 2000 years old. I wonder how they can know that. And I wonder why I am so in awe of the night sky. I can't explain it. I look out into that vastness and I can breathe deeply, like, when you go home. It feels like home, sort of.

It quickens my imagination, it tickles my sense of wonder, it restores my soul. I breathe.
I imagine that everything "out there" is within hearing range of my voice. I imagine I can hear "them".

The human voices are silent in the night. There is a hush and what remains is - well - the Infinite Invisible - IT's voice and the myriad voices that make up "IT." I can contemplate more clearly and easily; I can have a new thought; I can solve something from this world; I can dream into life a new dream. The night sky inspires this in me.

The night sky is where physics and God join and are one. The explosion of a star, the creation of a new universe, the birth of a dream, the voices of every one who ever was and every one who ever will be are available to "hear". It's magical, it's science, it's Real and mostly it feels so good.

If you can, watch the skies and dream your own dreams and feel the support we have from All that Is. We are loved beyond measure; and they're putting on a show just for us.

Thanks for reading!


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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

An Ordinary Hero

Good Day All!

Well, I missed the eclipse last night. Drat. Darn. My neighbors have described it as really awesome and extraordinary. One of the benefits of living out here in the boon docks is the extraordinary nighttime skies. And to see an eclipse on a full moon, well, that's something else. I'll catch the next one to be sure.

I happened to watch the Freedom Writers movie last night. If you haven't seen it, you must.What I love is that it is a true story about ordinary heroes. (see link)

The story is about a young, fresh-out-of-college teacher, Erin Gruwell, who takes a job teaching freshman English in war-torn by gangs, Wilson High School. Bless her heart, Erin wears her pearls, all dressed up for her first day of school. What she finds is children so encased in pain and hatred, drama and violence in their personal lives, they have absolutely no capacity to listen to her try to teach Homer. Even to the viewer, one can see how enormous the gulf between Erin's reality and the kids'.

And then she has her opportunity when a nasty cartoon is passed about the class. You can see the gears clicking into place in her head. The gang thing, the hatred, the fear, the Nazi's. She clobbers them with the Holocaust. Trouble is, they've never heard of it. And the light goes on for her, the way "in". She takes it. She teaches them through the writings of another young teen, Anne Frank.

What makes Erin Gruwell so special in my opinion? She never lost herself, never buckled in the face of the "system", and more important - she saw Who They Really Were. She even tells one of her students who gives himself an "F" for the course, "I see you!"

And there, quite simply, is the Gift. Seeing the divinity in someone, especially when they can't even see or even know it for themselves. I call this holding the space. I know Who We Really Are even when we least look like it - God having this earth adventure.

Anne Frank was my first heroine ever. I met her watching our local high school doing the play. I think I was about 11 years old when I first saw it. I cried, of course, through the play; but I remember the whole thing being redeemed for me by her last words, "I still believe people are good at heart." I sighed, relieved of the pain, because I knew that Truth, too. I still do.

So today my blog is devoted to this ordinary heroine, Erin Gruwell. And now, of course, to the students themselves, whose lights are turned back on. Remember Who You Are...and more importantly - that's who everyone else is matter what they present to you. We each and everyone, no exclusions, are God having a human adventure. Sometimes all it takes it for only one person to refuse to believe the mask you offer.

Today, look into the eyes of everyone you meet with the intention of really Seeing Who They ARE. Masks off.....I see YOU.

Ordinary people with the extraordinary Godchip - Applied Spirituality in form.

Thanks for reading!


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Saturday, August 25, 2007

Happy Birthday Blogger

Good Day Everyone!

I really wish I understood the whole Internet and blog world better. I'm supposing that in time it will seep in like water under the door.

Today I go to blog and find out it's Blogger's 8th birthday. Then I read that if I click on this I will find that....and I end up at Steven Job's site. ( Well, I'm in good company! There's so much out there to read. How do people find time to live life if they're busy reading every one's blog, I wonder.

It's all I can do to get this daily blog done in a thoughtful and meaningful way, to me.

I love the technology. I am daily stunned by what has been created and wonder what yet is to come. Back in the late 90's as things were gearing up, true to my Crab nature, I held back and watched from the sidelines waiting to understand what this "Internet thing" was and how it could impact me and my life.

Then one day a slightly nutty friend of mine, ex Navy Seal with one wire that seems to fly around in his head and make a connection every now and again said, "Kath, it's pure consciousness." Well, I was in. It made perfect sense to me in those terms. Consciousness to consciousness we can now communicate and share what we think, feel, see, learn, know, fantasize, create, doubt, fear. Wow.

I think now, it had to come along because it is representative of the cornerstone of Who We Really Are - Free Spirits all of us. And this wondrous thing, the Internet, is that tool to circumvent anyone who would edit or censure. Now that is a worthy invention. But I think, too, it is simply another step in the evolution of man returning to full connection with Source. It's on the tractor beam path back home.

Think about it. Instantly we can e-mail a thought (with this tool), text message with our phones (another tool) and see videos and pictures or hear stories, lectures, news (with another tool), but what is close is the instantaneous exchange of energy in the various forms.

Next step or future steps? The instantaneous telepathy of the same information without the tools. We can all do that now, of course, but we don't believe it. We doubt that that flash of intuition is "real". So we pick up the phone or write the e-mail to confirm...yes, you do it!
But you already - KNOW.

We are such amazing creatures. We have such abilities that we were all talked out of long ago, but they are there dormant or active in mild ways. But as the consciousness of "us" expands and rises to accept Who We Really Are, we will begin to believe and listen to those extraordinary talents within and stop doubting that we are, each and everyone, God having a human adventure and these "talents" are not, in fact extraordinary, but ordinary.

I've recently come across a television series that I've check out from the San Diego County Library called "The 4400". It's a wonderful peek into the writer's imagination of Who We Really Are and are trying to become. I am really enjoying the show and salute the writer-creator, Scott Peters. Scott is truly letting Source flow through him as is Steve and everyone and anyone who had anything to do with creating the web and Blogger - a special thanks to Google for hosting for me and everyone else a place, free of charge for freedom of speech! Well Done to you all and my personal and sincere - Thank YOU!

We are the Creators. Stop looking elsewhere, you are God.

Thanks for reading! Kath

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Thursday, August 23, 2007

Thinking for Yourself

Good Day Everyone!

The subject on the table today is thinking. How do you think? I mean, as a process, how do you think about things? Perhaps another question would be, do you think?

No, this is not a smarty pants question. It's a very real and serious question for you to consider.
As you go through you day, do you react? Do you stop to think? Do you question the basis of the premise put before you? When you hear the news or read an article, do you consider the source? Do you automatically think because it's in print, it's true? Or do you THINK IT THROUGH FOR YOURSELF?

This is the age of information, to be sure. You can go online and find information about just about anything. And you can find information that is nothing but dribble, speculation, opinion, speculation, unfortunately in the news, as well. Can you distinguish fact from fiction? Oh boy, that's probably the biggest and most important question followed by the sister question, how do you distinguish fact from fiction?

Let's tackle that one, since it's the most important one given the individual's bombardment on a daily basis of information. Let's start with the utmost important thing first: you must have the innate and deep desire for Truth. Well, sure, you're thinking, everyone wants the truth. No you don't. If that were true, we wouldn't see so much dribble and spin out there. People tend to hear what they want to hear, and often that is not what the truth might be. So important thing number one: cultivate within you the deep desire for only the Truth, no matter what it is.

The foremost characteristic of Truth is highest quality. It feels correct, Real, True and Right.
How do you know? Because your Godchip, which is the highest quality of vibration resonates only to those pure, high and fast frequencies. When it recognizes Truth, it feels so within you.
And that is how you Know it to be so. Often times you will hear something or read something and feel it "off" or "hmmm, well, maybe..." That is your Godchip telling you it's NOT vibrationally matched with it...therefore there is some part or whole of it that is not Truth.

Truth is you have to learn to read-feel, hear-feel, see-feel, to utilize your internal guidance system correctly. The words may sound like just what you want to hear, whilst you gut is telling you, "nope, noway, nohow." This is the principle activity on planet earth. What your physicality is taking in, vs. what your Inner Guidance is speaking. We are taught to follow the mental logic and if that holds true, then it's the way to go. What we are not taught is to follow that FEELING that says, "those words sound great, but they are not true."

In this age of information, learning to cultivate the art of listening within is mandatory, not optional anymore. The science of psychology has infiltrated every aspect of our lives: media, tv programming, marketing, etc. They know how to push your buttons to get you to react, to buy, to tune in, to climb on board with the idea. How do you defense yourself in this spin society?
You feel the authenticity of the message. If you have sincerely cultivated that sincere and deep desire for only Truth, the lack of quality in any message, product, packaging, movie, ad, whatever will be FELT by you instantaneously. The trick then is to....believe yourSELF.

The masses like lemmings will be led down any and every path put to them, manipulated ingeniously by the psychology of the mind. But the Soul, your Godchip, is impervious to that level of stuff and will tell you the Truth, without fail, but how it FEELS.

Start today. Develop your own personal deep desire for Truth, no matter what. And begin listening/feeling; seeing/feeling; experiencing/feeling your way through you life. It's foolproof.

Thanks for reading! Kath

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Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Each Day

Good Day Everyone,

It looks like we just might get some rain up here today! That would be wonderful.

I'm thinking lately how fearful people seem to be. What really concerns me is how they now automatically assume the worst, even in little things. Optimism seems to have vanished in lieu of doom and pessimism being the first and most immediate responses.

I think this is the result of conditioning over time. Acclimation to bad news in the absence of a healthy balance of the good news. This is what happens to us, inch by inch, and day by day unless we learn to sift out the wheat from the chaff and think for ourselves. This is what happens when we listen constantly to the "talking heads" whether they be on TV or on radio and absorb "their" thoughts rather than thinking our own.

Head in the sand you say? Denial? Perhaps. But isn't their slant on things the same thing? There are plenty of wondrous things happening all over the world which never get a mention. Everyday miracles happen, well being abounds and it is patently ignored. The news and news worthy items are more than just doom and bad news, it is the totality of what is happening in proportionate mention. This isn't being covered fairly. If it were, there would be more good news in full view in preponderance. Didn't the sun come up this morning? Did not the stars make their rotation on time? Is not your body working this morning? Didn't you have food on the table?

Certainly we are all working with challenges, but we are the Creators. When we feel a pinch, a feeling of dis-ease, it rises up in us a desire for well being and we ASK. IT is granted. If we allow this well being to flow into us, it manifests. Nothing is beyond our reach. There is so much more hope than not.

I was listening yesterday to Eckart Tolle's new book, In the Presence of a Great Mystery.
Thing is, it's not a mystery. It's in full view of you if you would but observe. Believe your own observations rather than buying into what "they" say.

Tolle speaks so specifically about the silence in between the words. It is the silence where the ground of God, yourSelf is. When we continually pray (ask, beg, beseech) we are sending. Even in a two-way radio on has to say"OVER" to let the other person speak. So try this. At the end of your askings, be still and listen. You've asked. You've been heard. Now hold yourself in the attitude of reception and allow your blessing to flow on in. The system has worked since the beginning of time. Pay attention and you'll see that it is so for yourself.

Thanks for Reading! Kath

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Monday, August 6, 2007

Relative Wealth - Perspective

Good Day Everyone!

Wow, this is sure turning out to be a lovely summer! Everyday I'm getting some lovely tomato or eggplant out of my wee garden; and the temperatures are true summer temps. Lovely!

Recently I was in Ohio with my folks for 3 weeks. I grew up in Ohio and have always thought it was the very best place to have grown up. And lots of wonderful things still remain from my childhood memories. For one thing, no one fences in their backyards! This one thing makes for more open hearts, to be sure. People know their neighbors without fences.

I really enjoyed the grass. I know, but up here in the Mountains of San Diego we do not spare water on grass. This time of year everything is brown and dry; so I relished laying in the thick cool grass at night watching the fireflies and the stars.

Lying there I had some time to reflect and wonder about some things. For example, how can they build a beautiful 2800 sq.ft. home with the same size basement, have all the usual and more upgrades in flooring, mill work, cabinetry, landscaping etc. and charge $300,000 for it?
In other words, how come when I built my home in San Diego I paid $252,000 for a mere 1600 sq.ft. and did a whole lot of the work myself? I started to wonder about the myth (mindset) that we live here in California.

Today I ran across this article in the NY Times entitled Millionaires Who Don't Feel Rich (see link)

I read this article with interest. How can someone with a few million in the bank not feel rich? And then I started to put it together with my recent experience in Ohio. Lots of people there feel rich and have not the millions in the bank.

It's all a state of mind. It's all a mindset. It's all a set of beliefs. It's all relative.

One thing for sure, I certainly don't share the mindset of those in Menlo Park with millions who don't feel rich. I feel rich everyday. I have so much, life is so rich with beauty and love and place and people and thoughts....thoughts again. There it is, your perspective.

I remember when I was deciding to move to Ithaca, NY to go to Cornell. A dear friend from the beach here in San Diego asked me incredulously, "Why?" He couldn't see there was any life worth living east of I-5. That mindset, that belief system.

We are so free here on planet Earth we can choose to believe we are in prison. And so it seems some of the millionaire in the Silicon Valley have adopted a mindset of being in prison. A rich prison you might say, but nevertheless, it lacks....contentment.

Contentment is the greatest wealth. [The Urantia Book, p. 1447, par. 3]

If contentment is the greatest wealth according to the Urantia Book, then what is that? It is a feeling state within you. A feeling of ...WELL BEING, APPRECIATION, TRUST, SATIATION, SATISFACTION. Those feelings come from being able to fully be grateful for and deliciously savor and appreciate WHERE YOU ARE. It is knowing you HAVE, rather than feeling or thinking about "having not" present or future. Contento. I love the word in Spanish. Contento.

Within Contento is no fear. It is FULL.

Wherever we are in the economic game, there is always Contento. Certainly we dream of more, we are constantly desiring new things, new ideas, new creations, new situations...but they don't come unless we are Contento.

It makes me feel sad that someone with millions who has achieved so much already cannot relax and feel that appreciation and contentment whilst still reaching to create something else.

We are told in the Good Book to "Fear NOT". You already deserve the wealth and richness you have, and you deserve more - all that heaven offers - all of us, every single one.

Practice your Contento. Practice your "Fear NOT!" You Have. It's ok. It's all Good...God. Break free from the "collective" mindset there, here, wherever you are - and feel your Godchip saying, "I HAVE". You have because you ARE God here having a physical adventure. You already have it all.

Thanks for Reading! Kath

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Thursday, August 2, 2007

Never Ever Too Late

Good Day All that Is,

Well, how are you today? It's a good day. No, it's a GREAT Day!

I was so jazzed to see this article that appeared this morning on Yahoo News. A woman in Australia has received her Masters Degree at age 94 (see link)

So there, all you naysayers who think life stops at 40 or 50 or 69 or....
We are eternal creatures who never run out of time and never get it all finished. We just keep on going, changing, creating, evolving and expanding.

What I love about this lady is she just did it. When I worked at the San Diego County Library, I would hear from older citizens all the time, "No, the computer's not for me. Too complicated. Too confusing. No. No. No."

Then I would think, well, I guess we're getting ready to die, die, die. There's a line in the movie, The Shawshank Remdemption where the hero says, "It all boils down to you either get busy living, or you get busy dying."

Life is the exuberance within each of us. It's that part that says, "YES! I love that!" or "Yes, I'm curious about that." It never thinks, "Gee, I'm 90, so what's the point." Only a human-conditioned mind would think that thought, which by the way, you can choose to change.

I personally went back to college at age 38 and got my degree just shy of my 40th birthday. There was one HUGE party for that event. We are always more alive, more of Who We Really Are when we are engaged in something that intrigues us, causes us "difficulty", poses a problem, makes us imagine a solution. That's the nitty gritty of life, focusing our Source Energy though this mechanism of mind and body to desire something, imagine it, and then play through the process of watching it unfold before us. That is delicious living at any age.

My life has been a series of re-creations. I've done many, many things. Mostly I've enjoyed them all, troubles and all. But what I've noticed about myself is that once the project is "mastered" or complete, I'm done. I'm ready to try something new. Sometimes I have difficulty with that time of ambiguity when the desire is forming, and I'm not sure what's next; but once I have a taste, then I follow that thread and watch the newest adventure unfold.

Baby Boomers, take heart. You're eternal. You may spend a "Parenthesis in Eternity" [borrowed from Joel Goldsmith] here on planet earth, but it's a never ending adventure. It's only over when you think it is. Why not be engaged, eager, and delighted until the day you decide to leave?

Applied Spirituality is about knowing that eternal Godchip within you and focusing it merrily on each moment, using it to create and expand a delicious life, moment by moment. Apply your Eternal Spirit Now. You'll be really glad you did. You'll know by how it

Thanks for reading! Kath

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