Monday, September 24, 2007

Expect Love

Good day Everyone!

It has dawned a glorious fall day up here in the Cuyamaca Mountains. I LOVE this time of year.
My friend sent me this link over the weekend, and I didn't have a chance to look at it until this morning. This is beautiful.

It's a movie of a polar bear and husky playing in the wild. You wouldn't probably expect to see such a thing, but I do. (see link)

I've had several encounters in the wild with animals that have been nothing short of love.
Once, sitting on the floor in a friend's cabin at the beach in Del Mar a huge lizard showed up. He was awfully pretty, iridescent blues, greens, yellows. His tail was as long as his body, at least a foot. Slowly we closed the gap between us and I was petting him. Later I learned he was an alligator lizard and that they bite.

In Montana we were riding around high up in the Beartooth Mountains in a jeep. We stopped to check out a creek before we crossed it, and a bear went loping by. I shouted at him to stop so I could take a picture of him. He stopped, stood up on his hind legs and seemed to grin at me. I took the picture, said, "Thanks!" and off he went.

In my garden in Montana one day not one, but several Monarch Butterflies came to play with me whilst I gardened. They landed on me.

In my garden up here in Descanso I had a rattlesnake that lived under the tomatillo plants. After our first encounter I told him I would be coming into the garden every day to water and he could come back once I was done. Daily I saw him leave when I arrived and come back as I was finishing up the watering.

I could go on. What happens when these "miracles" take place? It's all about vibration. Love, joy and play matching love, joy and play. When fear is brought into the vibration is when you see bites, and fights. The lion does lay down with the lamb. All things are possible.

This is applied spirituality quintessentially. To feel the feelings of love, joy, play means you emanate that. And that is what you will come to meet with.

Please watch the video. You'll love it. Then, emulate that.

Thanks for reading!


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Friday, September 21, 2007

Well, Well, Well: Going Through

Good Day Everyone!

Well, it's cool and promising rain in September here in the mountains of San Diego. This is almost unheard of. But I for one am thankful. The cool of fall is here just in time for the equinox. see link ( I think this is my favorite time of year. Cleaning out the gutters, stacking and covering the fire wood, insulating the water lines, digging out my winter clothes and putting my flannel sheets back on the bed. The night sky is incredible. Cozy is back!

This year I'm dealing with my water well. To my way of discerning information about my life, this is a very significant activity. For help in interpreting such a monumental event, I often use the I Ching for guidance. The I Ching, often referred to as the Book of Changes, is intuitive and useful and performs exactly to the Christian advice, "Ask and It is Given."

My water well seems to have mud in it. So much so that we are now having to line the well and insert a sand separator to filter out the sand/mud. The 48th hexagram in the I Ching speaks directly to the water well of a village. (see link) I might add here that this is one of the few times that the symbol is actually appearing in the physical, so it's definitely a "sit-up and pay attention" time for me.

When one reads the I Ching, it's a good idea to read the previous hexagram, and then read the one you're focused on; and then the succeeding hexagram, as well to give you the flow, the movement you might say, of what is going on in your life. Perspective. In this case, the previous hexagram is #47 Exhaustion (see link) (Oh, no duh.) And the hexagram after the Well is #49, Revolution. (see link)

And then, of course there is the "going through", the passage.

I use myself as example so that you might reflect on the passages of your own life. We're never stuck or stagnant, but moving from one place to another. The Soul, our Internal Guidance System, our Godchip, is always reaching for more love, more Life, more freedom, more joy, more expansion which is its nature - these are our heart's desires, of course. That's how we register them with our human mind. My heart's desires are.... And when we ask, it is granted.

But to allow them in is the point of challenge to each of us. This is where human, conditioned mind tell us these things are not ours. Or we should not reach for so much. Or we don't deserve these things, or it's just not possible - "you're dreamin'!" But the heart, the Soul, our Self knows better. It knows that anything is possible and so, we dare to reach. And thus begins the internal work of letting go of that which no longer serves us - status-quo, the way it is, the way we've always done it; the way I have always believed things to be. Our wee little hand reaches for the unseen and the unknown. We are in free fall. Once you let go from what was, it is a walk of faith in the land of ambiguity. Constantly checking in to see what belief you're tempted to run back and cling to (is this where Klingon came from?) so you can consciously remind yourself to let it go.

The human mind screams out warnings of fear and panic. Don't do it! Go back! You'll be ruined!
You'll die. (The proverbial Rock). While the Godchip is saying, "It's ok, let go, all is well, TRUST!" ( The proverbial Hardplace).

I am in such a movement. Tired of what was, no longer wanting what I have had, and boldly reaching for a new life in a brand new way. I am...going through. When I was reading the hexagrams this morning, I understood in one fell swoop why people don't want to change. It's is because of this place I am in, the going through. It's like being in a fun house. Remember that ride at the amusement park.? You're going through this dark place in a little car, and scary things pop up along the way to terrorize you (human mind), yet you continue on the ride, you continue to go through and eventually you see the light and come out the other side. It is the going through that people do not want to do.

For me, the discomfort of staying where I was, was greater than the fear of going through. Although yesterday and today I am in pea soup and definitely wondering why I didn't just stay put. It's pretty dark and mucky and scary. However, I know there is also a way to go through well.

Hence, I began today with the I Ching for the overview. The day to day, minute by minute what should I "do" questions and answers are more subtle. But the rules for going through are fairly simple. First, until you feel ok, well, must stop. The first thing is to always get yourself feeling better about something. Refocus. Find anything that will make you feel the relief. Once stabilized there, you can look to the situation and find the good things going on in the chaos. Make a list. Feel the support of the diamonds in the pile of crap. How full is the glass, really. Get outrageous in finding the good things.

Now you're at a place where you can begin to look at what can I literally "do". Above all, do nothing until you're feeling better and seeing the good things, the support in the chaos. Now do what feels best, and only what feels best. I sometimes think this is the hardest place, because my human mind is screaming about "duty", "should", "responsibility"...and often times this is exactly what we are transforming within ourselves, these concepts and how they look in the physical. It's truly the fun house floor of shifting and dropping and keeping you off balance. What's real and what's Real?

I once had a friend who belonged to the Explorer's Club. These are people who explore the wonders of the world where no one else usually goes. The highest mountain peaks, the poles, the darkest rivers in the deepest jungles. I believe this journey- the inner journey of letting go and reaching for more - is the penultimate Explorer's Club - the conscious and deliberate exploration into higher, purer levels of consciousness. There is no map for this work, but it is elegantly guided and supported by the whole of the Universe.

This, dear people, is the cutting edge of the cutting edge. It is not glamorous. It doesn't garner the limelight.

It is solo, yet you are not alone. It is private, yet all of heaven is rooting for you! It is yours for the asking and the daring to "go through". You cannot fail. I cannot fail.

Thanks for reading!


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Saturday, September 15, 2007

Zero Tolerance; 100% Acceptance

Hello Everyone,

Well, it's been awhile. I've been on a trip to the hinterlands of Minnesota. What a beautiful state!

Ok, a little trivia here. Did you know the Mississippi River begins in MN? Yep. And for someone who lives in Southern California, what a novelty, they actually have water in their rivers! What beauty! I came home to a fire just about 3 miles south of here. Fortunately the winds were zilch and they were able to contain it pretty fast. Come on rain!

As usual in my travels I love to discover new things, people, and ideas. I didn't necessarily find something new, but I realized something at last. You see I was visiting a fairly wealthy area with very educated people. Lovely folks, really. Very well read, very liberal minded - their words, not mine. You know how I despise labels. But what I realized was this: even liberal minded people can be intolerant and unaccepting. Ok, I know, but you have to remember I'm Pollyanna. I just assume that the more you read, the more intelligent you are, the broader-minded you become. Nope. Not necessarily so I've come to learn.

Case in point. I was having dinner with a very large contingent of doctors and scientific types. To be sure the conversation was informative and very cutting edge in the sciences. A friend (not a scientist) then spoke about her experiences with communications with beings unseen. You could have heard a feather drop around the table. I was pretty surprised, because here in California someone, doctor or scientist not withstanding, someone would have asked to hear more about that and a lively discussion would have ensued. This poor girl was left with absolute and utter silence. I was really stunned. I thought scientists were curious. But what I learned was that they felt it utter nonsense and not worthy of discussion.

My friend approaches her work with the spiritual realms in an utterly scientific manner. She's discerning, skeptical and methodical in her work. The only difference is, she accepts the science; whilst they are intolerant of the spiritual. I don't understand.

Well, that's me, though. I believe within the not too distant future we will see God and Science as one in the same. I happen to know it now, but alas, have no way to "prove" it. But they will. Physics will do it and the paradigm will shift there. I hope I'm still around to see that. It's going to pull the rug out from under every single intolerant religionist and scientist.

My point folks, is that applied spirituality is about acceptance, not tolerance. Tolerance implies you feel a threat but somehow you manage to stifle it or suck it down in some politically correct phrase or stance. Acceptance, ah, that's another whole animal. It's hand in hand with allowing. No fear. No resistance. You look at something and allow it's existence and accept it's validity to exist without any resistance (internally). You might say, "interesting" or "intriguing" or "imagine that". Then depending on your attraction or interest for it, you focus further or change your focus to something more pleasing to you.

Ah well. This week's quote from the Urantia book is great....

"You should never forget that intolerance is the mask covering up the entertainment of secret doubts as to the trueness of one's belief.

No man is at any time disturbed by his neighbor's attitude when he has perfect confidence in the truth of that which he wholeheartedly believes. "[The Urantia Book, p. 1641, par. 4]

Bless us each and everyone. May we dispense with labeling each other once and for all.

Thanks for reading!


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Saturday, September 1, 2007

Don't LOOK!

Hello all!

Miracles abound! It's raining in San Diego and in the mountains. This is a wondrous thing for us. We've had no rain for about 5 months, and for the past week it's been really trying. Well, today it is really raining, a lot. I'm in heaven. I am also in the library because my Internet satellite is out because of the storm. Everyone around me is gleeful! Yahoo!

My topic for today is focus your awareness. I got it by reading the quote in the NY Times today about a child being exposed to an R rated movie on an airplane. James Steyer, Chief Executive of Common Sense Media says..."you’re a captive audience, and you have almost no control.”
Ah ha!!! The key phrase here is, "almost". Because we always have control over what WE choose to focus on.

And a father was quoted as saying, “It’s not like he can look away when he hears the sound, and he’s sitting on a plane bored, and he’s 6.” My response to Mr. Fine is to say first off, you underestimate how great a child can choose for himself what he wants to see and what he doesn't. You also underestimate his ability to "choose", "sift" and filter out information. If the child was "bothered", it was probably because he was picking up the vibrations of upset from the Dad. This is how we choose here on planet earth, by being exposed to the contrast and the myriad of vibrations. This is the same complaint we often got at the library about content of books. And of course, these are the people who would like to censure books that are "allowed" to be in the library.

How can one know if one does not want something, except by introduction to it and then choosing other than it?

So now it's a big deal about movies on the airplane, because individuals can't control and focus their own energies? So the rest of us have to "pay the price" because they have no ability to refocus?

In a nutshell folks, this is what is up for utter and complete review. A democracy is a place where EVERYTHING is welcomed. The freedom is to choose what we focus our awareness on.
If you don't like what you see, refocus. If you can't refocus, then you have some personal work to do. I'd suggest meditation, yoga and self-discipline.

Thanks for reading!


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