Thursday, June 26, 2008


Hello Everyone,

Today I want to continue my discussion on focus. When you consider what you are doing when you actively bring to bear your attention to something, you are really focusing the energy of your spirit, that Godchip, the energy that creates universes on something here in the physical.

In this world we have free will. This is to say that our ultimate freedom is that we get to choose upon what we will bring this Source energy to bear. If you stop just a moment and consider, we can really only focus on one thing at a time, pretty much. All talk about multi-tasking to the contrary. When we multi task, we are diluting the power of that focused energy.

I can speak to this with great authority, as I am sure almost every other westernized human can as well. We have come to such a place in our human thinking, that it is "uncool" to not be busier than a one-armed paperhanger. So let me be the first to say that this is insanity. But what this idea of multi-tasking really speaks to is our mistrust of Source and our resulting need to control everything around us, exterior to us. This is a great lie of human thinking.

We are a giant spirit. If you will imagine an iceberg sitting in the ocean. Some 96% or more of it is unseen, underwater. If you will now imagine turning that iceberg upside down. In this view the "tip" of the iceberg at the bottom is now you, walking around on planet earth, the 4% that's visible. The rest of "YOU" is your Godchip connected to the infinite. Everything you need to know is accessible to you. Countless times throughout the day, you are nudged to do something, stop, go, breathe, yawn, cough, hiccup, sigh, turn left, etc. This is the "YOU" of you guiding you, intuitively. I often think that when we get to the other side and look back on the road map of the life we've just lived, we'll see a billion places where we "missed" disaster, because we were always being guided towards our Good. I also think we'll see a lot of diseases that we contracted and healed, never knowing that we had ever been sick. But I don't want to stray from the topic of focus here.

We think (humanly) that we have to stay focused on everything or it will all go to hell in a handbasket, so we don't focus our full attention on those things that really matter to us: play time with the kids, a conversation with a friend, the book you want to write, the new business you want to start. Everything gets mediocre attention, therefore everything gets mediocre results.

We focus every time we have a thought. Have you ever considered that when you're thinking about something, you're not thinking about anything else? Just consider that for a second so that you realize the truth of that statement. If I'm blathering on about politics, I'm not focusing my Source energy on my book, but rather on the topic of politics. So now, what I am doing is building that body of thought form, not my own. I have essentially become part and parcel of the problem, if I am complaining about the problem. I am helping to make that body of thought bigger and stronger. Now I chose to speak about that topic with my buddy in a negative way. Not only have I helped make the problem "bigger" by adding my Creative Energy to that thought form, but worse, I have not done one thing to create what I love.

In our free will we can choose anything to create. Anything. Source is indifferent. You want to create more crap, focus on crap. Now you're vibrational countenance is equal to crap making, and you get more of it. It gets bigger and bigger, until it manifests in your own experience. It doesn't matter, the Law of Attraction works whether you're understanding the power of your focus, or not. Turning your attention to anything, adds "matter" to it and brings it closer to your own experience.

To me, the sad part of this is that what you truly want to create is left untouched, undone, unfinished.

The distractions in this world are legion, to be sure. Some are pleasing to you, which can be beneficial and fun, some are not and only serve to drag you down in your vibration. The trick is to be very, very selective of where you CONSCIOUSLY CHOOSE to focus your Energy. If you truly understand that this is the same Energy that creates worlds, you start to understand that it is like aiming a nuclear device at something. It's power, potent and certain that you will create what you are "aiming" at.

There is an elegance in Source Energy. I like to think of it as Just In Time. It is based on your vibrational countenance that contains the blueprint of you on earth and your intentions for this adventure here. Say for example you have a deep intention for fun, safety, joy, uplifting others, good health, etc. You can and should certainly get consciously clear about what you intend for your life. Your intention is powerful, like the scope on a rife. What you intend is what you are aiming at. With these intentions buried in your vibrational countenance, Law of Attraction will match. You intend to pay your bills on time; you will receive an internal "nudge" or "prompt" in
just enough time to do so; perhaps a friend will say, "I've gotta pay bills today." and you are reminded. Every aspect of you is recorded and being answered by YOU. What you have to do is learn to trust that, and relax in IT.

Once done, now you can chill out and place your full focus on that book, that new business and bring the full power of YOU to bear on that project. You will be astounded as the speed and clarity with which you accomplish what you desire, the people that come "out of nowhere" to assist, the "perfect" connection or stepping stone.

This is an elegant Universe and you are an integral part of it. You can experience that elegance in your own life if you allow It. Every tiny vibration of you is recorded and noted and being answered. And you direct it all by the power of your free will to CONSCIOUSLY CHOOSE what you WILL focus your Source Energy upon.

So, where are we in all this? One thing at a time. My Dad always taught me, "How do you eat an elephant?" he asks me. My answer is always the same, "One bite at a time." And that my friends is the wisest thing anyone could teach anyone. The power of clear, undivided focus one subject at a time.

And I'll throw this added one in as a corollary to the elephant. When I would be upset by someone or something as a child and complain to my Gram, she would say, "Pay no mind."
Translation: don't focus on it.

Lucky girl, me to have such wise beings guiding me in my youth.

Play with it, and prove to yourself. Focus, shift, refocus, shift. And never, ever, focus on anything that doesn't feel good to you. EVER. I know this may not sound politically or socially correct, but what the hay, it's your LIFE. You have the choice and free will. If it doesn't feel good to you, well then, get out of the bank. It's not. If it feels good to YOU, then it is.

Think of yourself as a powerful hose of Source Energy and whatever you aim that hose at is going to happen. This is Applied Spirituality.

Thanks for reading!


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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Flow: Appling Your Spirit Right Here Right Now

Good Day Everyone!

Today I want to talk about Flow: Flow is the mental state of operation in which the person is fully immersed in what he or she is by a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and success in the process of the activity.

This concept was first proposed by Mihály Csíkszentmihályi in his seminal work: (1990) Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience'. New York: Harper and Row. ISBN 0-06-092043-2.

This work described as positive psychology or flow comes the closest in describing the optimal state of applied spirituality.

Csíkszentmihályi identifies the following as accompanying an experience of flow:

  1. Clear goals (expectations and rules are discernible and goals are attainable and align appropriately with one's skill set and abilities).
  2. Concentrating and focusing, a high degree of concentration on a limited field of attention (a person engaged in the activity will have the opportunity to focus and to delve deeply into it).
  3. A loss of the feeling of self-consciousness, the merging of action and awareness.
  4. Distorted sense of time, one's subjective experience of time is altered.
  5. Direct and immediate feedback (successes and failures in the course of the activity are apparent, so that behavior can be adjusted as needed).
  6. Balance between ability level and challenge (the activity is neither too easy nor too difficult).
  7. A sense of personal control over the situation or activity.
  8. The activity is intrinsically rewarding, so there is an effortlessness of action.
  9. People become absorbed in their activity, and focus of awareness is narrowed down to the activity itself, action awareness merging[2].

Not all are needed for flow to be experienced.

Components of Applied Spirituality:

1. Clarity: what is desired and sought (asked for) is clear. Mind is clear.

2. Laser focus and attention: Peeling potatoes or writing a novel, the full SElf is brought to bear the the object of focus.

3. No awareness of self: in a sense there is no boundary between the object and focus-er.

4. Direct and immediate feedback between self and Self - it FEELS

5. effortlessness of action - easy, with ease,

6. Distorted sense of time: time flies by or seems to slow

7. intrinsically rewarding: you're doing what you love, it feels good, right and correct.

8. Internal state of willingness, allowing, open....receptive within and then transferred to application externally

9. Deliberate, intentional (the individual is sovereign) choice of point of focus.

10. self Mastery, then is using the free will to choose to allow Self to flow through the mechanism of mind and body to create at will.

More to come....

thanks for reading!


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Flow: Appling Your

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

High Self Esteem: Remembering Who You Really Are

Good Day Everyone,

This week the theme seemed to come up repeatedly as "self esteem" or "self value" or "self appreciation" or "self worth".

Any of these terms ring true for you?

The first time it came up was in a class that I was taking via teleconference. A lady was sharing that she was "selfish" and confessing that as if it were a horrible thing. A gentlemen chimed in that he, too, was a "selfish prick". Whooa! Wait a minute! Wait just one minute!

When and where did "selfish" get such a rap? I'm thinking it has to do with religion and wanting to get the masses to do what was expected. So, therefore, let's give "selfish" a really bad moral rap, then they'll be more pliable if they're in fear of their mortal souls. Arg!

I like to take words apart and find a true meaning in them. If I do this with the word "selfish", I come up with self and fish. Fishing for self, and morphing that into fishing for Self. Now I know what the word really means and where it focuses me internally: searching within for the Me of me - my own Godchip. My True Voice. My True Godself.

Well, we wouldn't want those masses finding out how powerful they really are, so no wonder they made the word selfish "bad". A virtual sin. I'd best leave anymore remarks about that and move on right here.

One of the really interesting benefits of being "selfish", is that when you are following that internal path, you learn what makes you tick, what makes you feel good, what blows your skirt up, what makes you joyful, and fulfilled. These emotional tracers of feeling good are all street signs on the path of selfish - fishing for and finding your True Self. These thing make you happy, by Jove! These are the things that connect you to Source and show you that you can make yourself happy.

Now when you're feeling good, and filling up your own basket with joyous events, situations, activities and focus points, guess what happens? Your cup runneth over. You are so full of Source (joy, love, energy, creation itself) that it flows out of you in every thought, word and deed. Then and only then are you a blessing to others and effortlessly "give" from your overflowing cup.

When you are overflowing your cup of love and blessings (energy) to everyone and everything around you: your co workers, your family, your friends, the book you're writing, the project you are focused on - you are flowing It - Source Itslef right smack into your creations, which benefit and bless over and over again. In that moment when you can see and realize that by You being You, doing what makes you tick blesses people, there is the real value of You. A Value Beyond Measure - you being fully Who You Are, which is what you love to be - uniquely YOU. This is applied spirituality in action.

When you feel this "Zone", you feel your self esteem, self worth, self value, and self love and self-appreciation. When you know Who You Really Are, there is only Self Esteem. For how could it be otherwise?

The hallmark of a spiritual journey is fraught with irony and paradox because it is mirroring the 180 polarity of human mind and Godmind. So, being selfish (finding your True Self) is the path to Self Esteem - your Godchip, usually in juxtaposition to the conditioned human mind. Who would have thought?

Thus the path to Self development is following your heart, following the daily moment to moment decisions that feel good to You, being with the folks that feel right to you, participating in the activities that feel enlivening to You, is the way you find and connect, then blend with your True Self and let It rip! When you let IT rip, you feel You flooding through you, creating your dreams, words, creations. When you're feeling You flowing through you, there is only Self Love.

Thanks for Reading!


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Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Letting "YOU" Flow Through You: Applied Spirituality in Action

Good Morning Everyone,

A newsletter that I subscribe to posted this video this morning for everyone to start their day off in Well Being.

I thought I'd pass it on in my blog, because this IS applied spirituality in motion. So as you watch Paul Potts of the UK, ask yourself, "What's my opera?" Then go for it!

Who you are is God here on earth having this physical experience. If you are in joy, in your passion, then you are allowing the You of you to play and dance here on earth. How do you know?

By how it feels. It's amazing.

Watch now, and thanks for reading!

Copy and paste the link into a new browser or simply click above on my title. Enjoy!!!!


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