Upward, Onward and Higher
Geez Louise a month has passed. I've been pretty occupied moving through life, tackling projects and well, as always, growing my character and soul. Rigorous Work.
There's a cliche out there that says, "Be careful what you ask for, you might just get it."
My version of that is, "Beware the road to what you ask for."
When we reach for more, which I believe is inevitable, sometimes we reach small and take baby steps to the next thing. But sometimes we reach far and go way out on that limb for the thing(s) we really, really want.
I'm not talking about wanting a house or a car, although those might be the identified "thing".
What we're always reaching for a more quality. A higher quality car, a better quality life, a better quality of health, relationship, whatever. Make no mistake, it is always about Quality.
Having said that, the road to Quality require the consciousness to recognize it when you see it or experience it. Taking quantum leaps in consciousness doesn't happen easily (ask Saul on the road to Tarsus); and often they are painful and difficult because it's a steep climb. Most falter along the way.
The journey is pretty much like climbing a mountain. My sister is going to climb Kilimanjaro in February. There will be those who don't finish. There will be those who start and go back; then start again. There will be those who never show up. Everyone will climb at their own rate and speed. But you get the idea, the journey of climbing every upward, ever higher in Consciousness always starts with a desire for more Quality in the physical existence.
And the tough spots are going to be the places where you hold the most resistance and refuse to expand.
I learned something about my journey this week; I learned that I expected my journey to be difficult. Ye gads. What a thing to realize that you believe, and therefore experience. Like many I suppose, there has been so much "humanizing" to the ideas that there is nobility in the "struggle" and "overcoming the odds" and "triumphing in the face of....".
Oh please. Give it a rest. Yet, there it was smack dab in my face. Ugh. No wonder I'm so pooped, eh?
So, my daily, if not hourly and by the minute assignment is to keep asking myself, "How much easier do you thing this can be?" or "How much more fun do you think this could get?"
I even found this "EASY" button at Staples. I hit that little red button before I start something. I hit it during the process, and I hit it when I've finished.
The expectation of ease, fluidity, support and success. It may not garner you kudos from the human world, but it's a whole lot more fun and enjoyable on the inside to move in and with Grace.
So my challenge to you: How can you make your journey for Quality in ease? It's an inside job.
Thanks for reading!
Labels: consciousness, ease, life journey, Quality