Truth or truth; Fact or Fiction; Real or real
In March last year I signed up for a course in marketing. I found it on the internet in response to my deep internal desire to know how to market. I can't even tell you the search words I put into Google, but there it was, the contact information form, and I knew it was exactly what I needed. (
When I say I knew, I am clearly saying that I felt the correctness of the decision to take it. This was not an intellectual decision nor a rational decision that involved my conscious, intellectual, rational mind.
My knowing guided my intellect to take the action. This is applied spirituality in perfect action.
My Godchip, knowing my needs, wants and desires, issued forth the green light by the way it felt to me. It felt good, right, correct, relief. It felt YES! I made the decision within my internal response. My internal response informed my intellect.
In this marketing course we have some really awesome teachers. This week one of the instructors, Kraig Ward, was hosting a discussion about the process of becoming a successful marketer and how does one know the Real McCoy from the scams.
I hear this all the time in life. People are confused about making decisions, and rightly so, God love them, they are ernestly always trying to move correctly, righteously, consciously. We are all of us doing the best we can all of the time.
Have mercy is what I want to offer to all of us right now. We here in Western society have been literally talked OUT of our knowing since day one. It began the day you were born and cried for more food, but Dr. Spock or some other "authority" had determined you only needed to eat every four hours. It happened every time you said, "I'm full," and your mother made you sit there and eat every bite. Add in your own zillion examples of being talked out of your own knowing. Then you go to school and you know you would rather be drawing pictures or walking in the woods, but someone else has decided you have to be in math class. So, please, have mercy on yourselves, because the conditioning to give away your authority and power to "others" has been huge, thorough, and complete.
One thing to say is that "they" were doing what they thought was correct; they knew no better, as they had had the same conditioning.
Awakening and consciously choosing the "right" course or the "right" decisions for yourself is a process in which you must have to have patience with yourself, infinite mercy on yourself and extend to yourself GRACE.
Then you really have to prove to yourself that your "human mind" or your "conditioned mind" will always talk you out of your knowing. It has to, it has been trained by other humans.
Your Knowing, the voice of your Godchip, or your RealSelf has never been mezmerized by the human stuff. It has been for all the years "holding the space of You." It joins you when you hit on doing, or thinking or being Who You Really Are. You will feel It join you as you feel delight, joy, enthusiasm, exuberance, fun, delight, peace, relief, wellness, calm, clarity. That is You fully enjoined with you with no separation. That's the internal state of oneness.That internal state of oneness is your natural state and you last visited it on a regular basis when you were a kidlet, before they humanized you, before the human mind got in the way.
Now we struggle to regain that Oneness individually and collectively. So much authority has been given to the intellect, psychology, rational mind and virtually none to our knowing. But when you begin growing and wanting so much to take back your own power, to know correctly for yourself, by yourself, what is so and what is not so, then a powerful desire rises up and issues forth to KNOW your Self aright, again for reunion.
This is the process of conscious awakening, reuniting with yourSelf and operating here on planet earth in full union with your Godchip, your RealSelf. Together. (For I will never leave you nor forsake you)
In my marketing course they talk about always testing to see if the campaign parts are working.
You test the script, you test the presentation, you test the copy, you test, you test, you test.
In consciousness work, you test all the time, because what you are seeking to do is "unlearn" all that the humans taught you about living, decision making and happiness and return to your innate capacity to just know for and by yourSelf, that this course if right for me. Your knowing informs and instructs your intellectual mind to execute the decision on the planet.
The human mind is a tool like a hand is a tool. It has not the capacity to know anything more than the human experience has taught it. In short, it is functional only in the ways of "human mind". So however your human mind has been conditioned, that is the entire extent to which it can give you back good information. But your Godchip, your Knowing, is infinite intelligence.
It can guide you to places that your human mind cannot imagine, because it has never experienced it. How can you imagine better that what you have been exposed to? You can't. It's not in the data banks. So guided imagery is good only so far if you use it to deliberately take your mind away from a negative idea or thought or picture and replace it with something that is good, uplifting and soothing. This is definitely a good move, a good thing to do; but it will not take you beyond the idea of "good" that you currently possess. Only your Godchip can do that by "inspiring" a new thought which you will get if you are open and allowing it.
I've talked in previous blogs about my contraption called the "Love Angstrom Meter" or the "Truth Angstrom Meter." In future I am certain, someone will come up with a gizmo that will be a part of your TV screen or your computer screen. There will be even portable ones for your Blackberry or your cell phone. What they will do is measure the amount of Truth, Real, or Love in things, words, ideas, etc. It will be like a Geiger counter for Truth, Real, or Love. Then people will believe that there is actually a vibrational countenance to everything that can be measured.
But we already have that Love-Truth Angstrom Meter within. It's that part of us that is Source Itself. It is operating at the purist, highest, fastest, positive frequency with NO human mind. Only the mind of God, only the mind of Tao. It tells us constantly the veracity of something with respect to what we need, want or desire for our lives 24/7. You only have to acknowledge this part of you IS, and that you are willing to pay attention to how it FEELS when it is speaking to you.
This Godchip is a soft voice. It's delight. It's relief. It's a sigh. It's exuberance and fun. It's LIFE.
It ALWAYS feels GOOD (good is a noun).
When you feel enlivened by what you are thinking or beholding, It has joined you and you can take it to the bank that this (whatever this is) is good, for you.
Kraig was speaking in the discussion group about an occasion last year where he and his wife opened their home to someone who was building a relationship with them in order to do some investing. In the end it was a scam. But the key words in Kraig's narrative were that when it came time to sign the contract, he felt the hesitation, the pause. He knew.
There's the good news, his proof that he can actually go back and remember the exact point of knowing when his Godchip said, "nope....I'm not joining you in this." It happened in his experience. He now knows that his Internal Guidance Systems - his Truth Angstrom Meter is fully operative as it is in every single one of us.
This is why there are no victims. We are either listening for the internal response and noticing it, then allowing it to inform our human mind of what the execution of this decision will be - or we are not. We are aligned and unified with Self - or not.
The human mind will immediately come in and loudly talk you out of your knowing. So if you are intent on reuniting with Self, you will have to test.
Years ago when I was first starting to take my own power back, I was lost about the process. But I had huge "clues" because I'd been making some pretty bad decisions (for me), one upon the other using "their" method. Thinking things through. My human mind could only give me it's data, limited data. But when I started hooking up with my 6th Sense, my Godchip, my Common Sense, I started getting much better outcomes.
Now when I feel something to be "incorrect" or "off" or "not congruent" or simply put, lacking the love or truth vibration, I leave it and move on no matter how much my mind wants to argue the point. "But, but, but..." it will intone. But no buts about it anymore.
I don't have to stay in the bank any longer to see that the guy who just walked in, who felt icky, is going to rob the bank. I just get out of the bank. I don't have to stay in a relationship to prove to myself that it's not good for me once I've felt the "lack" of it.
But when something feels good, like Dream Team, the marketing course I "found" online, I just KNOW it's good for me, or it's on the path to my good, because my internal response feels good.
We know what's good for us. We always have and we always will. The course work is applying your spirit to this human, earthly life. Testing the feelings. We've so been talked OUT of our feelings, we are rusty. And that mind, that human mind, wags the dog. It talks louder that our Godchip.
This, folks, is our free will, our ultimate choice point: to listen within or without. Human mind, even though you hear it inside your head, is all external voice being replayed back to you. Knowing (how it feels) is the original You, the authentic You, the Real You.
So there's the simplified version of the course work in applied spirituality. Start testing. Watch yourself throughout the course of your day when you're having a big feeling., then graduate to the subtle ones. What's your response? Do you stuff it? Do you take something to "calm down"? Do you pause. Are you even paying any attention?
Notice what feels good. Notice what feels less than good. Notice all the things you do even though it doesn't feel good. Notice all the things you do because it feels good. Notice. Pay Attention. Test.
And above all have mercy.
I know I have been a long, hard sell for mySelf, who is all the while enjoying my experience here in the physical, while I test, test, test until I can and do....believe It. It has no other agenda than my happiness and well being. My human mind, though, has another agenda.
Thanks for reading!
Labels: applied spirituality, decision making, Godchip, scams, truth