Monday, May 25, 2009

When There's No Need For Memorial Day

Good Morning Everyone!

In America today is Memorial Day. We commemorate and honor our war dead. In my personal experience there are those who served in Vietnam and every war since.

Most recently is just this past week when a Seahawk helicopter went down off Coronado Island in San Diego. This has personal significance to me in that my oldest son is a helicopter pilot stationed at NAS North Island. Sometimes we think that unless they are on deployment, they are safe, But war maneuvers and trainings and preparations are the full time duty of anyone serving in the military. Five crew members were lost just last week, right here at home.

I dream of a day when there will be no more need for a war-ready nation. Fanciful, you might think, but I see it in my dreams as real. I see a world at peace with each other, co-existing in harmony and full and complete acceptance of each other - not threatened by one another. I see a world where everyone understands how we get what we get: by paying attention to what's desired.

I see a world where we know that there's plenty for everyone, and therefore we don't need to "take" what someone else is enjoying. We understand that seeing what someone else is enjoying spurs our personal desires, we dream it, we focus on it, and we create it for ourselves at no expense to anyone else.

I see a world where everyone understand that they are masterful creators of their own existence - every bit of it.

I see a world where stories of armies are old folklore and we can hardly believe that once people killed each other for land, oil, and over religious beliefs, because we understand our Oneness - we know fully who we are. We are a race of people who have evolved into the Godmind, on earth.

I see a world where we have realized Heaven on Earth. Won't you join me in this dream and create a world of plenty, joy, fulfillment for everyone? Dream it; and it is so.

Thanks for reading!


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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Infinite Supply - Flowing God Through to Others

Good Morning Everyone,

There is a really lovely story from McClatchy News this morning about charitable giving - the poor are the most generous givers. I knew that, because I've seen it. What is lovely is to see it as a story on mainstream media. Go over there right now, click on the link, and read the story.

In this Great Recession we are seeing and experiencing vast shifts in what we value and how we see money.

Money is a construct of man. It became a convenient way for us to exchange value for value when hauling fur pelts and gold nuggets became impractical. It represented on paper or by coin or by check or bank draft - a numerical value. A number. A number vibrates to a certain frequency. Money represents a frequency of energy. Energy is God.

However, somewhere along the line, we got the idea of money and wealth confused, all knotted up with other values and beliefs that have to do with lack, and society, prestige, personal worth and value as a human being, and power, just to name a few of the human-mind ideas about money.

Money is like anything else, it is an expression of God. No more, no less. It is Energy, just like breath, just like food, just like love.

Asked why the poor are so generous, Christie Zerrudo, a cashier who handles Filipino remittances at Manila Oriental, a grocery/restaurant/remittance agency in Arlington, offered this explanation:

"It gives the heart comfort when you sit down at the end of the day, and you know that you did your part," Zerrudo said. "... you love them, they are your family, and your love has had an expression."

Cast your bread upon the waters, we are instructed. Give. Give what you have, because you can.

There is a physics component to this as well as an emotional component. The physics component obeys the Laws of Inertia and Momentum. When you give, allow something to flow forth from are moving physical energy. Done enough, you create momentum and what you cast forth, flows back to you in proportion to your consciousness of it. The emotional component tells you that it feels Good to give, because you can, and that you are in alignment with God - Source Energy. It if feels Good; you are aligned with your True Self, who knows you're True Wealth and Abundance; this is the Christed Consciousness of Infinite Supply.

In 1 Kings 17:11-14 we are told the story of the poor woman who is asked by Elijah to bring him a piece of bread. She has but a little, but she makes the bread and finds that neither the meal nor the oil runs out. Infinite Supply. She flowed forth what she had, feeling full and rich, and so she was with plenty.

In the same principle Jesus was asked at the wedding to feed the guests, but it appeared that there wasn't enough food for them all (the human mind consciousness). Jesus giving thanks, breaks the bread and feeds them all with plenty, because he is of the Christed Consciousness - realizing his Oneness with Source - flowing Infinite Supply through him to the wedding tables.

This is the consciousness we are striving to achieve: the Christed Conscious, which realizes our Oneness with God, and that is Infinite Supply.

The consciousness of God is the I AM of each and every person. Within each of us is Infinite Supply.

How we achieve this is by seeing the God, Source Energy, in everything and everyone around us, and realizing it is the consciousness within us that both sees It and manifests our every requirement.

The Earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof. Indeed. You are the Lord's and the fullness thereof. Spend your efforts attaining the Christed Consciousness, your manifestations will be beyond your human-mind's wildest dreams.

What have you? Give it freely without expectation of reward. Give it in secret. But give it out of the conscious realization that God is your Supply, which is the I AM consciousness of your Self.

Thanks for reading!


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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Creating by Default: Pictures of Torture

Good Morning Everyone!

Most of us create by default. We notice whatever passes by our awareness and fixate on that. That's what the news is; an opportunity to choose what we choose to give our attention to.

This morning in the McClatchy News is an article about the public viewing of pictures of torture.

Why anyone would want to see them is quite beyond my ken. Then again, I'm always wondering why people have to gawk at a car wreck or see horror films of blood and gore.

We are powerful focusers of Source Energy - Life Force. This is the energy that creates worlds and universes. What we focus on, we make bigger and get more of.
Do we want more bloodshed and torture? Do we really want more war?

All of war is hideous. Every single bit of it. To think that when we go to war for some "noble" cause that some parts of it can be legislated as legal and ok and other parts of it not legal, and therefore, not ok is insanity. You can't support war in part.

We are being called to a higher level of consciousness, and therefore a higher level of operating. There is another way, and as our consciousness of God increases and penetrates our human mind, we will see there are infinite other ways to create our reality on Earth.

Perhaps if you see these pictures of torture you will be so repulsed that you will desire a new way, a better way for resolving conflicts here on Earth. Perhaps that is the "good" in viewing such a thing.

For my part, I choose not to see them or anything like it. I choose to go through my day seeing the Life in all things and the God in all people.

We are directed in Matthew 5:44 "But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you."

How many of us actually pray for our enemies? Or bless those that trouble us? Or do Good to those who are hateful to us? This is applied spirituality in action. It is not moving in the ways of human mind and human understanding. Doing that results in more of the same. To see the change we want to see in this world, we have to BE the change that we want to see. You can't be that change for Good whilst filling your mind and consciousness with things that are not of Good.

Today, look for and see the Good and the God in all things, people and situations. If you can't immediately, then allow that you may not see it now but you will, because God (Good) is everywhere. Be willing to see with New Eyes, then you will see a New View.

Thanks for reading!


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Friday, May 1, 2009

Swine Flu: Trust Your Body and Consciously Refocus

Good Morning Everyone!

I'd like to give you an New View on the latest fearful topic: swine flu.

Let's talk about life and all the subjects in life like a buffet. The biggest buffet table in the world. It has every subject on it possible. Everything gets to be here.

As you scan the buffet table for things to "eat", your eyes notice many things you don't like: liver, brocoli, lima beans, tapioca, fill in here what you don't like.
Now, do you stand there dwelling on that spinach and how much you hate it? Of course not. Your eyes notice it, and they keep moving until they find something that looks delicious and appealing, right?

Same thing with all the subjects in the world. Just because the news puts it in front of you, doesn't mean you have to internalize it. Doesn't even mean you have to believe it. You can note it; thanks for sharing, and keep moving your focus to something that pleases you. You have the free will to do that.

So technique number one is to refocus yourself onto a subject that gives you pleasure and joy - makes you feel Good. What might that be? Well, what makes you happy? Playing with your dog, or noticing what's growing outside, or an idea you're working on, or music, or dance, or....come on, you can do it. Find your bliss.

Technique number two is remembering how strong and resilient your body already is. Think back on how many cuts, scrapes, bruises, breaks, flu, colds, and other dis-eases you have already recovered from, because your body is connected to Infinite Intelligence and knows that its default position is Well. Prove it to yourself, restore your own faith in your own body.

Technique number three is to support your body in its wellness. Wash your hands. While you are washing your hands, play. Have fun with it. Take a three minute mini-spa break for this. Smell the lovely soap, enjoy the warmth of the water, spend that time mentally (internally) feeling and enjoying the deliciousness of these few moments of pleasure and a break from whatever it was you were doing. Take these moments to envision a new adventure, a new joy, something lovely.

Technique number four is to enjoy and appreciate the lovely, nourishing foods that you have to eat that supply the nutrition that your body uses to create a strong immune system. Notice and appreciate the colors, textures and taste of these miraculous foods, and appreciate that your body knows exactly what to do with these nutrients for a strong and healthy body.

Technique number five is to consider other epidemics and that more people stayed well than did not. Focus on that. The Wellness.

Technique number six is to constantly refocus yourself back into alignment with Well Being. When you notice your thoughts drifting off into fear, worry and doubt - put that puppy back on the paper of Well Being, deliberately and consciously. Take responsibility for where you are focusing your Life Force, and consciously change your own channel.

The Law of Attraction says that what you focus on will get bigger and bigger until it finally manifests into your reality. Pay attention to what you are focusing on, and find the Good Stuff and stay there.

There is so much more Well Being than not; find it and appreciate all that Good. Much like you'd find that chocolate cake on the buffet table and participate in enjoying that.

Thanks for reading!


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