Sunday, July 27, 2008

Momentum and Character

Hello Everyone,

I get a lot of opportunity to read marketing pitches in my inbox. Everyone has a solution, the fix, the instant "6-figure" income. It astounds me that in whatever way it is worded, the idea is always "get rich quick" or "I have the answer that you need".

Oh for the days of the straight forward marketing messages: I have this product or service; it costs _______." Today there are sales letters on data capture pages that are 10 pages long. That doesn't bother so much as the one-line tags that hype you to get to the sale page in the first place.

It disappoints me that when someone offers a conference call - a FREE conference call - and what you get is a sales pitch, not free information as you are led to believe.
After having gone to enough of them, it is the rare marketer that offers anything of value in the teleconference call, and oh, by the way, if you want to know more, you can contact me at....

Everything folks, is about character. Everything. When you are attempting a new path, a new book, a new venture, a new habit...character is what keeps you moving in that direction.

So what is character exactly? According to The combination of qualities or features that distinguishes one person, group, or thing from another.
So what are these qualities that distinguish success and good character from those without it?

1. A fundamental belief in yourself as good and complete. You must believe and know yourself to be Good at your core; complete at your Core. When you are intimate with Who You Really Are, there can be no insecurity about yourself, as you know yourSelf.
There in yourSelf is everything you need whenever you call on it: information, strength, wisdom and guidance. There is no lack in yourSelf. Only those who are not intimate with Self feel a need to lie, cheat, steal and otherwise manipulate others to get what they think they lack. It is this intimate knowledge of Self that keeps one on course, moving forward step by step, day by day towards the new goal where the path is unknown by the human mind.

2. An unfailing knowing that your Good is always at play and that you are no less important and that you are included in the fundamental laws of creation and the Universe. You matter, the hairs on your head are all counted, and the laws that support the "successful" also support you.

3. An unwillingness to quit with the corresponding attitude of "I CAN and I WILL".

We take these things within ourselves and move in our daily activities one step at a time; one moment at a time. We focus completely on NOW knowing Self is integral to us, the laws are supporting us, and yes, I can do this.

Taken together, one moment at a time and one step at a time, momentum builds in that new direction, that new project, that new habit - indeed, that new life.

Get rich quick; someone else has your fix. No way.

We live on a planet with time delay, thank Goodness. It takes time and persistent and focused concentration steadily in that new direction to see results and experience the new momentum. Where ever you are now, you got there by the same formula.

The shift happens because you understand fundamentally, intimately and personally that you are God having this human adventure. With that you shift everything negative about who you thought you were. With those thought forms replaced by the eternal and essential Goodness and power of Who You Really Are, you move yourself - inch by inch - to that new life.

Have you ever imagined what it takes to stop a run-a-way freight train? Something with that amount of weight and momentum takes quite a bit of time and energy to stop let alone switch it to a new track, start it up again and gain new momentum in a new direction.

It is indeed, all about character - that quality of Knowing Who You Really Are - and armed with that you need never take a short cut again. This is applied spirituality in action.

Thanks for reading!


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Friday, July 18, 2008

We Can Solve It!

Hello Everyone,

Today a friend sent me a speech by Al Gore which is below, so you can listen to it. My comments are confined to the concept that we can solve anything we put our minds to. Period. While I understand the necessity of addressing the negative, let's keep it in perspective. The "negative" that we perceive as such is simply the platform from which we can be very clear about what it is that WE NOW WANT.

Energy independence is certainly in the top three of what we now want, to be sure. And I am certain that we want clean, cheap energy as well, that is available to everyone like the air is. These things are within our grasp if we STOP FOCUSING ON THE PROBLEM AND REFOCUS ON THE SOLUTIONS.

Yesterday I watched a marvelous movie, In the Shadow of the Moon, a Ron Howard film about how America put a man on the moon. We were inspired to reach beyond our grasp by John Kennedy. When Kennedy announced that he was calling on American for a "new enterprise" we did not have the technology at hand. We had to reach into the infinite, within ourSelves, and create the solutions along the way to Apollo 11's successful flight.

Indeed we are at a place in America where a "new enterprise" is needed. Many in fact, but it is by blessed way of the powerful negative that we have arrived at these new conclusions.

Each of us can contribute to this new enterprise by envisioning what it is we want and by ceasing immediately from the constant dwelling on what is wrong. Write to your chief news media and tell them you want to hear what is going right. Tell them you want in headline news, the good progress and cooperations that are happening in key areas. Tell them you will turn them off, if they persist in beating the over tired drums of doom and gloom.

We get what we are focused upon. Imagine if we were told daily briefings on the progress of hydrogen fuels, solar and even new promising ideas such as sound. Can you imagine what new ideas that might spark in yourself? Imagine how much more uplifting it would be to go to bed at night with a new promising idea in your head?

America, you have to speak up. Now is the time. Stop settling for inferior, sleazy, low quality in anything and everything. Turn off the mind-numbing stuff and turn on the exciting, inspiring, and motivational things that enliven you, which enlivens us as a nation.

Write your senators and representatives. Tell them you want to hear of non-partisan progress in energy, the economy, the quality of our food, and whatever else you wish to see changed. And identify clearly the change you would like to see. Add not only your voice and vote, but add your energy to it by seeing it as a completed creation of good for everyone.

We alone get to choose what we think about. Choose carefully what you wish to see. Nurture that like you would a new baby. Feed it love, feel its joy, adore the people who are contributing and appreciate every single step of the way until its birth into reality.

I applaud Al Gore for taking the lead along with T. Boone Pickens in spearheading creative and clean solutions for America. Let's keep it positive. Let's keep it creative. Let's keep it non-partisan. I call on America for this great new enterprise - recreating America anew.

Here's the video of Al Gore's speech followed by Boone Pickens speech.

Check out

This is Applied Spirituality in Action!

Thanks for Reading!


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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Why Bad Things Happen to Good People

Good Morning Everyone,

Just this morning I had a call from one of my best friends. On Friday she and her husband left for vacation from the Eastern Sierras in California to enjoy three weeks in the Pacific Northwest. But by Saturday afternoon they turned back home. They had a call that Oak Creek which borders the Mount Whitney Fish Hatchery in Independence, CA had jumped its banks as a torrent of flood water and mud oozed its way through the Hatchery where they live.,0,6405307.story

My friend's husband is the Fish and Game Warden for the Bishop area and as such their housing is at the Hatchery. My friend recently retired from California State Parks.

When they arrived home, they surveyed the damage: their house itself was still intact albeit with 3' of mud piled up against the back side of the house. The garage and storage shed, however, that were along the banks of the Oak Creek were gone. Their 5th wheel was wrapped around a tree some distance from the house; the car buried in mud past the tires, and the truck damaged by the moving 5th wheel. His classic Harley, which he's had since high school has not yet been found. All his tools, history.

The reasons I write this story today is essentially this: He is a constant worrier. He frets about everything and often walks about in a state where one does not dare to tread.
A really wonderful, stand up guy, he thinks about the worst and keeps himself in a negative internal state most of his waking hours.

By contrast, his wife, is someone who sees the magic in everything, looks for the good and always finds it.

In this scenario, essentially all the losses in this event were his. The house and her items are untouched; literally everything that is "his" is gone.

I saw things like this after the Cedar Fire here in San Diego in 2003. When I returned after having been evacuated for a week, I drove and walked the areas just marveling at how it burnt this, but not that. The only conclusion I could come to was the vibrational countenace of those involved.

I speak from the vantage point of personal experience and personal observation. The year before the Cedar Fire, my trailer on my property blew up all by itself. Even the arson squad could not determine a cause. Accidental to be sure, but they couldn't identify the source for certain. In my own mind, I could. It was my vibration, as I had wished for a new life. I was miserable. Well, I got it.

When the Cedar Fire blew threw my neighborhood four times and less than a year later, and after I had moved back onto my property in a new 5th wheel, my new trailer was untouched. I had my answer. In that year from the time my trailer burnt down to the Cedar Fire, I had spent a lot of time doing my own inner work, raising my own vibrational countenance on many, many issue. When I saw how the Cedar Fire had literally burned just around my trailer and took everything else, I knew that this "vibrational" stuff was absolutely True.

As my friend described the damages to me this morning, I saw the pattern and asked her, "So, you, per se, are literally unscathed in this event?" "Yes," she replied. "And it's mostly his loss?" Again, "Yes."

Bad things happen to good people because they focus themselves on the negative. Your attention to a subject invites it into your experience. If you walk around in fear that bad things happen, they will.

I thought this story would illustrate it more than another "theory" talk. Two people, married, living in the same household. She holds her vibration to the Good. He holds his vibration to the negative and keeps himself in that state of worry.

Which will you do? Your choice, totally.

Thanks for reading!


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Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Letting You Flow!!

Good Morning Everyone,

What if that quirk, foible, wierdness, fault or "handicap" turned out to be your GIFT?

I am privileged to be a part of the Trikaya Tribe. ( This is an up and coming group of now activists who envision a different world, because each of us has awakened to Who We Really Are and are allowing the Source in us to fuel our creations into the world consciously and intentionally.

Today in the Tuesday morning Trikaya Newsletter the first video was linked in. I am adding another just to give you another idea of "Lettin' You Rip!".

What ever is your gift, talent or passion, now is the time to let it flow through you and into creation into this world. Focus!

This Life is NOT a dress rehursal!

Thanks for reading!


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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

World Happiness and America

Hello Everyone,

Yesterday I came across a wonderful news item. It's a study that has been conducted for several years now testing how happy people are all over the world. If you click on the title to this blog it will take you right to the site. [

The interesting thing about this study is that Denmark seems to be the happiest "western" country right now, and America has dropped to 16th. Hmmm.

Not like we didn't know that already, right? Seems we've gotten to be quite the doomsayers over the last few years. I've noticed it all over the place.

Americans are worried and concerned about everything. We're worried about the war in Iraq, terrorism, the economy, gas prices, cancer, heart disease, toxins in everything: food, water and air. It seems to be a bloody mess. And like traffic passing a car wreck, we can't seem to not look.

Let's first talk about the usefulness of noticing our discomfort when we think about these awful things. That unease or fear that you feel when you're dwelling on a distasteful subject is powerfully useful for one thing: in that instant you are absolutely clear about what it is you desire. So, when you're noticing that Congress just voted another $162 billion for the war and you feel that rage pop up, ask yourself: what would I prefer? The answer comes easily. I wish we were at peace. Or perhaps I wish that $162 billion would be spent on supporting organic food production, or cleaning up the water supply or creating a car that emits zero emissions. You have just launched your new creation.

Now what usually happens is we get up from the news cast and call a friend and rant and rave about the state of things. By doing this we are creating more energy for continued manifestation of the "problem" but worse, the new creation is being left alone, with no new energy being focused there. So what could you do? You could go on the Internet and Google "hydrogen cars." You could sit for a few minutes and imagine dollars flowing into research for a really cool car that goes the distance with zero emissions. You could imagine in Iowa, the flood waters receding and the farmers choosing to replant with non-gmo seed great vast fields of organic crops with success and taking them to market to nourish the consumers with healthy, whole food. You get to choose. Your Internal Guidance, your Godchip, is always telling you via your emotions your relationship to any subject.

In the study the report says that the Baby Boomers are a really unhappy lot. Ya think? These are the folks who in the 1960's followed their Internal Guidance and rallied for peace and love. Now 40 years later, they have forgotten who they are and have pursued lives and careers disconnected from Who They Really Are. Their Inner Guidance is telling them to refocus, create again. Change course. Follow your heart.

In a second interview on the same topic a researcher explains why American Women are unhappy.

In this interview, which I hope you will go and listen to, the research explains that it is not that American Women love their children less than other mothers across the globe, but rather they are so split in their FOCUS. They try to do to much. He explains it like this. I'll paraphrase: if someone loves the opera and they go to the opera and devote their full focus to that presentation, they are loving it and thoroughly enjoying it. If they love playing scrabble with their children, and sit down and have a fully focused game of scrabble with their kids, they love it. Each experience is a 10 for them. But when they try to combine listening to the opera and playing scrabble with the kids (to save time), the result is not a 20 but noise.

This further explains the concept of focus and fully support my claims that multi-tasking is miserably inefficient and ineffective. You as a focuser of Source Energy, dilute and split your energies, getting neither satisfaction (joy, pleasure, fulfillment) from this strategy, and your creations aren't happening, either.

My dear Dad says, "You eat an elephant one bite at a time." He's such a wise being. You focus on one thing at a time, fully absorbed in it. Then, refocus on the next subject. The Internal Guidance of your Godchip via your emotions tells you when enough is enough. When it stops feeling good. Time's up.

So, chew slowly and savor each bite of that elephant, American. Take your time, choose the delightful focus, and watch time expand and contract to accommodate all that "needs to get done". The most important thing is that you feel good.

Thanks for reading!


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