Monday, March 30, 2009

Absent Scarcity Belief: No Economic Problem

Good Day Everyone!

It seems that I am inquiring more deeply than I originally thought into economics. Frankly, I originally thought of the whole subject as about goods and services; and supply and demand. The subject gave me fits in college. While I passed both classes, it was pretty much a process of memorizing for the sake of the grade.

However, I find I have an intuitive understanding of economics that serves, and now seems to be deepening in understanding.

I looked up the definition of economics and find that its meaning is structured as a tripod.

According to Wikipedia: Economics is the social science that studies the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services together with the working definition of Lionel Robbins in a 1932 essay in which he states economics is "the science which studies human behaviour as a relationship between ends and scarce means which have alternative uses." The third leg of the tripod is the origination of the word from the Greek which means "rules of the household".

So we have one leg as the social science studying the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services; the second leg is that economics is the social science that studies human behavior as a relationship between ends and scarce means; and the third leg that says economics is literally the rules of the household.

The glaring flaw that I see immediately is the word scarce. The definition includes a belief in scarcity, which is a lie. Certainly it is what human mind believes to be true, but it is not Truth. This Universe, and this world within the Universe, is infinite. If we can desire it, imagine it, want it, it can be made manifest here.
So, for us to be wrestling a giant economic collapse and shift at this moment in time point to the flaw in the belief system, for this is where it all collapsed and why. If we believe, which we do, that there is a scarcity, then we will base our behaviors on that belief and make all subsequent decisions based on that belief. Hence, the banking demise, the car makers policies, and myriad and infinite other decisions that built a flawed economic system based on the belief in 'not enough'.

Anything in the world which is not built on Truth will collapse eventually. This is Just as the Truth always surfaces, this is law. In Matthew 7:24-29 we are told to apply Truth to this physical life, and build on Rock (Truth) not sand (truth). The distinction is Truth is rooted in Universal Law, and truth is based on the ever-changing and fearful human mind.

Rubber meets the road. I speak not of religion, but rather of the Truth of our beingness. Everything we create on Earth is within the infinite Realm of Universal Law. When we operate outside of that Universal Law, the Infinite Stream of Well Being, we create mud that eventually washes away. Human mind creations not based on Truth (Source) cannot last - they are not sustainable.

Also included in the definition of economics is this statement: Scarcity means that available resources are insufficient to satisfy all wants and needs. Absent scarcity and alternative uses of available resources, there is no economic problem. The subject thus defined involves the study of choices as they are affected by incentives and resources.

This is huge. It acknowledges that the entire science is based on individual human choices. It also acknowledges that absent scarcity, there is no economic problem. Whooa!!!

Right now, this moment in time/space reality we are experiencing the next paradigm shift to the Christ Consciousness in mankind. This is a global shift in line with the evolution of the planet and the continuing evolution of the consciousness of man.
Within this evolution is the Realization of Fulfillment, Oneness, in the Christed Consciousness. How different will our decisions be when we are in the same consciousness as Source and we Know there is no lack, no scarcity, no limits.

If we can to even the smallest measure begin to bring this Truth into our new policies, new corporate strategies and trainings, and into our new idea of government, we thus begin to build a sustainable economy based in Truth, on Rock - rather than on sand.

Each individual contributes to the collective whether it is the economic stats, the election results, or the numbers on consumer spending; and each one of us is reflecting - by our everyday choices - just where our consciousness is. The more we can feel and sense Real Truth in goods, services, policies, strategies and everything else, the more we are building on Rock where there is no economic problem because we operate in Infinite Supply. When we Know this is Truth, then every decision and behavior changes. Imagine a world like this.

We are the Supply, because we are Source in physical form. The only thing that separates us from It are the old beliefs of human mind, which are shifting as we allow Source into our everyday thinking and begin building new castles on Rock-solid Truth...there is no scarcity, therefore there is no economic problem.

We're on our way!

Thanks for reading!


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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Quality: The New Economy

Good Day Everyone!

I've been thinking a lot about Quality.

Years ago when I was a child, I recall that, then, things made in Japan were generally regarded as inferior in quality. In those days the "Made In America" label was synonymous with high quality goods.

Think about it a moment. The cars that were American made then are still being restored today. Many of the "antiques" and "collectibles" that are found at flea markets are products that were from that era of Quality. Items purchased then were built to not wear out, but to be repaired. Over the last 40-50 years something has gone amiss in the American psyche. I remember looking at the first Ford Pinto and thinking, "No one will ever restore one of those."

The decline in Quality in America is directly proportional to the rise in the Walmart mentality. Today China is the new Japan, and certainly many things still produced in America, in order to compete in the global markets, are of disposable quality.

The ramifications of this are myriad, significantly to the environment which includes us. When things are disposable, they end up in the landfills decomposing or leeching their chemicals into the ground and ground waters, rivers, lakes and poisoning both flora and fauna (including the humans).

The "green" movement is a movement back in the direction of Quality. If for no other reason, for one of economic sensibility to the American consumer, if not the corporation. However, as the consciousness of all of us rises to greater heights, a new kind of corporation will emerge, as well. It is once again the people that will lead us out of the economic doldrums and into a re-scripted economy. The word being used is sustainability. In the old language it was Quality.

Quality is an inherent characteristic of something that is usually perceived by intuition, feeling, taste, touch, observation, and it is usually difficult to quantify. Why? Because Quality is a measure of the Life Force, Truth, Beauty and Goodness of a thing, person, or idea. We feel and resonate with the vibrations of Quality because that is who we are innately. It is our essential beingness.

Source - or God - is the highest Quality there is. Vibrating to the highest, purest, fastest frequencies without resistance, these Source Vibrations always feel Good. Always. They always feel enlivening, uplifting, and glorious. When these qualities are included in a product, a speech, a concept, or a service, we immediately recognize it as Source, but we call it Quality.

Restoration and invigoration of the economy is going to be predicated on returning to Source, first in our consciousness and thinking, and then in our earthly creations. We might start via the economic route, however, because Quality always makes sense.

A good example is purchasing shoes. About 8 years ago I purchased Munro Boots, an American company headquartered in Arkansas. I paid about $125.00. These boots had real rubber soles and real leather uppers, with absolutely no synthetic chemicals. I am still wearing these same boots, and they still look great. Amortize the purchase so far and I've spent $15.62 per year for these fine leather dress boots.

Let's talk cars for a moment. In 1997 a friend purchased a Toyota 4-Runner for about $30,000. She drove it for 265,000 miles and only just replaced it because she wanted an automatic transmission rather than the standard transmission. She sold this 4-Runner for $6,500. Let's do the math: effectively the car cost her $23,500. Divide that by 10 years is $2350 per year which is about $6.50 per day. It still looked great and ran wonderfully. Quality.

One last example is food. When we eat industrially grown spinach full of chemicals, pesticides and other toxins, it would take 10 bowls of this spinach to equal one bowl of powerfully nutritious, organically grown spinach. Quality. So at the grocery you look at the industrial grown spinach and see it is cheaper at the price point than the organic - the hidden, unseen Quality is what you are paying for in the organic produce. And that Quality translates to available nutrition for your body to energize, heal and fuel itself. This translates into a stronger immune system and less doctor visits and prescription drugs. In the long run, over time, Quality is it hands down. It's efficient, effective and full of Good, which we deserve.

Quality is where our economic future and prosperity await us. It takes the eyes to see and the awareness to perceive It. This is called a higher consciousness and is our individual work.

Then, there will be no need for unions or trade agreements. Quality will be desired, Naturally.

Thanks for reading!


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Saturday, March 14, 2009

Conservatism: A New View

Good Day Good People!

I just ran across this Youtube clip of young Jonathan Krohn as he addressed the Conservative Political Action Conference 2009. Please watch the clip first, then read on.

Wow, right? I love watching this young man. He's full of Life and passion; he's intelligent and most of all - he's thoughtful.

I remember being his age. I remember listening to the world's version of things and then chewing them over within my own mind. I would turn over phrases and search out meanings, then synthesize them into a new, higher reality. I'm still doing it; it's my favorite thing to do.

Johnathan is a purist. He has touched the heart of conservatism with his words, because they ring True. As I listened to him, I too, recalled why I first joined the Republican party. Johnathan talks about Conservatism being principled-based. Actually he speaks of 4 principles: 1.) respect for the constitution; 2.) respect for life; 3.) less government; and 4.) personal responsibility (my favorite).

I think he's absolutely correct in his ideal assessment of Conservatism. Wouldn't it be wonderful if the Republican Party actually reflected those principles? I think it can, but more to the point, if everyone espoused these principles personally, there wouldn't be a need for any political party. These principles are written in every heart, conservatives, liberals, and every other party.

Johnathan's careful thoughts about the perfection of Conservatism show me a Light Being who is attempting to lead the party back to Truth.

Who doesn't respect the Constitution? Who doesn't respect Life? Who wouldn't like to see less government? And here's the big one - who isn't FOR personal responsibility? Let's see. Most of our laws are based on someone else's responsibility for our troubles. Lawyers make their life profession getting others to shoulder the blame for co-creative events. Insurance companies trade in tragedy.

Somehow when the human mind starts interpreting these principles, we get farther and farther away from Truth.

A raising of our consciousness into a higher Truth is what is required for not just the conservatives, but all Americans in order to change the face of America as we know it today.

Once the human mind, based in fear and lack, and separated from Source (Godmind), begins its machinations in everyday events, the politics return, the greed abounds, and self interest reigns.

Self responsibility means the government stays out of my personal life decisions. I get to decide if I want an abortion or what church, if any, I want to attend; and I get to experience for myself the consequences of my choices; because then, and only then, can I feel my way to my next desire.

Respect for life means I see Life in all things, I nurture it. I don't dump toxic wastes into the oceans or allow chemicals into the food and water supplies because it makes for a better bottom line on the balance sheet lest I disappoint the investors. Respect for Life means I don't go to war to solve the nation's problems, but I find another way. And I certainly don't espouse the death penalty if I respect Life.

If I respect the Constitution, I don't suspend civil liberties because of the acts of a few. And if I believe in less government, I don't create the Department of Homeland Security and hope they will "protect" me from evil.

Applied Spirituality is knowing Who You Really Are. You are Source. You are sovereign. You, by your focus, direct and create every incident in your life without exception. This is the ultimate understanding of self responsibility.

The gap between what Johnathan Krohn knows in his heart and the practice in the world is what a higher consciousness closes. When I was a girl and would say things from my young, wise and knowing heart, the world would say to me, "You're a dreamer, an idealist."

Thank Heaven idealist and dreamers are still coming up in the ranks to take our place to keep Truth alive. It thrills this heart to see that Truth is alive and bursting within this young man.

Stay the course Johnathan. Don't let them ever talk you out of your knowing.

Thanks for reading!


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Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Economy: Adaptation or Extinction

Good Day Everyone,

The doomsayers keep spinning their web based on "reality".

The latest figures state that over 4.4 million jobs have been lost and that the unemployment figures are at 8.1%. May I point out that this means 91.9% of Americans are still employed!

In an article in today's New York Times, journalists Peter Goodman and Jack Healy point out that a vast remaking of the United States economy is underway. Finally!

The way we have done business in American obviously hasn't work. It has been based on the fear of lack. This ubiquitous belief has propelled banks and others to conduct business often in less than ethical or healthy terms.

Think about this for just a minute. When you're afraid there's not enough for you, what does your human mind do with this information? It begins scheming and conniving, right? The prevailing belief in American business has been that bigger is always better. It doesn't consider that the quality of the growth is of any consequence.

Years ago I had a professor at Cornell who was showing us the "life cycle" of a business. The business is born, it grows, it levels off. Then, at this point, it has to grow again. Here's the critical point: unless it changes this growth cannot be accomplished. The change required at that point is something NEW and innovative, a better version of what has come before it. In the hospitality sector, this meant proliferating more franchise products, so that now all we see at every freeway off ramp is a saturation of the same products and not a whole lot of unique choices. Everyone took their competitive marketing cue from the others, basically resulting in a lot of the same. It was a whole lot more fun and interesting (quality) to travel by car 40 years ago when the choices for food and lodging were offered by independents from the local region.

Another strategy for growing a company after the leveling-off stage has been merging and acquiring. Giant conglomerates have emerge from this strategy like Phillip Morris. This doesn't mean that the company improved, changed, or re-made itself, it just means that "on the books" it grew in dollars earned often acquiring companies within industries in which they had no expertise. Much like the American consumer just buying more stuff.

Business is a place where innovation can and should be rewarded. However, the American thinking of investors has been just to make money by whatever means - in short, the idea of quality and innovation was thrown to the wayside for profit taking by parting out companies and/or betting. The stock market is now less the arena for supporting new businesses and ideas than it is a commonplace craps table.

We can have methods for evaluating a company, but without regard and respect for the inherent "quality" of a company factored in, the products and services, ideas and research that drive a company are not in the calculations. This is basically equivalent to no one saying, "Ah, excuse me, the Emperor is naked."

Take the American car companies, for example. All are 'victim' of lackful thinking /or group think. This is how business is always done. Over the past decade when other car manufacturers such as Honda and Toyota were putting out cars that lasted more than a decade and met fuel efficiency standards ahead of schedule, the American car companies were still creating gas hogs that self-destructed at less than 100,000 miles.

Natural Law on Earth is either change or go extinct. They nw are nearly extinct and we will watch to see if the US Government can support them while they try to catch up.

Mother Nature is not that accommodating. If a species cannot adapt, it dies.

Adaptation or change has to be built into the system of corporate evaluation. Indeed, the NYT journalists are right on target. A vast remaking of our economy must be underway, or we will perish. It's Natural Law.

The American people and our thinking over the last 100 years have traveled a path so far away from Nature, that we no longer even consider Natural Law when we are working on a business plan. It's about the money. Oddly enough, if we operate according to Natural Law where only Quality gets to exist, the money would flood in beyond our wildest dreams. Human mind thoughts based in lack and fear work counterproductive to the Laws of Nature, and therefore, are not sustainable.

We humans are Natural creatures subject to the Laws of Nature just as every flower, animal and cell are. Our creations are subject to Natural Law, as well. And Quality is the name of Her game.

What does this mean to you, the individual? It means you are subject to the Laws of Nature, as well. You must change and adapt or go extinct, as well. What holds you back from changing yourself into something more and better than the previous version of you? It's probably fear, just as fear of not enough led to this economic collapse. Indeed, it is time and the time is ripe for
creating a new economy based on Quality and Plenty.

As Anis Nin said, "There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."

It's time for America, and each individual citizen, to bloom.

Thanks for reading!


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Thursday, March 5, 2009

One Man's Desire for More and Better

Good Day Everyone!

Recently I've been watching Showtime's series, the Tudors. On the Special Features disc I was treated to see one episode of This American Life, another Showtime Series. This episode was about Michael Phillips. The best article I can find to tell you about the show and about Michael Phillips is in the St. Petersburg Times. Eric Deggans, staff writer, wrote an amazing account of Michael and his story.

I heartily encourage you to read the story and then watch the show. It is the first episode of the second season of This American Life. You can probably get it from your local library on DVD.
Talk about Quality programming, this is it.

Mike is an ordinary guy, except that he's got a particular challenge called SMA. The only part, save his head, that moves is his thumb. He's still an ordinary guy with hopes, dreams and desires. He is striving, like each of us, to become more than he has been.

The episode talks about his having lived with his Mother all his life, and now he wants some independence. He wants - his Life.

Wow, we think as we watch, how amazing is this? Yet, he, like each of us, is a Godchip in physical form. He is alive and reflective, a being of Light in a physical, albeit, broken body. Many, I suppose, would think, "why bother". Yet, he does. He strives to grow and become more Real, more himSelf. Michael is our teacher.

A friend of mine is reading The Story of My Life by Helen Keller. In sharing with my friend Michael's story, she in turn recounted to me that same Joie de Vive - zest for life - in Helen's words about her own life. Everyday was a wonderful day to Helen. Every letter started with some version of how happy she was to be alive and how privileged it was to feel the sun on her face, or the rain, or the snow...she was just happy for Life, Itself.

A new book has come to my attention, Happy For No Reason, by Marci Shimoff. On my walk this morning I was contemplating these three events coming into my awareness over the past 24 hours. Michael Phillips, Helen Keller, and Marci Simoff - all reminding me that my Life Is Good, as well, and to Be Happy for no particular reason except that I just get to be here in the physical and that is the Reason for Joy.

How grateful I am for the lives of others who influence me back into Reality.

Thanks for Reading!


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