Wednesday, January 28, 2009

It's Attitude, Not Luck

Good Morning Everyone!

It's a winter wonderland in Ohio this morning. I think we have about 10 new inches of snow on the ground this morning. It is lovely; and it is still coming down! I'm heading out soon to make angels in the snow.

I rarely read sports stories, unless of course it is something compelling. Today there is a wonderful Cinderella story on Yahoo News about Sean McHugh of the Pittsburgh Steelers.

I love this story, because it takes place over a short time frame, which helps illustrate the internal energy (attitude) of McHugh.

Just four months ago McHugh was cut from the Detroit Lions, who by the way, have gone 0-16 this season claiming title as worst of the worst. I'll talk about their energy in a minute. However, this "bad" news came on the heels of news that he and his wife we going to have a second baby. Also, they had just purchased a home outside of Detroit. From these two items you can see they were "expanding". They were full of Life - Source Energy. The McHughes were allowing the Flow of Source through them. Skipity Doo Dah! Life is Good.

Mind you, they also had been doing a lot of asking (wishing and desiring) individually and together. So the Big Universe was busy delivering to them as long as they were allowing Source.

Then, seemingly out of nowhere, McHugh gets cut from the Lions. Shock. What the heck?

Fleetingly, like with all of us, there is fear, doubt, and all the other negative emotions. But key here, is that this disallowing was fleeting. I mean, when you get cut from the worst team, how would you feel? But hold on just a minute...they were on a roll of "allowing" and that same night, McHugh gets a call from the Steelers to come on down!

At this point I would like to stop, just a second, and point out the Law of Attraction operating here, which says "like is attracted to like". With the LOA in place, McHugh is a positive little elf, he's buying a home, he's having another baby, he's in LOVE with Life. His energy is not a match to the energy of Detroit and the Lions. So he's gotta move on - by Law -towards his matching vibration and, of course, his Good. So voila! The Steelers know one of their own kind and snatch him up. Like with Like.

The Steelers, as you might know, are heading to the Super Bowl this Sunday against the Arizona Cardinals in Tampa Bay. The best of the best.

In his interview McHugh says, “There is an expectation when you become a Pittsburgh Steeler that you’re going to win,” he said. “And anything less than that is not acceptable. In Detroit it was like you were hoping to win.”

I like this guy. He's actually paying attention to how things feel in the culture of his teams. What he observed tells volumes. In Pittsburg there's the expectation of winning. That's an internal attitude which sees success as "of course". In Detroit, there's the "hope" which has doubt all through it. That's their "internal attitude which is their culture.

The internal attitude = the organization's culture = their vibrational signature which is what the Big Universe is answering. Expect to win = win. Doubt your Good = failure, malaise.

McHughs goes on to say, "It’s a little bit of redemption, a little bit of success in the face of distress; a little bit about remembering that what appears to be the worst thing can turn out to be the best."

“A door closed,” McHugh said, “and a world opened.”

I love this guy! If he's paying attention, he's just learned how it all works. If you study this story, you'll see how the Big Universe works in your Life.

1. Never doubt. Your Good is At Play even in the face of what appears to be the worst thing. Your Good is Always At Play.
2. When that door shuts, if you are maintaining the internal attitude of my Good just showed up, I'm watching for it with conviction - then, truly, the New World of Your Good just opened up.
3. Never, look back. Lot's wife did and turned into a pillar of salt.
4. There's always more Good...

As to the energy of Detroit, which I mentioned above. Detroit is a city that is in dire need of an attitude adjustment. The vibrational signature of Detroit is largely one of lack. Certainly they have had their challenges, and continue to have them. This is all of our challenge, to change our vibrational station within. But if anyone in Detroit is watching this story of McHugh, the answer to changing your town is in this story. You cannot keep looking at what is and not expect to get even more of what is. Somehow you have to find a way of lining up with what you want. McHugh was lined up with what he wanted - Life, success, his Good.

Dan Wetzel of Yahoo Sports goes on to write about McHugh,

McHugh is a blue-collar guy from outside of Cleveland. He knows how fortunate he is to play a single down in the NFL, let alone parts of four seasons with his current salary. He’s hesitant to compare his situation to the estimated 2.6 million Americans who lost their jobs in 2008.

He wasn’t living check to check. He was pursuing a dream.

This paragraph is revealing about our mindset as Americans. First, McHugh is from Cleveland, where I live right now, and I can tell you there is a "downer" going on here. The upside of this is that I'm hoping many of the folks from Cleveland who think they are doomed to a life of struggle, will identify with their hometown lad, who changed his life by believing in his Good. And the other thing - since when was pursing your dream a luxury afforded only to a few? Pursing your dream is everything, especially now. This is America; it is our right to pursue our happiness. It even says so in the Declaration of Independence.

Wouldn't everyone, in Detroit, in Cleveland, in the whole world, have a better, happier, vibrational countenance if you were pursuing your dream rather than working paycheck to paycheck, just for the money? Now there's a concept.

It's all about joy, folks. All of it. Every single bit of it. Pursue the joy, feel happy inside, and watch the doubt and fear dissolve when you're happily following your dream. Money, success, and joy are not mutually exclusive, you know. They go hand in hand.

My sincere thanks and appreciation to Dan Wetzel of Yahoo News for writing such a perceptive article. Study it. It's a living, breathing example of Applied Spirituality and it contains everything you need to know to have a successful life. Period.

Thanks for reading!


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Saturday, January 24, 2009

What You Can Do: It's All About Character

Hello Everyone,

Not even a week into the Obama presidency, we are on the threshold of a vast open door of possibilities, as yet unrealized and pure potential. As President Obama said in his Inaugual Address:

What is required of us now is a new era of responsibility -- a recognition, on the part of every American, that we have duties to ourselves, our nation and the world, duties that we do not grudgingly accept but rather seize gladly, firm in the knowledge that there is nothing so satisfying to the spirit, so defining of our character than giving our all to a difficult task.

This is the price and the promise of citizenship.

This is the source of our confidence: the knowledge that God calls on us to shape an uncertain destiny.

This is the meaning of our liberty and our creed, why men and women and children of every race and every faith can join in celebration across this magnificent mall. And why a man whose father less than 60 years ago might not have been served at a local restaurant can now stand before you to take a most sacred oath.

So let us mark this day in remembrance of who we are and how far we have traveled.

In the year of America's birth, in the coldest of months, a small band of patriots huddled by dying campfires on the shores of an icy river.

The capital was abandoned. The enemy was advancing. The snow was stained with blood.

At a moment when the outcome of our revolution was most in doubt, the father of our nation ordered these words be read to the people:

"Let it be told to the future world that in the depth of winter, when nothing but hope and virtue could survive, that the city and the country, alarmed at one common danger, came forth to meet it."

This quote is actually by Thomas Paine, as written in his paper, Crisis.

Here is an expansion of this quote:

"Let it be told to the future world, that in the depth of winter, when nothing but hope and virtue could survive, that the city and the country, alarmed at one common danger, came forth to meet and to repulse it. Say not that thousands are gone, turn out your tens of thousands; throw not the burden of the day upon Providence, but "show your faith by your works," that God may bless you. It matters not where you live, or what rank of life you hold, the evil or the blessing will reach you all. The far and the near, the home counties and the back, the rich and the poor, will suffer or rejoice alike. The heart that feels not now is dead; the blood of his children will curse his cowardice, who shrinks back at a time when a little might have saved the whole, and made them happy. I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. 'Tis the business of little minds to shrink; but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death

Only character provides these qualities to a human mind. Character, dear reader, is all about reconnecting with your Godchip, from whence all Good Character abides.

The point is that Paine and Obama, in recalling his words, points to the individual as the solution. There is only so much government can or should do, as we have chosen a democracy, which means everyone participates and has a duty.
It is first well to note, that the contribution of individuals of weak character is what has led us to this point in history. What is required now, are contributions from individuals of Good Character.
What, then, can the average citizen due to accomplish the changes that are required in order to move America forward and upward? There is one thing, and only one thing for you to do:

You can grow your consciousness, expanding yourself into a greater and better version of yourSelf.

How is this accomplished? How does one go about expanding their individual consciousness?

This is done first by intention and desire. You must, of course, desire to become a better, improved version of yourSelf; only then, are you offering your Best Self in all that you do.
Applied Spirituality is entirely about growing your human consciousness and allowing it to blend with your Godchip. Your Godchip is absolute freedom, joy and creativity. It awaits your willing and conscious desire to return to It, and use It (apply It) in your everyday thoughts, actions and creations.

It matters not one whit whether you are garbage collector, mother, student, entrepreneur, or corporate employee. What you bring to each moment is solely your duty and obligation over which you are absolutely sovereign. This is where you critically matter, in the single moment to moment to moment of your life. The Quality of You must be the best it can be, because that is the Quality of what you are contributing in that moment. It cannot be any more, unless you choose to become your Best Self.

Your efforts to be the Best Self that you can be are never in vain, for what is being asked of each of us as American Citizens, is what we actually came here to do: Remember Who We Really Are.

Hidden within your personal Godchip is everything that you Are: creative, optimistic, delightful powerful, Loving Being, able to direct and manifest the full measure of your desires. Therein lies the Truth of Being, how the Universe works and your powerful place in it.

Hidden with your personal Godchip is everything you require to build the muscles of your human character into a masterful Godperson on Earth.

Hidden with your personal Godchip is the Whole of You, which has no issue of self-esteem, but is simply pure Love and Confidence and Beauty.

The decision to grow your consciousness is your duty, certainly. But more, it was something you understood and knew you could accomplish before you even incarnated. You knew you could, and would awaken and Remember Who You Really Are. For in this one act, you would enjoy this journey on Earth immensely and realize the fulfillment of your intentions and desires.

Applied Spirituality is the phrase I use for reconnection with yourSelf, your Godchip; blending It with your human mind and in so doing, awaken from the human-mind slumber becoming the magnificent being that you are. This is the Best Self that you can bring to the worldly table.

This is the one thing and everything that you can do.

Thanks for reading!


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Friday, January 23, 2009

Cleaning Up Your Vibrational Signature Part 2: Change the Channel

Hello Everyone,

Wow, what a week, eh? I FEEL GOOD!

This President is the epitome of focus, clarity, and alignment with Self. Study this man, he's worth studying.

Today I want to continue with methods and techniques for cleaning up your emotional signature: your vibrational content.

1. Identify WHEN something doesn't feel Good. Is it when you are saying something, or listening or seeing or just thinking. Once you acknowledge that something isn't right, stop. Ask yourself, exactly what isn't right here? What is the information for me? Where is my thinking, focus, speech, action NOT in alignment with Who I Really Am?

Ever hear yourself telling the same old story? Every wish you'd change the channel? That would be it. Stop telling the same old tired stories about yourself. If you're sick of hearing them, I can promise you others are, too. Have you ever said about someone else, "Does he/she even listen to what he/she is saying?" That comment is You telling you to shut up, already.

2. Determine for yourself what your congruent (with yourSELF) story would be, whether or not it is factually true or not. For example: your old line when someone says, "How are you?" - You say, "I'm ok." "I'm gettin' by." Or you spout off some clever but vibrationally lifeless comment.

Now your new line is something congruent with Who You Really Are: "I'm happy; or I'm focused or I'm delighted or I'm jazzed or I'm eager or I'm excited. Now you can elaborate on that with a short follow up. I'm happy, because I feel really good today. I'm focused; I'm creating a new ....; I'm delighted; my dog actually sat up today on command. We've been going to school. I'm jazzed; I got a part in the town play. I'm eager; I'm looking forward to trying a new recipe for dinner tonight. I'm excited; I thought of a way to add html to my website.

Can you feel the difference? You are looking for Real to respond Really. You are out of your human mind hypnotic state and into aware, alert and authentic communication from Self. Take a moment to listen to James Brown and feel GOOD.

Now, apply this to each and every moment of your day. Find the feeling; if it ain't good, find a Good one and speak that! Change the channel!!!!

Thanks for reading!


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Monday, January 19, 2009

These Are My People; This is My President; This is My Country

Hello Everyone!

It is the night before the Inauguration. I, who have not watched television for some 19 years now spent a bit of time today hooking up to C-Span online so as not to miss this moment of our time.

I feel as though I have lived long enough to see the change begun that I intended when I incarnated to planet Earth. For so many long years, I along with many, many others have held the space for the awakening of Mankind. It has begun, much as the gong that went off in 1968 signaling a huge paradigm shift. Now, our desire is of a critical mass, and we are on our way, all of us, to Light and Life and living in a consciousness of Oneness with our Source.

I've included in this blog some wonderful and fun videos of Us. We are the hope of the world, you know. We are the stewards of Freedom and Democracy. We are about to create anew visions and definitions. Tonight, it feels like Christmas Eve to me: pregnant with Infinite Potential. All Good things are possible, now - even probably.

The work ahead of us is huge, but we will accomplish this metamorphosis one moment at a time, one consciousness at a time. Each of us has an important Chip, our individual Godchip, to contribute to this Change.

This man, our President, Barack Obama, cannot accomplish this on his own. He can inspire us to become more of Who We Really Are; to contribute our Best Self to the Whole. As we become, each of us individually, more connected with our Self, we lend our Source Energy to All Mankind, not just to America, but to the World and inspire others to become their Best Selves, as well.

If this were easy, it would have been accomplished before now. But now, Wow. Now we desire It - our Connection - our Good - the Flow of Source on this dear planet, Earth.

Let us allow, let us become, let us unfold our Brilliance for all to see and experience. Let us contribute the Best of Who We Really Are in everything that we do. Amen.

Now enjoy the Life of Us....We are full of Life and Promise. Now Let it Flow!

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Friday, January 16, 2009

Cleaning Up Your Vibrational Signature - Part 1

Good Morning Everyone!

A cold, but Sunny! morning in Ohio. Yikes, we are all in a deep freeze right now. Knowing that everything is for the Good, I wonder the Good and Perfection that Nature has in mind with such a cold time. Is it killing bad bugs? Realigning new cold set points for fruit trees with a wonderful harvest to follow? Or strongly encouraging us to S.T.O.P.?

Last evening I went out with some new friends to a meeting. When we were driving home around midnight, everything was literally frozen in its tracks. Water dripping earlier in warming sunshine had frozen mid stream. Full S.T.O.P.

But even at midnight there was a significant number of cars on the road. We never S.T.O.P. When I got home, I offered the open door to my cat, Woody. "Want to go outside?" He looked at me as if I'd lost my mind, then changed his and tentatively stepped out. He took a few sniffs, shook his feet and hightailed it right back in. I tend to look at the beasts to see what a natural movement would look like without a human mind to interfere with common sense. Except for meals and potty breaks, even Woody the cat is hibernating, laying low, stopping.

But our relentless human mind will not let us be still. It pokes and prods with its incessant messages of lack and fear: better get out there, you're missing something; better go and try to make some money; better go, go, go and do, do, do.

We are beings. Being is ising. We vibrate, we are. This is the composite of Who We Really Are.
We are either ising contentment, joy, creativity, with our unique signature of areness - or we are ising our uniqueness in lack and fear driven by the dictates of our human mind that tells us there is simply not enough. So, where are you this morning?

What are you focusing on this morning? Is the task to which you are applying your focus (your Spirit) something that delights, invigorates and enlivens you? Or are you doing this thing because you mind told you that you should, or ought, or better had?

Nothing comes from nothing. Good begets Good. This is law.

The awareness of why you are doing whatever it is you are up to is paramount now. We are being raised into Light and Life; the results are going to come faster and faster. With your mind you are the focuser of where you are going, laser sharp and lightening fast.

If you are coming from a place of lack, it will get bigger. If you are motivated from a place of fear, that fear will magnify. There is no more time for "I'll get to it later".

Taking care of and cleaning up your vibration is today's work! Right now.

Like putting your clothes away as you use them, taking care of your vibration as you are aware of negative emotion in each moment, over time and without a whole lot of angst, you raise it bit by bit, day by day and soon you are experiencing a whole new life with a whole different set of choices available than those from where you began.

It's the New Year. If you made only one resolution and followed it through this year, cleaning up your personal vibrational signature would be the ONE.

Your assignment is to simply become aware of how you are feeling. Notice. Pay attention. Keep a journal or a log of how you are feeling and why you are doing whatever it is you are up to. What are you talking about and why are you saying it? For these are the things you are giving attention to and therefore, matter. They will become manifest more quickly. Notice, for now.

In the following posts I'll be giving you some very real and practical tools to use to deliberately change your personal vibrational content.

This is will be Your Good Year if you consciously and deliberately apply your Spirit.

Thanks for reading!


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Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Good Morning Everyone,

Greeting from Ohio! As I blog this morning it is about 7 degrees outside. Everything is covered in a white blanket. The trees are bare and the skies are gray. The time of winter when everything is asleep and new plans are "in the crock pot".

It's not soup yet, as the ingredients are still being selected and have yet to be added to the pot.

Many looked upon my move to Ohio with incredulity. Why would anyone move from San Diego to Medina, Ohio? This said with mockery and disdain for Ohio, including folks who live here! I'm wondering why anyone would think so little of this wonderful place.

As I drove in through Indianapolis to Columbus and north on Hwy 71, it looked much as it did all those years ago. Stretches of farmland for as far as the eye can see. Patches of hardwood forests where cherry, walnut, and oak are weeds here. The land in slumber, quiet and rest.

It is human mind that thinks we need labor 24/7. If we look to Nature, we see a seasonality. A time for everything. On the morning after I arrived, there were 8 inches of new snow on the ground. I had no impetus to "go" somewhere and "do" something. Yet, when I walked out to the main road, there was life as usual. The salt trucks and snow ploughs had been busy since the wee hours keeping the roads cleared for human mind to "go" and "do".

I found a place to sit and watch, contemplating the whole thing. When I was a child growing up here, this is when we had a snow day. Schools were closed and we got to stay home and play outside, dressed like mummies. Lack, I decided, is what makes people go and do on a day like this. They feel they "have" to and have no choice. Have to dig the car out; have to warm the car up; have to brave the interstate and get to work. Have to, must, should and ought.

Where has the ease gone? Where has the enjoyment of winter gone? Now it's a nuisance, not a miracle. No wonder we are slow to understand the effects of global warming, green house gases and melting polar caps. We have long forgotten and fail to understand how integral and important this time is to - US.

We get through everything. We don't enjoy the journey. Whatever gets in the way is to be dispensed with or ignored. Blindly we rush on, scurry, hurry in a flurry of human mind fueled by lack and fear.

Winter is the time for reflections, contemplations, review and new inspirations. We take this time to consider what has past and what we would like to create come the spring. This is the time the seed catalogs show up in your mail box, and you plan your garden. You snooze in the chair, shovel the walk and while you're out there at midnight, you walk in the deep silence and feel the Beauty of Life, the fecundity, the promise and the peace. Your Godchip speaks to you with new ideas and inspirations. "Let this go; follow more of this; ah, Ha!"

From this time, whether well spent or ill, is what will come next. How much time are you spending in review, in appreciation, in quiet contemplation? Is it not the very definition of insanity to keep doing the same things and expect different results? Without a pause, contemplation, reflection, revelation and new choices - however will anything come to pass that will be better.

It's winter, dear reader. It is time to be still, consider, and allow new inspiration to imbue your human mind for the new.

When you have allowed this, then you can turn your focus to your new creations, applying your Spirit to the New - come the spring.

Be still.

Thanks for reading!


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Thursday, January 8, 2009

New Year 2009 - Return to New Beginnings

Hello Everyone and Happy New Year to You!

I notice my last post was December 16. This is because the weeks have been wholly absorbed in relocating to Ohio, place of my birth just 30 miles away.

For 35 years I have been away. Now I return. The Chinese I Ching even has a hexagram for this earthly movement. It is called Return.

I left San Diego the day after Christmas and got as far as Phoenix. My leaving was full and complete. My friends and neighbors held a wonderful farewell party for me. I was amazed and humbled by the turn out and the profound realization of how much I am loved and supported in my earthly journey.

I had such great, good fortune in finding the perfect tenant for my home, Ranchito Luna Azul (the Little Blue Moon Ranch) in Descanso. Every detail fell into place perfectly until finally there was nothing more for me to do but leave. I walked my little ranch and thanked it for supporting me in these past 8 years. This land loved me and taught me so much; and my friends, family and especially my challengers and challenges all served to help me become more of Who I Really Am.

I cannot say adequately with words how full my heart is with gratitude, appreciation, and love for every step, every person, every moment all of which have brought me to Return.

I grew up here in Ohio and Pennsylvania. I ran wild in these woods and observed the seasons of the year as they passed outside my school bus window. Within I always understood the seasons, the passage of time, and most importantly, my place within it all. Everything has its time; everything has its season. Check out Ecclesiastes 3.

As I drove across our country, I was filled with awe and expectancy savoring the landscape as it passed by mile after mile. We have so much here in America. From Arizona to Oklahoma City are vast hundreds of thousands of miles of beautiful open lands. I only saw but a very few windmills at work. Somewhere in Missouri I saw maple trees with buckets strapped to them, ready to receive the running sap in the spring for maple syrup. And throughout large stretches, there is the heartland, the farmlands where we have good earth and a place to grow our food.

This land is fecund; and we its people are fecund.

1. Capable of producing offspring or vegetation; fruitful.
2. Marked by intellectual productivity. See Synonyms at fertile.

[From the Middle English, from Old French fecond, from Latin fcundus: 1. abundant
2. fertile, fruitful 3. imaginative 4. productive (of offspring)].

I know that the news occupies a large portion of your thoughts and beliefs. However, what I write about today is ancient knowledge, ageless and timeless. These ideas and beliefs you already Know deep within your own Godchip: that there is a season for everything.

Currently in the worldscape we are witnessing a time for tearing down. This must happen before the new can come into place. There is a time for a vacancy, a void, where the germination of new thoughts, ideas and inspirations can become existent. There is a time for rest, gathering our strength and nourishing our ideas for the new movements forward. And there is a time for Return; where we finally Return to Who We Really Are and our creations are fecund with Life and Light, once again. We are, America, Returning to our Oneness as a nation, but first individually each and every one of us.

This 2009 - a most blessed and fertile time of infinite possibilities to apply your spirit and create anything Good anew.

Thanks for reading!


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