Saturday, October 24, 2009

Evolution: It's All About Consciousness

Good Day Everyone!

This morning I read an article in of a recent scientific study that concludes that mankind is still evolving. Well, no kidding! When did we ever think that we weren't?

What is so interesting to me is that scientists conduct studies about evolution only as it pertains to biology, as if biology and consciousness weren't inter-related. For example, in the study they conclude that due to natural selection, women in Farmingham, Mass (subjects of the study were participants in Framingham Heart Study) will be 2cm shorter due to natural selection over time.

However, no one studied the elements of the choices that were inherent in their selections for mating. Those elements of choice, which reflect the individual's attitudes, beliefs, and degree of awareness (consciousness), are what drove the selection choice initially.

The Evolution of Consciousness

Way, way back, Neanderthal people were highly developed physically. We suppose that they were not mentally developed. However, their choices (consciousness) drove them to hunt and track for food and survive their environment, which made the physicality highly developed.

As 'time' marched on (long stretches of it), their "desires" for easier, warmer, led them to increased awareness for ideas such as fire, wheel, team work, etc. These "new" inventions, led over more large stretches of time to the physical changes right up to current day.

The earth, mankind, the Universe, changes and expands with each and every new desire that issues forth from every single living thing. It is an elegant process, slow and deliberate, which creates the next version of what we see manifested in physical format.

Steve Jones, an evolutionary biologist at University College London says, "Uniquely in the living world, what makes humans what we are is in our minds, in our society, and not in our evolution."

Here! Here! Mr. Jones. Finally!

We are choosing every single bit of our reality from the quality of our DNA to the quality of our fuels. Everything goes into the big mix, and when we come up with something (result) that we don't like, we desire something better, and thus the evolution and expansion of consciousness and physicality go hand in hand. We have the power to change our DNA.

For now, though, it's lovely to see science knocking on the door of consciousness as the thing that drives absolutely everyone and everything.

Thanks for reading!


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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Chicago: A City Full of Life

Good Day Everyone!

I just took a weekend getaway to Chicago. Wow, what an amazing city! If ever I was going to live the "city" experience, it would be in Chicago.

Years ago I did a marketing gig for the Four Seasons/Ritz Carlton hotels in the dead of winter in Chicago. What I remember most about that week there was Walter Peyton's Americas Bar and Grill and dancing until about 3:00 am at which point they rolled out a free breakfast so everyone would go home sober. What struck me about that, and the whole city for that matter, was it's big heart.

Going to Chicago is like getting a giant hug.

I drove from Cleveland via the Ohio Turnpike, the Indiana Turnpike and the Chicago Skyway. Some $21.00 in tolls later, I was just in time for rush hour traffic. But hark! These people are even lovely on the freeway. Unlike Los Angeles or even my beloved San Diego, if you turn on your signal to change lanes, Chicagoans don't speed up to block you out. No siree. They actually allow you to get in front of them with a graceful hand gesture which seems to say, "Be my guest, please."

Whoever designed the rail system, the "L", in Chicago was a genius. You can get anywhere you want to go from the distant suburbs and local neighborhoods. It's fabulous. And guess what else? They're clean, graffiti-free, safe and fun to ride. Who woulda thunk?

Whilst there I was able to catch the musical, Jersey Boys, the story of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. That, too, was superb. They replicated the sounds of Frankie Valli so much so that at first I thought they might be lip-syncing. I haven't enjoyed a show so much since Mama Mia.

I strolled about Millenium Park, went to the old Library which is now the Chicago Cultural Center. This building is absolutely magnificent and made me wish that I'd been able to come here when it was the functioning library. It's inspiring and beautiful. It sports two Tiffany domes and on the walls and ceilings are myriad mosaics with encouragements for knowledge and books.

Whilst at the Cultural Center, I was able to see an exhibit of journalist cartoonist John T McCutcheon (1879-1949). He was talented, insightful, and his cartoons dealt with many of the same issued we wrestle with even today. However, I was particularly charmed by this cartoon advertising a card game as a "Volcano of Excitement and Laughter".

Then I went on to walk Millennium Park where people were out strolling, playing, and generally enjoying the day outside without any complaint about weather, temperature, or anything. They were happy!

Chicago is a fabulous town rich in history and with a good sense of humor and a large heart. It combines successfully all the benefits of a big city with the authenticity of Real Life. There is Love in abundance flowing in this town which is evident by the way it feels. It seems to say, "Welcome!"

Thanks for reading!


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