Monday, September 29, 2008

A Letter to My Country

My Dear Fellow Americans,
It appears that our situation is dire. It appears that everything is out of control and flying apart. As humans we are afraid. Shall we take our wee bit of money and stuff it into our mattresses? Shall we purchase gold bouillon and hide it in the back yard? Where will I live? What shall I eat? What will happen next? Oh dear, oh dear the sky is falling.

And most certainly as humans we are looking for someone to blame. Is it the CEO? Is it the President? Maybe it is the Federal Reserve or the Department of the Treasury. By God, we’ll hunt them down and find them. We’ll make them…pay? They don’t begin to have enough money to pay or pay it back. No relief there.

But if you are fixed on finding someone to blame, then look no further than your mirror, for you and I, we are all co-creators of this extraordinary time in the history of our America. We each voted or didn’t vote; we each wrote our Congressmen and Senators or we did not voice our concerns. We each made choices every single step of the way in our personal lives and as citizens like grains of sand on the beach, one by one culminated into now. We each are culpable and creators in all of this. Blaming is not the way out nor is it the way through what we now face together. We are here. So, let us begin; but before we begin creating, let’s pause and be still.

The good news is that we are very powerful Creators, witness the myriad of messes that we are looking at which require our attention. Like the hurricanes of Ike and Katrina, the fires and the floods, we are looking at ruin, a mess, veritable rubble. I can tell you from first hand experience that we have not lost everything. We have all that matters; we still have Us.

When things fall so completely apart in the world, in life, we are challenged to see beyond the rubble, beyond the appearances of what is so to fathom out the meaning and the opportunity of this moment. Where to look and where to begin is the question.

First, be still. Things are not what they appear. This is our rebirth. This is the opportunity for the Renaissance of our America. The things that were not built in Truth or Love, or Goodness are washing away, because they no longer serve us or where we are heading and what we now intend for America. Now, we reach inside ourselves and find Us.

When we remember Who We Really Are, we, the people, will remember that we are Infinite Creators. We will remember that our safety and security were never in the world, but all along within each of us, individually. It even says so in our Declaration of Independence:

We hold these truths, that all men are created equal. Endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, among which are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

We each and every single one of us are endowed at birth equally with our Godchip that is a direct, hard-wired line to the quantum field of all possibility – Source.

What we see with our human mind and eyes as rubble is what we have created out of our human consciousness separated from Source. If we are still and listen within to that still, small Voice, we will remember Who We Really Are; we will create anew, but this time from a place of safety and security based within, not without.

Imagine what we can and will create when we are not afraid in our human-minds, but when we are creating from our Divinity. This, America, is what we have been waiting for: our Awakening. Be Still and Listen. Our Good is at play.

One thing is certain: it is time for all hands on deck. The creative, new and Good solutions can come from anyone – including you, John and Jane Doe.

In love,

Kathy Kirk

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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Just Watch: Our Good Is At Play

Good Morning Everyone,

As the news on Wall Street and the banking situation appears to worsen, I want to tell you to suspend your fear, panic and judgment. I encourage you to just watch.

Step back. Breathe. Know, that all things work for our Good. It is Law.

In the meantime, refocus yourself on the tasks we have at hand. You're cooking dinner, right.
You've got a roof to mend. Check. You've got homework to do. Right. You've got to make love to your lover or spouse. Double check. You've got to pet the dog and feed the cat. Very good.

Stay your happiness and joyous course, and let the rest of it unwind, rewind, or unravel. There are greater laws at play here than just human mind twisting in the wind. Refrain from letting any of it have anything to do with you, your life, your focus, your joy, your progress in what you are seeking.

When Jesus spent 40 days and 40 night in the desert tempted by all manner of "evil", this is what he was experiencing. These are the appearances of all sorts of distractions to keep you off your own blessed course. Lead yourself not into temptation.

Refocus. Find the joy. Name the Good. And do that which is in front of you to do today. Our collective focus on forward, onward, and upward is the Energy Current that will lead us out and through to new and better.

All Is Well.

Thanks for reading!


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Monday, September 22, 2008

Banking, Wall Street and Monetary Policy:Human Mind Disconnected From Source: Lemmings

Hello Everyone,

Well, quite a week last week with respect to banking and Wall Street, eh? Lemmings come to mind.
Watch this short video and consider human mindless behaviors.

Lemming Migration Along the Norwegian Coast

Humans have a Godchip, a Source of wisdom and Infinite Intelligence. But without accessing it and applying it in every moment of life, it is useless. It's tantamount to having a million dollars in the bank and not knowing it.

I have been a mortgage loan officer off and on for 20 years. I've seen all kinds of market climates and conditions. I even remember 22% interest rates in the early 1980's. No other market reflects human mind consciousness of lack more easily and readily than money and monetary policy.

Human mind thoughts separated from Source believe fundamentally in lack. There simply is not enough of it, and I'd better get mine before it runs out.

I'd like to interject here that the Stock Market was initially conceived as a way to capitalize companies. Offering small portions of an equity share to lots of investors was a good idea to raise capital for a growing and worthy enterprise. Initially, an intelligent and discerning investor would presumably investigate the company. What was the product or idea? Would it serve the greater good? Was management qualified and effective individually and as a team? Was it a sound investment? If the answer was yes, then the investment and monetary vote of confidence was made into that venture. Ideally, this should still be the sole and singular consideration when investing or divesting from a company. In those days, of course, accounting firms were pretty straight forward. There weren't so many funny ways of entering assets and liabilities to cloud the understanding of the balance sheets. But as is always the way, human mind rooted in lack, has found more and more complicated and, shall I say, inventive ways of reporting these ledgers.

However, sound investing and sound monetary policy is not rocket science, but rather a matter of Common Sense. One has enough reserves to maintain fiscal health and stability; one does not make loans to uncreditworthy applicants; one does not make an unsecured loan without a sufficient equity position. These are not excessive, but prudent to the health of the institution. In this case, a bank.

Now, as to lending policies. Why would all the banks, among them the most reputable, be departing from sound lending practice to bring the banking industry to a near state of collapse?
Answer: Human mind without connection to Source. Beginning and end of story.

How could this have been prevented? Connection to Source and the courage to say no thanks.

Take Bank of America, for example. Someone or someones there had some connection to Source and looked at what was going on and questioned the human mind premise. Bank of America always was known as a more "difficult" place to place a mortgage loan. They were so particular. You had to show this and you had to prove that, and no, they weren't making those kinds of loans. When the first of the giants topped, Countrywide, Bank of America was the white knight infusing billions into them.

Almost a year later, the domino effect is in evidence as one right after the other is near collapse.

A friend of mine said the other day that he was going to take his money out of the stock market and buy gold. I asked him, "Is the stock still a valid purchase? I mean, is it a good company doing a good job with a needed and necessary service or product?" His answer was he didn't know, but he was getting out of the market. This, is quintessential lemming behavior. This is why we see large swings in the stock market. The lemmings rush here to get out quick; the lemmings rush there to get back in quick. The lemmings rush right over the cliff and drown without consulting the Godchip. Is this correct action for me?

From top to bottom, the US Monetary Policy is based on lemming behavior: a mindset rooted in lack and disconnected from Source including the Federal Reserve.

It is time to start using that Godchip we were each and every one of us endowed with. Does it feel right? Does it feel correct? This is how your Godchip communicates with us. When you cross it, it feels wrong. Listen to your feelings; they are telling you whether you are on the path to your Good or not. But first, you'll have to un-numb yourself. You'll have to get off the antidepressants, off the Xanax and Prozac, off the alcohol and valium. You have to FEEL. Once you're feeling your feelings, then you can discern what wisdom your Godchip is dispensing and never again be a lemming, but rather the Creator that you are.

By the way, this is also known as Group Think and Peer Group Pressure. Fortunately, there is a cure: applied spirituality. Everything you need, you already have. We can help you get yourself reconnected.

Thanks for reading!


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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Our National Shadow: Fear

Hello Everyone,

Like all of us, I work constantly to make sense out of every day events, only I seek to understand them from the perspective of Source, and the evolution of our species.

Today in response to my asking, a very enlightened view came into my inbox from Depak Chopra. I've met Depak on two separate occasions. The first was upon finishing my first book, Well Done, which had as its bedrock, simply my knowing. In his speech he put the science into my knowing, for which I was and am, eternally grateful.

Ever since the Republicans offered us Sarah Palin, I've been scratching my head. She's a lovely woman and truly a dynamo, but as to the question: is she presidential material? I keep coming back to I just don't see it.

I live in a very small town in the mountains. I have also lived in Montana. In places like this all you have to do is stand up and you, too, can become a "leader". This, trust me, doesn't mean you know beans about anything, it just means you saw the opening and filled it. It is not hard to be a leader in a backwoods community.

But despite that, there was still something else... something puppet like or Stepford-wife like.
Then, I got it. Palin is the "good girl" who espouses the patriarchal values, even though they are not in her best interest as a woman. I used to be one of them. Chopra speaks of Palin as the "shadow side". He is correct. The shadow is the driving force rooted in fear that will do just about anything to keep you from embracing your GodSelf.

Obama is appealing to us, as a people, to reach for our Highest Self, which requires leaving your fears behind and boldly going forward into a new adventure.

There is an expression, if not an observable phenomenon, in inner growth work that goes like this: when you call forth your Highest Good and reach for better and more; all that is unlike it comes up first for clearing. I have personally experienced this in my own life, but missed the point that it happens collectively as well. This is where Depak nailed it.

Temptation comes in pleasing forms and shapes. Certainly Sara Palin is just that. But she does represent the pleasing shadow, but shadow none the less, as what she offer us is still rooted in fear and limitations.

I urge you to read Depak Chopras article, Obama and the Palin Effect:

This is a giant turning point in the road for Americans. They sold us fear and have led us like lemming via fear thus far. Are you sick of being afraid yet?

There is nothing for us to be afraid of, unless of course you are afraid. Then, you stay enslaved. That's pretty scary to me.

Patrick Henry said it best, "Give me liberty or give me death." Personally, I choose liberty - from fear and those who would use that as a substitute for leadership.

Thanks for reading!


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Thursday, September 11, 2008

9/11: The Unanswered Wake-Up Call

Good Day Everyone!

It's a really good thing I use Yahoo mail, because then I know what day it is and what's going on "out there". Today, of course, is September 11, 2008, seven years after the 9/11 event.

I wonder what we've learned or are beginning to discover?

September 11, 2001 was not "out of the blue" or "unexpected". It was a culmination point of converging thought energies that were in that moment on the same wave length. We, were absolutely co-creators of that event.

Back then, I was doing a lot of public speaking in and around San Diego. As you might know, there are a lot of military and military related installations here. I target them for places to speak about Applied Spirituality.

Odd you might think? Not at all. Only to human eyes would speaking about spirituality in a military installation seem counter-think. But these folks, all of them, are spiritual beings as well.
And they gave me the opportunity to ask the question out loud which should have been asked all across the country: How did we co-create this event? How could this have been prevented?

If anyone had posed those question, we would have been on to a new path of course correcting our own "national vibration" rather than the one we did take,and continue to travel.

Yet, today, we will commemorate those who lost their lives in a "devastating terrorist attack", seeing them as victims and perpetuating our consciousness blindness. Those souls who did leave the planet on that day, in that event, did so for a much greater reason. The evolution of our consciousness.

They wanted us to ask ourselves the question: "How did we invite this into our experience?"

If we would do that, ask that question and answer it; then, we would truly be honoring their "sacrifice".

Even when I was just a little kid and got into a quarrel with my sisters, my Mom wouldn't say, "Who started it?" Nope. She would paddle us all, because we were all participating in it: bad behavior as the result of low consciousness. Like consciousness matching like consciousness.

Today it is seven years later. Let's ask the question now. How did we co-create the event known as 9/11? And once asked and answered, then let's get about the business of raising our consciousness, shifting our collective vibration to one of health, safety, peace, prosperity and joy. We get exactly what we are vibrating (believing and talking about). It's time for spiritual growth.

This blather about vibrations and energy is NOT going to go away. Collectively we asked to understand why 9/11 happened, and this is the answer to that asking. It was and is our American Wake Up call. We are creating it all, every single moment of it. If we want to experience something better, we must Remember Who We Really Are and refocus into Well Being.

Time to refocus, America back into Well Being. That would truly honor those who died in the event known as 9/11.

Thanks for reading!


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Sunday, September 7, 2008

Stop Looking; You Are God

Good Morning Everyone:

John and Jane Doe, you have a huge assignment: grow up and become spiritual adults quickly.

As the election is only two months away, it would seem that we have only two choices; but that, my friends, is only the appearance of things. We always have infinite choices.

As the evolution of mankind unfolds, the "fear" motivating 'this change' over 'that change' heats up.

One side, the way things were, appeals to your fears that the masses will take over and create chaos and who wants that? Stick with "those" who "know" and the "tried and true methods" of government and social order. The other side, although more subtle, points to conditions right now, as the result of "the way things have been" and says, "See, it doesn't work, it's time for OUR change." So now, John and Jane, you have to pick.

Some choice.

Folks, neither "they" has the entire answer. However, the Real answers lay in each individual becoming fully Who They Really Are and Remembering. This is you and me.

Recently I was reading about Public Allies, a non-profit organization that directs diverse youth to public service, while paying them, so they might be schooled by those in government and leadership positions on 'how it is done'. The political right is very worried about such an organization and points to this as evidence of "Big Brother".

What I would like you to understand about yourself is this: you don't need to be led; you don't need to be told what to think; you don't need to be instructed how to think about something, how to be a leader and whom to lead in order to gain 'social justice' or equality.

You, dear John and Jane, are sovereign, independent nations of one person each. You are funded by Source Energy and hard-wired in to Infinite Wisdom and Infinite possibilities. You are limited only by your own perceptions of something that you believe is limiting you.

We are each created equal: endowed by our Creator with our own Godchip. You don't need anything more than that except this: your own mastery of directing your focus to what you desire. Period.

You don't need " them" on either side of the aisle. When 'they' appeal to what you fear, 'they' got you and off you go allowing yourself to be led down their "right" way. There is no "right" way. But there is independent, individual freedom, which neither side can take away from you: your fundamental, God-endowed power to focus your being on what you desire and create, for yourself, what you dream.

We are each leaders, if other choose to follow us. We are each powerful, in our own lives. Don't think so? Check this out: if your life is a huge mess, take a bow, and acknowledge how powerfully you created that situation. You focused your Source Energy on "can't" rather than can. You used every available excuse to stay disconnected from yourSelf rather than choosing what felt better for you.

You chose to blame, which certainly feels better, than taking your own responsibility for your choices.

You can look all over the place and point to millions of people who are locked into the same mindset. Look at the middle class; suddenly they are getting poorer. They, too, are looking to blame big Government and big Corporations for their plight. But if they look closely, there were choices to be made all along the way. Some kept on working for that corporation, even when it didn't feel right. Why? The belief that they couldn't afford to let go that pension or those benefits and believe in themselves. The belief that they were safer in the company, rather than safer with themselves.

These were defining moments; choosing more freedom, growth and joy or safety. Most chose safety.

What I'm trying to tell you is that the defining moments of choice in a lifetime are subtle. You know in the depths of your beingness that the time has come for a change; but we don't leap. It's too scary. How will this work out? How will I pay the bills? How will I survive? And so, the choices are made in the fear default mode.

John and Jane, your Soul doesn't give a fig about safety. It KNOWS it is safe in Source; and It knows that if you would align your human mind with God mind, you would KNOW it too. Everything you could ever dream of is answered in your individual and personal alignment with yourSelf, which is God. This work is solo work; it is NOT done in groups.

Now, a group of aligned folks would be an awesome sight and experience; imagine that!

My Dad taught us to think for ourselves. He may have had moments in his life where he regretted this, as he watched us apply this advice to our own lives and make choices that he wouldn't have sanctioned for his own. But each of us is individual Source Energy come for our own reasons and our own delights, which cannot be fathomed by any other. What you dream is uniquely You and blessed on this planet and needed in this country.

However, you will not contribute the You of you if you are moving from fear. Out of fear you will believe that you must choose either this - or that. The Real solutions, however, are in AND, which is Connection with Source. They are unfolding as we ask for the impossible combination of things and watch as Source inspires us to solutions that human minds, separated from Source, could never come up with.

John and Jane, you have to grow up fast and become the spiritual adult that you already are.
This means your top priority job is reconnection with Self. Remembering that you came in to this with everything you, personally, ever needed for a happy and successful life. Will you be someone who makes a difference? You must. For one person in Connection with Self is more powerful than a million who are not.

What is needed now is for every John and Jane Doe to become personally connected with their own Godchip and lead that life that they intended before coming in.

I grant you that this is not easy; for if it were, things would certainly look a lot different than they do now; but it is simple. Listen within; feel the correctness of each step via your emotions. Stop looking "out there" for confirmation and clarification. Your clarity is yours, and it has to do with what you desire for your life. Your Gochip will lead you unerringly in the right steps if you follow the joy of it and turn your back, once and for all on the fear. This is the supreme Trust in Self.

You are a complete Godkit. You have no parts missing. Begin today to apply your spirit and watch your path change, your decisions change and your life change for the better. No matter what either political party might be offering. You are the powerful, sovereign state of You.

Now. Stop looking 'out there' for God and salvation; You Are God. Refocus yourSelf and get busy creating what your heart desires.

Thanks for reading!


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