Friday, February 27, 2009

Trusting Your Own Judgement

Good Morning America!

Well, it's happening. A recent poll by Rasmussen Reports says that 71% of the American people trust the peoples' judgment over politicians'.


Listen folks, we're in the mess we are because the American people individually and collectively gave away all their power of judgment, reason and truth to the politicians and everyone else.

Just so we don't go sideways on a news item like this, we, the people, have no one to "blame" except ourselves. And besides, this blog is not and never will be about blame. It's responsibility, which in my lexicon is the ability to respond. We each and every one have the ability to respond without coaching by anyone else.


We have our own Internal Guidance System, for Pete's sake. Everyone has the same Godchip that is constantly telling us the Truth. It always feels Good and Right, as opposed to good and right.

What do I mean? Well, your Godchip feels the alignment of your human mind with Godmind. There, all is well, Truth, Beauty, Goodness and Correct. Your human mind will dipsy dive and tell you that's "right" or "good" or "true" when it's what your human mind wants to hear. Usually all this right and wrong is based on fear and lack.

Your Godmind, however, sends you the most elegant feeling of Well Being. It's like a sigh right down to your core. We all recognize this, because it feels so absolutely Correct. It FEELS correct.

Meanwhile, your human mind will be unraveling 75 different scenarios and arguing the "logic" or unreasonableness of something, expecially that Well Being feeling from your Godchip.

Listen folks, it's all about how it feels. Everything. Your eyes, ears, and other physical senses are for navigating yourself around in the physical plane. Your gut, intuition, Internal Guidance System, heart - these are all True North.

That a poll finally reflects that we are starting to judge our own guidance as better, is a personal people's advancement and expansion in consciousness. We are finally acknowledging that we have the ability to respond. We are wise, when we feel and follow the Guidance.

Thanks for reading!


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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Born Again American

Hello America!

My blog title today, Born Again American, comes courtesy of my Dad, Robert Penovich, a WWII B-17 pilot who flew the Battle of the Bulge, dropped food rations to the starving Dutch in Operation Chowhound, and liberated French Prisoners of War out of Austrian German camps back to France.

There is not a moment when my Dad sees the colors or hears the anthem that he doesn't choke up, he loves this country that much. This kind of love is born of a grateful heart. He's 1st generation; his parents came over to America from Serbia via Ellis Island in the early 1900's. His parents had everything they owned on their person. They came because of their dream of more.

Dad is a pretty humble guy. He first started college at Case, in Cleveland, only because a coach offered him a scholarship. He said, "yes". Then he went off to war, and when he came back, he married his high school sweetheart, my Mom, and gave up his scholarship to someone else, because he could continue on the GI bill. He became an engineer and appreciated every opportunity that came his way. He said, "yes" to life, to liberty, and most importantly to showing up for his own life with an open and grateful heart.

Last night he showed me this video on his computer. He's now 86 and loves the technology, works in the woodshop everyday, and is still expanding, learning and saying "yes" to life.

While we watched this video, we were both crying. We both love this country so much. So you don't think we're always in agreement, at least politically, we have always agreed to share our views as loving friends. Even though we have different ideas of things sometimes, we still share and grow, because we love and respect each other so much.

This is my idea of America, as a family. You see, we all get to be here. Every idea, ever thought, every concept that can be conceived is embraced by the concept of democracy. Inherent in that idea is that if we love each other as family, we can agree to disagree and we can still keep sharing and keep loving and expanding, because of our Love for each other and this great land.

So, head on over to Born Again American, listen to the words, read the mission and pledge yourself to becoming a Born Again American who takes up his/her own bed and walks...for the sake of Love.

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Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Nation of Cowards - Hmmm

Good Morning Everyone!

Well, our new Attorney General of the United States, Eric Holder, has pronounced that America is a nation of cowards when it comes to discussing matters related to race. While Mr. Holder may not win any awards for diplomacy, sometimes it is a good thing to say something that shocks. On this point, I applaud him for shocking us.

The good part about this is that it causes us to really think and consider the veracity of his statement. Are we afraid?

I'd say we are. I'd say we are afraid of many things, and it is our fear that holds us back from all the Good Stuff.

Yesterday I listened to an interview - for a very short time - of Howard Davidowitz, described as a retail analyst. Ok. I'll bite. The interview was a fearful and inflammatory tirade of how dire things are and how bad they are still going to get. Well, that's nice, Howard. And what Good do you suppose is going to come from that bit of rhetoric?

I mention this to bring to light that Mr. Davidowitz mirrors to us our fears. YEECH! And no one likes to acknowledge the fearful places in our minds, now do we? Of course not.

But the unmitigated truth is that unless we acknowledge that we are afraid, we can't make the next decision, which is to be unafraid. And that, dear reader, is wherein all our power lies - in making a new decision.

A friend and I were discussing the economic stimulus package last night. She felt that at least someone was attempting to try new ideas, and for this we should all get in line and support the plan. I agree. I really don't think we can make a wrong decision, but what makes something "not work" is our divided focus for and against it. Once we line up with a decision, the results are quickly assessed, and we can make new choices from there. But harken to the old line thinkers who have to assert their doom and gloom. For pity sake, you didn't have anything better to offer. So either contribute a new idea or bloody get out of the energetic way. This to the news media, as well.

I'm all for free speech, and certainly Mr Davidowitz has the right to his opinion, but he is only one person whose opinion is no more or no less valid than any other. So why doesn't abc news find someone to point to the Good News, as well? What good news? Well for starters, I know right here in Medina, Ohio two new businesses that opened their doors this month. The Country Baker and Zeppe's Pizza both on Medina Road, Rte 18. These are folks who march to their own drummer, expanding, whilst others are running around like Chicken Little yelling that the sky is falling.

If the stats say there's 8% unemployment, doesn't it follow that it means that 92% are still employed? And who are they measuring?

We are not a nation of cowards, not by a long shot. We are, however, unsure as to how to proceed. And like every other human on the planet, we are paused at times by our fears. This is sometimes a very wise pause, because before we can strike out in a new direction, isn't is a good thing to want to know where we want to be heading. The fear tells us we are separated in our mind from our Good. Lost. To acknowledge this is to gain footing back into Well Being. At the moment I can declare to myself that I am afraid of ________; I immediately know what I do want. I want to feel Good, and I want the fullness of that Good.

Now I have a reorientation towards my Good. I can ask for new ideas, new perspectives, new ways and allow the path to my Good to unfold to me.

So, if we have been afraid of discussing matters of race, and now we know we want to feel confidant and love in discussing matters of race, it will be so. We have pointed our intentions fully in that direction, and that is where we will end up.

Let's just decide to acknowledge that we have been a bit stuck on many issues, but that is what change is all about. No longer are we like deer caught in the headlights of a truck. We acknowledge our fears; we name them; and now we point our intentions for freedom from fear and alignment with the fullness of all our Good. New friends of any color, new wealth, new ideas and new, better adventures in Remembering Who We Really Are.

All humans, separated from Source are cowards; but we are divine Godchips having this amazing human adventure on earth in the physical. Fearless.

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Monday, February 16, 2009


Good Day Everyone!

Everyone has something to say about abundance these days. So, do I.

Abundance is noticing what we do have and staying focused on what feels Well, Full, Lovely, Delightful, Divine, Beautiful, Lovely.

Abundance is not staying fixated on what is wrong or lacking.

Easy for me to say? Yes, it is easy for me to say, but not easy to do in practice. It takes my intention to stay rightly focused. Do I manage it 100% of the time. No, of course not. I keep having to "put the puppy back onto the paper" just like everyone else.

This is becoming the master of your spirit: applying it, focusing it, where you choose to look.

Like everyone else, I have challenges in my life. These challenges are for growing that spiritual muscle. I have to hook up my will and intention and then choose my focus and keep it there.

When we focus on something, we are creating more of it. So, if I am looking at unemployment statistics or health statistics or any other "lackful" data, then I am contributing to that pool of thought energy and creating more of it, if I dwell there.

What I use that data for is this: it doesn't feel good or uplifting, so I know that I am not aligned with Truth. Then I use it launch a new thought. What would make me feel Good or at least, better? I think about people's creativity. I think about their ability to create whatever they desire. I think about how I could create something new. I think about what would feel Good to me to be creating. Then I think about how to go about that. What would I need, what would that take? Then I am desiring it. I am wishing for it. My thoughts go out into the Big U and are answered.

Then, I watch as the evidence starts to come in that I am being answered. A book, a person, a conversation, a way opens up. And what do I do? I NOTICE and rejoice. Ah, Ha! Another piece of the puzzle has arrived. A stepping stone has lit up on the way to my dream. Come this way...and I do. I watch it unfold, because I am expecting it to unfold before me. I think that's what the scripture means when it says, "I go before you to make the crooked places straight." The "I" is my Spirit, my focus, my Energy.

So, you have your work cut out for you, do you not? Change your view. Look elsewhere. Look UP. And stay focused on what you do want.

I will keep thee in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Me.....All Good...Abundance

Stay focused!

Thanks for reading!


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Monday, February 9, 2009

Trickle Up: The Econmics of New Thought

Good Day Everyone,

Spirituality is all about economics here on earth. When we notice a pinch, immediately we know what we don't want and therefore immediately know what we do want more of.

Think about this, this is critical.

You notice that you get less quality for your money at the cash register. Everything is watered down. The quality of the food is less and costs more. You go home with a half a bag of groceries for $60.00. What the heck? So, now you know what you do want: higher quality, lower costs. You immediately start looking for that, focusing your Source Energy to find that. You have sent out a powerful request that is immediately being fulfilled.

Your part is that you are now allowing the clues to come into your awareness so that you can follow the trail to what is wanted. You keep looking and noticing, finding and acknowledging it.

Everything is about economics.

Right now the Congress is debating the stimulus package. Today I heard a man in Elkhart, Indiana site of the Town Meeting refer to the trickle up. This man is genius. He knows that we have the power, the people, you and me, to stimulate everything from the ground up.

Congress can vote this enormous stimulus package, and jump start things, certainly. But we hold the ace card. We with the opportunities this bill will bring to the nation, with out ingenuity and desires for more, for ease, for abundance, for plenty can create new ideas to use this stimulus package. We cannot sit back and wait for "father government" to feed our bellies with dole outs of monies. This is only a limited resource, vast though it is. It is seed money for our own creativity and imaginations.

We have been trained as employees, but we now need to think as change agents, entrepreneurs, and innovators. So your whole family for generations has been employed by the car industry, does this have to be the way it continues? Do you like where it is brought you? What do you imagine? What would you like?

It's time to retool, yourself. Perhaps you have unemployment insurance, a bit of time and support. Take time right now to rethink your next step. Where would you LOVE to go. What would you like to create for yourself, your family, this nation. You are not a beggar at the feed trough of the government, you are masterful creator with an unprecedented opportunity. Seize the day, this very moment and create your own "job".

Everyone is frozen in fear. A bit of money is now being hoarded, saved, for what....
It is time to do just the opposite. Expand. Think big. Dream. Ask. Following the clues and create, create, create!

This is truly the time for Trickle Up. Lead upward. This change is from the ground up, from us.

Let's get going. Dream, imagine, and follow the steps that the Universe answers you with. You are the powerful creator, be it. This is applied spirituality. Apply yours. It's entirely your call, free will and sovereignty.

Thanks for reading!


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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Cleaning Up Your Vibrational Signature - Part 3: Changing Your Focus

Good Morning Everyone,

Turn OFF your televisions!

I repeat, turn off your televisions. If need be, for awhile, eliminate news radio, gossips, your old friends, and whomever or whatever is the old channel that you have been listening to that is a steady diet of negative and toxic vibrations. Listening and seeing toxic vibrations is just the same as eating chemical toxins. They are poison. They take you places you do not want to go.

When you entertain them, this is your point of focus in the now moment; and this is what you are busy creating more of.

In this third part of Changing Your Vibrational Signature, we are going to focus on changing your point of focus. It is important that you "get it" that doing or having the same vibrational signature (internal attitude), is always going to get you more of the same of what you are experiencing right now.

Are you sick of lack of money, ill health, disease, war, what? Then you must turn your focus away from what is and refocus yourself towards what is wanted.

This is why bad things happen to good people.

Each of us is responsible for our own internal attitude, countenance, vibrational offering. As you watch a television commercial for diabetes, what are you focusing your Source Energy on? Sickness! When you passively sit with talk radio on and listen to a steady stream of negative thoughts, criticisms, what's bad, what's wrong, who's to blame, ask yourself where are you focusing your Source Energy? Guess what you are going to experience in your life?

How to shift that focus:

1. Increase your awareness of how it feels to you.

You sit in the break room at work and listen to the same people saying the same things day after day: how disrespectful their children are, their husband is drinking, their mother is sick, doctor visits, diagnoses, treatments, a litany of stuff that cannot possibly feel good to you. Yet, you sit there and take it in. Why? Is it because you think it is impolite to leave? Who cares? This is your life! What you take in,you are focused on. What you are focused on is what you will get more of and what you contribute to the world.

What can you do?

Excuse yourself. Go outside and take a walk around the block with the intention of breathing fresh air, seeing something lovely, enjoying the feel of your body as it loves to move, breathe, see and hear and feel....Now notice how you feel inside. Better, of course. You feel more ease even Good.

2. Change Your Focus Deliberately.

So your wife is ranting and raving at you. Your boss is saying snide remarks. What can you do? Excuse yourself. You do not have to be there. You don't need to make a grand exit, having the last word, getting your dig in. Rather, you can say, "Excuse me, I just remembered, I need to..."

You are sovereign in your life. You get to say where you are, what you are present for, what you will listen to, and when and where you will place your focus. When you do excuse yourself from any situation, deliberately refocus on something that is lovely, good, uplifting, positive. Have a plan. Have some subjects at the ready that you can turn to, already prepared, that will help you shift your internal state. Like what? Well, the smile of child, the day at the beach, the taste of those fresh peaches last summer, the night sky, a lovely poem, or an inspirational quote.

So, your assignment this week? Change the channel and focus on what feels Good. Next installment: the art of focusing on what is wanted.

This is applied spirituality. This is being the conscious and deliberate Creator that you Are.

Thanks for reading!


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