Friday, September 25, 2009

A Life Well Done

Hello Everyone,

With the imminent release of my second book, Well Done - A Story of Applied Spirituality, it is irony that a dear friend whose life was indeed, well done, has passed away.

This post is in tribute to my friend, Jack Caldwell and soul mate, love of his life, and wife, Doreen.

Jack was my neighbor in Descanso. He has been wrestling with Parkinson's for quite a few years. In the two years previous to my moving to Ohio, I became close friends with the Caldwells. I would go over and do energy work on Jack and Doreen, but what I got in return was a deep and abiding friendship and the privilege of being in the company of a couple whose marriage I truly admired.

Never did I hear a cross or demeaning word exchanged between them. Neither did one talk about the other behind his/her back. There was no sniping, sniffling or self pity. These two took the progression of Parkinson's in stride, each one adjusting along the way. Jack to increasing confinement and inability to communicate his brilliant mind and thoughts, and Doreen with her increasing responsibilities for his physical care and all the home, financial and business duties. Never did either one of them utter any words of regret or self pity. They fully enjoyed that they were together and appreciated that fully.

The last time I saw either of them was at my farewell party which was hosted in their home so Jack could be there. With all that Doreen had on her plate, it was "no trouble" for her to host 60+ people to say good bye to me. I remember hugging Jack on that last day, knowing I would never see him again in the physical.

But I left him with my vision of Jack: "Jack," I would say to him as I worked on him, "I see you standing on a Scottish Highland in your kilt, playing your bagpipes. You're hair's blowing and so is your kilt. You have a radiant glow on your face, because you're free and happy and well."

Jack died on Wednesday, 9.22.09. That night I heard him playing his bagpipes in my ear. He is home, well, and happy. Although I confess a great sadness that I can't give him a squnch.

Jack and Doreen emigrated from Scotland to America in the 1970's. They were a young couple and his trade was glass. They built a life, a family and a business here in America, in San Diego.

Life goes on, both here in the physical and in the nonphysical. But what a great adventure you had here, Jack! Well Done, indeed. Your life was an occasion, and you rose to it!

Thanks for reading!


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Monday, September 14, 2009



The Prayer of Appreciation

Good Day Everyone!

The single most effective prayer is the prayer of appreciation.

What is a prayer of appreciation?

Anytime you are focused on something and appreciating some aspect of it. It is the opposite of criticism. For all practical purposes, prayer is an internal attitude which you are emanating outward as your vibrational countenance, which by the Law of Attraction, Source is matching.

The very best "object" of your appreciation which is in closest alignment with Source, or God, is appreciation of yourSelf. In short, loving and appreciation who you are is the closest vibrational match to God there is.

Imagine that?

Try this for a few weeks. Your intention each morning is to go throughout your day looking for things, people, ideas - anything - that you can appreciate. You intend each day to be the sleuth of those thinks that you like, that put a smile on your face, that make you twinkle back!

After making this a habit, you'll see a marked difference in the things that are coming into your life. They get better and better. Do this long enough and your life choices go from where you began to good, to great, to wonderful, to stupendous, to fabulous...

And this folks, is very simply how you change your life. It's entirely up to you and your choice of focus.

Shall we start? Now.

Thanks for reading,


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Thursday, September 10, 2009




Irrational Fears: Separation Anxiety

Good Morning Everyone,

A few days ago the furor over President Obama's back to school speech reached my awareness, and then, this morning the news about Rep. Joe Wilson's outburst during the President's speech last evening regarding health care reform.

I confess I didn't understand how anyone could oppose the President encouraging kids to make something of themselves. I recall President Kennedy's famous, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country" speech. Everyone was charged with becoming their personal "best". We studied, we applied ourselves, we even did the calisthenics programs he promoted to be fit. That's what leaders do, they encourage others to become all that they can be. Watch.

Our danger lies not without, but within each individual who feels the separation from Source, God, All That Is. When we cannot feel out connection, the love that that imparts to us, we are alone, naked, scared and see out through a human mind stranded in fear. From this place we are irrational, devious, and unreasonable. We cannot hear anything of Love, for we are on the frequency of fear. Love and fear are opposite frequencies.

Make no mistake, both Democrats and Republicans alike suffer from this separation anxiety. Indeed, our whole nation suffers from it and this is what is eroding us - from the inside out.

If a man awakes every morning, conservative or liberal, and believes he lives in a malevolent world with no support, no love, no eternality, no infinite possibilites, and in an indifferent Universe, he will do anything - good man or no - to feel safe.

We are a spiritually poor nation. Organized religion has failed us, but our own efforts to reconnect with Who We Really Are individually are the route, now. The feeling of fear provokes within us a profound desire for internal peace, calm and rationality. This will guide us inward where each of us has our own, personal connection with God for comfort and Truth.

Do not have the hubris to think this doesn't include you. For if you are someone who is waging war on anything - saving the wolves, saving Tibet, saving the environment, feeling hate and anger at conservatives or liberals, then, you do not understand the Oneness of all things either.

It is each individual's job to find their personal alignment with Source daily - even moment to moment. This is unconditional Love: that external circumstances do not have to change in order for me to feel my Connection to Source. Can you say that? Can you do that? Do you even realize that is the most important awareness that you can take with you into your day?

Even Jesus wasn't in Connection 100% of the time. He got angry in the temple and overturned the money changers tables. And on the cross he is said to have cried out, "Father, why hast thou forsaken me."

If realizing out Oneness with God were easy, this world would look very different indeed. None the less, it is our quest, individually, to return home. Each prodigal is charged with this journey, for therein lies the answer to a world that is heaven on earth.

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Sunday, September 6, 2009

Healthcare: A Right or Not

Good Day Everyone,

I so applaud us as a nation for undertaking the great debate on health care. Not because I have a vested interested either way, but because it opens up such a can of worms of beliefs that we must deal with first before we can come to any consensus of what to do.

I'm thinking that at the heart of the debate of the forms of health care is the issue of whether or not health care is a right or a privilege in America. This is really something we've never talked about. We hash about the flag, and voting, and speech - but this is something we've never asked ourselves. And probably that's the first thing we should tackle before we attempt any reform in the health care system.

As you can probably see, if we decide that it's a right, then it becomes something that we have to protect for each and every individual. Right away people divide into liberal and conservative thinking lines: more government or less government and the labeling starts to fly. As we all know, once labels start being bantied about, people stop listening to the idea if it happens to be coming from a source other than their particular political persuasion. From that point on it devolves into name calling and it gets ugly, nothing gets done, and all we do is squabble.

If on the other hand we decide it's a privilege, then that doesn't feel right either, because it cuts against the core of Who We Really Are - love. But alas, love is not considered valid in a political debate. What to do? What to do?

Complete and perfect health is our inheritance, our birthright just as freedom and joy are. The conundrum comes when we look out into the world and see so much of just the opposite. We know in our core beingness that everyone deserves complete and perfect health just as they are endowed with the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Our mistake is thinking that we can legislate such a thing, when it is totally a personal state of beingness that brings this to manifestation or not.

Out of the human-mind's belief in separation from Source we have created a gigantic mindset of health, health care methods, medicine, hospitals, doctors, medicines, pharmacy, herbs, chiropractic, accupuncture, etc. to support the body, to create health, to restore well being.

What has been forgotten is that the state of wellness is our natural state of being if we are aligned with It; that is to say if we have closed the gap of separation between our human mind's belief and our Godself knowing of only Well Being. When any individual closes this gap, complete and perfect health is made manifest in that moment. Modern medicine calls this a miracle, but in Truth access to this is equally available to each and every person.

So, complete and perfect health is our birthright, just as all the other freedoms delineated in the Declaration of Independence. Realization of them is an inside job, applying our spirituality and creating deliberately the life experience we choose. The realization of heaven on earth is all about a state of being, not legislation.

Is health care a right or a privilege? It's not a right, but the laws of love demand that we support individual physicality whilst they are actively gaining the consciousness of Oneness. Now how about a discussion of importance of applied spirituality with respect to health care and the sovereign ability of an individual to respond to Life and create their own reality.

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